Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Island of Sodor, or simply Sodor, is an island in the United Kingdom. It is located in the Irish Sea, between England's Lake District and the Isle of Man, and is the home of the North Western Railway.


  • Contrary to the previous series' mostly British culture, Sodor is far more diverse in Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go, with the inclusion of various different biomes such as High Desert and architecture influenced by different countries (for example, the barn at McColl Farm being based on typical barn structures from the United States).
    • Despite this, it is still shown to be connected to the Mainland in the episode Overnight Stop, which is marked as England on a promotional map of Sodor. By extension, in Off the Rails, Nia says "Oh, and there's Sodor" when she looks near Great Britain on a globe.
  • Unlike previous iterations of the franchise, the Island of Sodor has not been shown to have narrow or minimum gauge railways so far.
  • The layout of the railway lines on the Island of Sodor is inconsistent and varies depending on the map used.



Promotional Material[]
