Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

I Wish is the fifth song from the third series of Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go. The song is heard in the episode, Percy's Little Problem.


Oh I do feel so elated
When my gears are lubricated
But bringing mail on time
Feels so good too!
I wish everything was fine
And I was flying down the line
But that's not true!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
Do I take care of myself?
Or my mail delivery?
I wish my parts were tip top
And my oil didn't drip drop
And I didn't have to stop!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
Do I take care of myself?
Or my mail delivery?
I wish my parts were tip top
And my oil didn't drip drop
And I didn't have to stop!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
Do I take care of myself?
Or my mail delivery?
Yes, I'd feel so much better
If I stop now or ever
Fix me up to the letter
To be the best me!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
I'm going to choose Percy
Gonna take care of me!

Oh I do feel so elated
When my gears are lubricated
But bringing mail on time
Feels so good too!
I wish everything was fine
And I was flying down the line
But that's not true!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
Do I take care of myself?
Or my mail delivery?
I wish my parts were tip top
And my oil didn't drip drop
And I didn't have to stop!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
Do I take care of myself?
Or my mail delivery?
Yes, I'd feel so much better
If I stop now or ever
Fix me up to the letter
To be the best me!
I have two places to be
But there's only one me
I'm going to choose Percy
Gonna take care of me!



