It's Good to Be a Train and Full Speed Ahead (Turkish: Tren Olmak Çok Güzel ve Tam Yol İleri) is a 2009 Turkish DVD release featuring eight first series episodes and nine second series episodes.
- Thomas, Percy ve kömür (Thomas, Percy and the Coal)
- İnek (Cows)
- Bertie's Chase
- Saved from Scrap
- Old Iron
- Thomas ve Trevor (Thomas and Trevor)
- Percy ve sinyal (Percy and the Signal)
- Duck Takes Charge
- Percy ve Harold (Percy and Harold)
- Başbelası Vagonlar (Troublesome Trucks)
- James ve Ekspress Treni (James and the Express)
- Thomas ve Kondüktör (Thomas and the Guard)
- Thomas Balığa Çıkıyor (Thomas Goes Fishing)
- Thomas, Terence ve Kar (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
- Thomas ve Bertie (Thomas and Bertie)
- Kömür Vagonları ve Döner Platformlar (Tenders and Turntables)
- Hangarda Sorun (Trouble in the Shed)