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It's Good to Be a Train and Full Speed Ahead (Turkish: Tren Olmak Çok Güzel ve Tam Yol İleri) is a 2009 Turkish DVD release featuring eight first series episodes and nine second series episodes.


  1. Thomas, Percy ve kömür (Thomas, Percy and the Coal)
  2. İnek (Cows)
  3. Bertie's Chase
  4. Saved from Scrap
  5. Old Iron
  6. Thomas ve Trevor (Thomas and Trevor)
  7. Percy ve sinyal (Percy and the Signal)
  8. Duck Takes Charge
  9. Percy ve Harold (Percy and Harold)
  10. Başbelası Vagonlar (Troublesome Trucks)
  11. James ve Ekspress Treni (James and the Express)
  12. Thomas ve Kondüktör (Thomas and the Guard)
  13. Thomas Balığa Çıkıyor (Thomas Goes Fishing)
  14. Thomas, Terence ve Kar (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
  15. Thomas ve Bertie (Thomas and Bertie)
  16. Kömür Vagonları ve Döner Platformlar (Tenders and Turntables)
  17. Hangarda Sorun (Trouble in the Shed)