Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the US/Canadian VHS/DVD, the mini book, the UK book, the US/Canadian book, the German book or the magazine story.
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"Why, 'tis a floatin' basket with folk in it."
"Whatever will they dream up next?"
― Donald and Douglas

James and the Red Balloon is the fifteenth episode of the sixth series.


It is summer holiday time on the Island of Sodor and holidaymakers are coming to visit the Island. One day, Thomas picks up a special to deliver to Dryaw Airfield. Thomas tells Percy that it is a balloon and Percy thinks it is a party balloon but Thomas corrects him, saying that it is a very special balloon and chuffs away.

Thomas’ special is a hot air balloon which arrives at the airfield it is soon inflated. James arrives and Thomas explains that the balloon is for taking holidaymakers around the Island, much to James’ jealousy and annoyance as taking holidaymakers is a job for the engines. He also asks about the fate of the engines if the hot air balloon takes their passengers away. Thomas is now not so excited about the balloon, which rises into the sky and soon can be seen by everyone on the Island.

Later that day, Thomas and James are waiting at Wellsworth Crossing while George passes through, discussing the hot air balloon. Suddenly, a voice from the balloon shouts out that they are out of hot air and the balloon lands on top of James. Petrified, he lets off a huge burst of steam which blows the balloon up again. His driver commends him but Thomas and James are upset that the balloon has been saved and will eventually take their passengers.

James arrives at Dryaw where lots of visitors and the Fat Controller are waiting. He praises James who is still upset about how the balloon will take their passengers. The Fat Controller laughs, saying that James is right but also tells him that the holidaymakers will need a ride home in a train. James is relieved. The engines are now busier than ever taking holidaymakers to and from the airfield. Whenever James sees the red balloon, he whistles and sometimes, when he is asleep, he dreams he can fly too, just like the red balloon.




  • This story may be inspired by from the mini book James and the Balloons by Christopher Awdry, which itself may have been based on the magazine story The Balloon Race.
  • This marks George's only appearance in the sixth series.
  • This was the first sixth series episode to be released as part of the ninth series half-hour airings with music composed by Robert Hartshorne and redubbed narration by Michael Angelis in the UK and Michael Brandon in the US and Canada. This version has yet to be released on home media.
  • A faceless Toad model can be seen in a promotional picture.
  • In April 2017, a ride of the same name of this episode was opened up at Drayton Manor.
  • The events of this episode were referenced by James in the twentieth series episode Hugo and the Airship.
  • Alec Baldwin's US dub marks the last episode where Donald and Douglas speak with American accents in the US dub.
  • The shot in which the balloon lands on James and deflates is the same shot as the one in which the balloon inflates, albeit reversed and sped up.


  • When Percy pulls up next to Thomas, the top of the set can be seen.
  • In the widescreen versions of Percy's close ups at the docks, Thomas does not have a face mask.
  • The end of the tracks thats leads to bushes are visible at Dryaw, the level crossing and the Tower Windmill.
  • In many scenes, James' crew is missing from his cab.
  • When the narrator says, "Duck gazed at it for so long," the balloon is static and not moving.
  • A crew member's footprint is seen when Duck runs into Stepney.
  • In the original version of the:
    • US dub, Alec Baldwin does not attempt a Scottish accent for Donald and Douglas' voices. This was later corrected in Michael Brandon's re-dub.
    • UK dub, Michael Angelis accidentally uses a Scouse accent for Thomas at the start of the level crossing scene. This was later corrected in his re-dub.
  • Douglas' coupling is sticking outward, his eyes are misaligned and do not quite move at same time.
  • Thomas is tilted at the level crossing.
  • In a scene when the balloon is falling on James, his cab roof is out of place.
  • The footage of the balloon collapsing on top of James is reversed, as the smoke goes inward.


James: Passengers should travel on trains, not in silly balloons!
A voice: We're out of hot air!

James' Driver: Well done, James! Your hot air did the trick!
Thomas: Oh, no, James! You saved the hot air balloon!
James: I didn't mean to. Now it's sure to take our passengers!

James: Rails are better than hot air any day!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Xhejmsi dhe balona e kuqe
Chinese Mandarin 詹姆士与红气球
Czech Jakub a červený balón
Danish Den røde ballon
Dutch James en de rode ballon
Finnish Jaska ja punainen ilmapallo
Hungarian James és a piros léggömb
Italian James e il pallone rosso
Japanese ジェームスとあかいききゅう
Korean 제임스의 걱정
Norwegian James og den røde ballongen
Polish Kuba i czerwony balon
Romanian James şi balonul cel roşu
Russian Джеймс и красный шарик
Serbian Džejms i crveni balon
Slovenian Jakob in rdeči balon
Swedish Den röda ballongen
Welsh Balwn i James


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Packs




  • James and the Red Balloon and Other Thomas Adventures









DK DVD Boxset








