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"'Safety first' means you don't rush in where you don't belong."
"I'm sorry, Miss Jenny."
"Maybe you're not ready for the Pack. We'll see if you can do better tomorrow."
― Miss Jenny and Jack

Jack Jumps In, originally titled Jack Goes to Work, is the seventh episode of the sixth series. It is also the official pilot episode for Jack and the Sodor Construction Company.


Thomas is sent by the Fat Controller to pick up a special from Jenny Packard. He arrives to see that his special is an eager front loader named Jack to help Miss Jenny's construction company, the Pack, clear ground for railway lines at the quarry. After warning Jack to be careful of Max (a troublesome member of the Pack), Thomas drops him off and Jack looks for someone to help. He asks a big excavator named Oliver and a bulldozer named Byron, both of whom decline the need for help and Byron tells Jack to talk to a mobile crane named Kelly. When Jack introduces himself, a cheeky steam lorry named Isobella tells him to mind her paintwork but apologises and welcomes him to the Pack after Kelly scolds her. They advise Jack to see the Foreman.

The Foreman introduces Jack to his banksman and tells him to work with a small excavator named Alfie and warns him to remember an important rule: "Safety First." Jack and Alfie have fun clearing soil until Max flies past, causing dust to fly over the machines. Jack can see that Thomas was right about him being trouble and Max is about to rush towards him but stops just in time. Jack becomes furious and, whilst refusing to move, defends Alfie by scolding Max, who immediately races away in frustration.

Later, the Foreman orders Oliver to move a pile of rocks but Jack tries to help him by foolishly taking over. His banksman tries to stop him but Jack is too eager to help. However, when he approaches the top of the hill to load Max, he overturns and slides sideways downhill into a set of barrels.

Once Jack is back upright, Miss Jenny reminds him that "safety first" means no-one should jump in where they do not belong. She also thinks he may not be ready to join the Pack yet but gives him another chance so he can improve and leaves. Jack feels sad for what he has done but Isobella, Alfie and Thomas assure Jack that he is a good worker and a very good friend, making Jack feel just a bit better.




  • This is the first episode of several things:
    • The first appearance of the Pack.
    • The first episode directed by Stephen Asquith.
    • The first appearance of the well wagon in the television series.
    • The first episode not directed by David Mitton, who was a model consultant for this episode.
    • The first episode that was not released on VHS in Australia, although it was featured on the DVD version of Thomas and the Jet Engine.
    • The first episode filmed in 16:9 widescreen and not matted from 4:3 fullscreen.
    • The first episode written by Abi Grant.
    • The first episode to prominently feature Thomas' gauge 3.5 model, constructed during the fifth series but never primarily used to portray Thomas (only used in close-ups of his wheels) until this episode. As a result, Thomas' model has some noticeable differences in its appearance compared to prior episodes.
  • This marks the only appearance of the Quarry Construction Site.
  • This episode marks Byron’s only speaking role:
  • Extended pre-filmed footage from the next episode is used.
  • The working title for this episode is Jack Goes to Work. It was also given that title on the Thomas and the Jet Engine Australian DVD from 2003, TVO's schedules from 2004, the Harvey to the Rescue Malaysian VCD from 2006 and The Complete Sixth Series UK DVD from 2007.
  • Prior to being released on Amazon for digital download in May 2016, Alec Baldwin's narration had only been broadcast on the Canadian television station TVOKids and Alec Baldwin's narration itself was never released on home video in the US or Canada.
  • The US DVD release New Friends for Thomas and Other Adventures features this episode, having been re-narrated by Michael Angelis for American audiences.
  • When the episode was live-streamed along with other episodes from the fifth and sixth series on the official UK YouTube channel, Oliver was given his original name Buster in the description.
  • A turntable was used to make Max spin around.
  • The Take Along four-pack based on this episode includes Mavis, however, she was not seen in this episode.
  • This episode premiered in the UK on the same day that the Salty's Secret and Other Thomas Adventures VHS/DVD was released in the US and Canada.


