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"Big, horrid, awkward thing!"
― Thomas grumbling about his snowplough

It's Only Snow is the ninth episode of the sixth series.


It is winter on the Island of Sodor. The engines do not mind the weather because they love this time of the year, especially when it is Christmas and the stations look festive due to the decorations. There is plenty of work with passengers and parcels to be delivered, no matter the weather. One day at Knapford Station, Edward tells the other engines that his driver said there is more snow on the way. James mentions that they will soon be wearing their snowploughs and Henry teases Thomas about how much he will enjoy it. This leaves Thomas very angry, as he does not think that's funny at all, especially since he dislikes wearing his snowplough.

Sure enough, that night, the wind is blowing and the snow is falling heavily. In the morning, Thomas is to take a Christmas tree to the village on Toby's Branch Line with him and is even angrier when he has to wear an old, metal snowplough. The Fat Controller reminds him that all engines need to wear a plough during severe winter weather. Thomas later collects the tree, but on the way to the village, his snowplough suddenly hits a huge rock buried under the snow and breaks off the right side and flies over to the left side and then breaks off completely when it hits a water tower, knocking it down. Thomas' driver does not think they can continue but Thomas is determined to reach the station. He pushes the snow away as hard as he can, without his snowplough after all, and soon reaches the village. The villagers are very pleased with their tree.

The following morning, the Fat Controller praises Thomas' bravery for taking on the snow without a plough. He also states that because no other extra ploughs are available, he will have to work without one for a while, leaving him feeling very relieved and proud.




  • Stock footage from the previous episode is used. This is the only episode directed by David Mitton to use stock footage from an episode directed by Steve Asquith.
  • The working title for this episode was Trouble for Thomas (the US title for Thomas and the Trucks), which later was the title used for both the 2004 annual adaptation and the 2007 book adaption of the episode.
  • This is the last episode to have Naomi Shindō as part of the Japanese voice cast, before her streak ended.
  • The 2004 annual adaptation of the story (adapted from an earlier draft) showcases some altered/deleted scenes:
    • Thomas asking Sir Topham Hatt for a snowplough his size, with Sir Topham Hatt saying that he must make do with his current one.
    • The location where Thomas collected the Christmas tree was originally Brendam. Additionally, Edward's role of telling Thomas about the tree was originally going to be for Salty. The scene of Thomas collecting the tree from Brendam was seen in the song Winter Wonderland.
    • The wreck was envisioned very differently; Thomas would struggle through the snow due to the snowplough not working well, eventually reaching an extra-deep drift near the water tower. Pushing hard against the drift would cause the snowplough to crack and swing "to the side like a big knife" into the water tower. This was likely simplified for the episode as the stunt would've been too difficult to pull off.
  • This is the only episode of a few things:
    • The only sixth series episode written by James Mason but also his first episode before writing The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop for the seventh series.
    • The only time Thomas has been shown wearing a different snowplough other than his blue one, in this case it is brown and rusty.
  • Three posters at Knapford read Allicia Botti in concert tonight at the castle.
  • This episode marks the first of several things:


  • When Thomas and Toby are at Maithwaite, Toby's face is loose.
  • When Thomas and Toby arrive with the tree, the storyteller's hat is falling off and is also badly damaged.
  • In the first scene of Thomas getting his snowplough fitted, his eyes are misaligned.
  • When Thomas passes by the windmill, his face is slightly crooked.
  • After Thomas breaks his snowplough his front coupling hook is shown to be missing.
  • When Thomas hits the water tower, he clearly derails. But when starting off again without a snowplough, he is back on the tracks.
  • Toby's vans switch places after leaving Maithwaite and his brake van is also a different model.
  • In the Polish dub, no narration is heard when Thomas and Toby are at Maithwaite.


Edward: Driver says there's more snow on the way.
James: We'll soon be wearing our snowploughs.
Henry: You'll enjoy that, won't you, Thomas?
Thomas: You know I won't. I don't like my snowplough!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Është vetëm borë
Chinese Mandarin 下雪了
Czech Je to jen sníh
Danish Snevejr
Dutch Het is maar sneeuw
Finnish Se on vain lunta
Hungarian A hóeke
Italian Quanta neve!
Japanese たかがゆき
Korean 트리 운반
토마스와 트리 운반 (Adongmoonhak DVD only)
Norwegian Det er bare snø
Polish To tylko śnieg
Romanian Zăpadă pretutindeni
Russian Это всего лишь снег
Slovenian Saj je samo sneg
Swedish Bara snö
Welsh Dim Ond Eira


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxsets




  • Thomas' Snowy Surprise and Other Adventures
  • Ultimate Christmas















