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"It's much quieter than a helicopter, or an aeroplane.
It's a bit like a big balloon."
― Emily and James, discussing the airship

Hugo and the Airship is the twenty-fourth episode of the twentieth series.


One day, the inspectors are inspecting Hugo, questioning his safety. Later, Henry sees a Zeppelin and thinks Hugo is flying. He tells the other engines but they question how Hugo is able to fly. When Hugo learns about it, he decides to go off after the Zeppelin. While Hugo follows it, he accidentally makes Skiff and Captain Joe go backwards with his propeller. Skiff compares Hugo's wish to fly to him being able to go on rails and sea. Thomas tells Hugo he has also had dreams of flying, but knows he is too heavy. Later, Hugo goes up Gordon's hill attempting to take off, but when he gets to the top, he goes down the other side. He keeps going over Gordon's hill again and again until the sun sets and he learns that Thomas was right. Later, he arrives in Knapford Station and asks the Fat Controller why he could not fly. The Fat Controller then explains to Hugo that he was built to be on the ground and is perfect for travelling by land. Hugo then thinks that might be right after all. He then gives an extra blast of his propeller to make Skiff and Joe fly down the track again.






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Kerry Shale as Henry and Gordon
  • Rob Rackstraw as James and Hugo
  • Christopher Ragland as Percy
  • Jules de Jongh as Emily
  • Jamie Campbell Bower as Skiff
  • Teresa Gallagher as Annie, Clarabel and the Little Boy
  • Keith Wickham as Sir Topham Hatt, two Railway Inspectors and the Welsh Birdwatcher
  • Bob Golding as a Railway Inspector
  • Steven Kynman as the Knapford Station Speaker



  • Rasmus Hardiker is credited in the UK credits despite none of his characters speaking in that dub.
  • When Hugo pulls into Knapford near the end of the episode, the Fat Controller's hat is missing, but reappears in the next scene.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Czech Hugo a vzducholoď
Dutch Hugo en het Luchtschip
French Hugo et l'Engin Volant
German Hugo und das Luftschiff
Greek Χουγκο και το Αεροσκάφος
Hebrew הוגו וספינת האויר
Hungarian Hugo és a léghajó
Italian Hugo e il Dirigibile
Japanese ヒューゴとひこうせん
Korean 휴고와 비행선
Latin American Spanish Hugo y el Avión
Polish Hugo i Statek Powietrzny
Portuguese Hugo e o Dirigível
Romanian Hugo şi Dirijabilul
Russian Мечты о небе (TV)

Хьюго и дирижабль (DVD)

Serbian Hugo i dirižabl
Slovenian Hugo in zrakoplov
Spanish Hugo y el Dirigible
Turkish Hugo ve Hava Gemisi

Home Media Releases



  • Extraordinary Engines

US DVD Boxsets