  • In Michael Angelis' US dub, the line "snapped the lorry" was still used.
  • Thomas leaves with the well wagon after delivering Jack. But in the closeup of Jack, the well wagon is still behind him.
  • Studio equipment can be seen in the top-right corner when the narrator says, "Byron the Bulldozer was shoving rock and rubble with his giant blade."
  • The narrator says that the Foreman says "Oliver, move this rock!" but it is actually his banksman.
  • When Jack introduces himself to Alfie, Alfie's front-left tyre is flat.
  • In some shots, a wire is visible under Alfie's hydraulic arm.
  • When Isobella yells "NOOOO!" when Jack goes up the hill, wires can be seen in her cab. Also, Jack's tyres are far dustier than they were in the previous scene.
  • When Thomas first meets Jack, a diesel engine is briefly heard as if Jack is idling.
  • In the shot of Max spinning around, the turntable used to spin him is visible.
  • In the Welsh dub, David Mitton is still credited as the director instead of Stephen Asquith.


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Miss Jenny: Spot on, Thomas! You'd make a mother proud!
Thomas: Thanks, Miss Jenny. Is this my special?
Miss Jenny: Very special.
Jack: I'm Jack the front loader. I can load, unload and carry lots of things.
Thomas: I can haul and shunt.
Miss Jenny: And I can get you two chatterboxes off to the quarry.

Thomas: Is this your first job on the quarry?
Jack: It's my first job on the Island!
Thomas: Look out for Max, he's trouble!

Jack: I'm Jack, can I help?
Oliver the Excavator: Oh my, no. Help Byron.
(Jack finds Byron the Bulldozer moving rocks)
Jack: I'm Jack, can I help?
Byron: I don't need help. Try Kelly the Crane.

Jack: I'm Jack!
Isobella: Mind my paint!
Kelly: Isobella!!!
Isobella: Sorry, welcome to the Pack.
Kelly: And if you want to work...
Isobella: See the Foreman. He's in charge.

(The Pack's foreman introduces Jack to his banksman)
Jack's Banksman: I'm here to help you work safely.
Foreman: No speeding and no horseplay, now go and help Alfie.
Jack: Yes, sir!
Jack's Banksman: Remember, safety first!

Jack: I'm Jack, I'm here to help!
Alfie: More help means more dirt; more dirt means more fun. I'm Alfie!
(While Jack and Alfie are at work, a dump truck named Max races by)
Alfie: MAX!!!
Jack: So that's Max. Thomas was right, he is trouble!
Alfie: (Max almost collides with Jack) Look out, Jack!

Jack: Stop bullying!
Max: Can't you take a joke?

Foreman: Oliver, move this rock!
Jack: I'll do it! (loads his bucket with said rock)
Jack's Banksman: Stop!
(Jack does not stop and makes his way up the hill)
Isobella: NOOOOO!!!!!
Jack: Oh, no! (overturns and falls downhill) Oops!

Miss Jenny: "Safety first" means you don't rush in where you don't belong.
Jack: I'm sorry, Miss Jenny.
Miss Jenny: Maybe you're not ready for the Pack. We'll see if you can do better tomorrow.
(Jack is sad after being scolded by Miss Jenny; Isobella saw everything)
Isobella: You're a good front loader.
Alfie: And a good friend.
Thomas: Being a good friend is important.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Xheku shkon në punë
Chinese Mandarin 杰克的加入
Czech Honza jde do práce
Danish Jack hænger
Dutch Jack gaat aan het werk
Finnish Jaakko mene töihin
Hungarian Jack munkába áll
Italian Arriva Jack!
Japanese やりすぎたジャック
Korean 일을 좋아하는 잭
Norwegian Jack stepper inn
Polish Jacek jedzie do pracy
Romanian Jack intra în echipă
Russian Джек идет на работу
Serbian Džekova pomoč
Slovenian Jaka priskoči na pomoč
Swedish Jack rycker in
Welsh Gwaith i Jac


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Packs




  • New Friends for Thomas and Other Adventures (Michael Angelis' dub)














