Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Philippine DVD, the magazine story or the 2004 magazine story.

"H-Hello, J-J-James."
― Percy and James

Jack Frost is the sixteenth episode of the sixth series.


It is an icy winter day on Sodor and the Fat Controller's engines are working very hard. They are not bothered by the cold weather because of their warm fireboxes. Later in the evening, the Fat Controller arrives at Tidmouth Sheds and announces to his engines that a snowstorm is coming to the island, so he asks Percy and James to collect coal for the stations to keep them warm. After Thomas mischievously warns them about Jack Frost James is dismissive, while Percy is uncertain about Thomas' warning.

When the skies darken, Percy begins his coal deliveries and grows nervous while trying to assure himself that Jack Frost is not scary. At the same time, James is puffing along his route, scoffing over Percy's uncertainty of Jack Frost. Percy soon makes his final delivery at Lowery Suddery station to find the stationmaster waiting for him; he needs twice as much coal so Percy offers to let them use the coal from his bunker. Percy's crew then park him in a nearby siding with a lantern as a night light. Percy is worried Jack Frost will find him but his driver reassures him that Jack Frost is not scary and that Elizabeth will deliver him a new supply of coal in the morning. After his crew head home for bedtime, a snowstorm comes in late at night, where Percy is soon covered in snow and icicles. He is extremely frozen and can barely speak. Meanwhile, James finishes his deliveries and heads back home to Tidmouth Sheds, still scoffing over Percy's remark. On the way, he sees unusual and scary shaped shadows in the distance through the heavy fog but when he finds Percy frozen, James mistakes him for "Scary Jack Frost" and rushes home terrified.

The next morning, Elizabeth brings Percy a new supply of coal and she is surprised to see Percy completely frozen. His fire soon starts and the snow and icicles melt off and he decides that Jack Frost is actually not scary at all. When Percy returns to the sheds, James is bragging to the others that he saw Jack Frost the previous night. Percy adds that James was scared of him too but the red engine is still able to make good humour of the situation.




  • Edited stock footage from Percy's Promise is used. This is denoted by the fact that Percy's floor appears to be wet and floorboards are used to start up the fire instead of coal, so either practical effects or CGI animation were used for the fire in Percy's firebox.
  • The shot of James' firebox at the beginning of the episode is shot in the 4:3 aspect ratio, while the rest of the episode is shot in the 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • This episode marks the only sixth series episode that was not released on VHS in the UK. It was only released on The Complete Series 6 DVD in the UK.
  • This episode was broadcast the same day The Fogman and Other Stories was released.
  • This episode marks the final appearance of:
  • This is the last episode to use the term "rubbish" in the US dub until the twenty-second series episode, Apology Impossible.
  • This episode aired in Japan before Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry, so Japanese viewers would not know who Elizabeth is.
  • The episode shares its name with the European mythological figure of the same name.


  • At the beginning of the episode, the step on Clarabel's right side is bent.
  • After Percy repeatedly says "Jack Frost is not scary" he stops moving before the shot cuts.
  • When Percy turns into Jack Frost some of the snow piling up on his side near his lamp disappears for a brief moment.
  • The shot of Percy when Elizabeth says, "It looks like Jack Frost really got you then," is mirrored as Percy's lamp and brake pipe are on the wrong side of his running board and his number "6" is flipped.
  • When James arrives at Tidmouth Sheds, Duck's eyes are misaligned.
  • At the end of the episode when all the engines are whistling, Duck's whistle sound is cut off twice.


Percy: [shivering; with icicles accumulating all over him] Oh, bother!

Elizabeth: [sees the frozen Percy] Oh, my dear! It looks like Jack Frost really got you!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Xhek Ngrica
Chinese Mandarin 杰克·弗罗斯特
Czech Ledový skřet
Danish Kung Frost
Dutch De verschrikkelijke sneeuwman
Finnish Pakkasukko
Hungarian Fagybátyó
Italian L'uomo di neve
Japanese ジャックフロスト
Korean 동장군
Norwegian Jack Frost
Polish Dziadek Mróz
Romanian Moş Gerilă
Russian Мороз - красный нос
Slovenian Ledenko
Swedish Kung Bure
Welsh Sion Barrug


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset



  • Thomas' Snowy Surprise and Other Adventures
  • Ultimate Christmas









DK DVD Boxset








