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"We're the rescue engines on Sodor for the day! We're very busy engines! Stand back! Watch out! Make way!"
― James and Toby

James to the Rescue is the sixth episode of the fifteenth series.


It is James' turn to be Sodor's rescue engine. At the Search and Rescue Centre, he eagerly awaits his "call to action" when Toby trundles in. He is also the rescue engine for the day, which annoys James; he does not think that Toby qualifies as a rescue engine as he is merely a steam tram. Just then, the Search and Rescue Centre manager approaches with news that Gordon has derailed whilst crossing the Fenland. Toby and James race off to the rescue.

Soon they arrive at the Fenland Track and see that Gordon's bogie wheels are off the rails. James wants to pull Gordon back onto the track, but Toby thinks it is a really bad idea and suggests they fetch Rocky. James ignores the old steam tram and is coupled up to Gordon. He pulls with all his might, but he only succeeds in pulling Gordon's driving wheels off the rails. Toby suggests again that they should fetch Rocky, but James decides he will try pushing Gordon from the back. When they have travelled around Gordon, Toby suggests that they fetch Rocky once again, but James insists that he knows what to do. So James pushes Gordon, but only succeeds in cracking the bridge beneath Gordon. Now Toby is sure it is time to fetch Rocky, but James ignores him once again - he has a plan. He reverses and charges towards Gordon, but when they collide, James is sent flying into the muddy marsh too, and luckily, no one is terribly hurt.

James is now so sure it is time to fetch Rocky. Toby is happy to help and soon he and Thomas are racing back to the Fenland with Rocky. Soon James and Gordon are back on track and the red engine finally admits that he would like Toby's help. Together, the rescue engines rescue Charlie who had run out of water to a water tower, bring diesel oil to Mavis when she had run out of diesel oil, and shunt Percy to the Steamworks when his traction rods rattled. Later, James thanks the Fat Controller for sending Toby to help him and admits that he is the best rescue tram on Sodor.








  • When James is trying to pull Gordon back on the track, the former's bogie wheels are sparking even though they are not moving.
  • When Thomas and Toby crossed the viaduct with Rocky, the former is not coupled to Rocky.
  • When James crashes into Gordon, his crew is missing from his cab.
  • In the shots of Gordon while James and Toby are talking, the first bogie wheel of Gordon is lifted.
  • After James passes the camera after going under the bridge with the children on it, part of his face can still be seen.
  • The narrator said James tumbled into the mud after Gordon, but James tumbled into the mud before Gordon.
  • In a wide shot of Rocky rescuing Gordon, Gordon's crew can be seen beside Thomas. But in the next scene, they vanished.


In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese James vai ao resgate
Catalan En James al rescat
Czech Záchranář James
Finnish Jaska pelastaa
French James à la Rescousse
German Die Rettungs-Loks
Hebrew ג'יימס יוצא להצלה
Hungarian James, a mentőmozdony
Italian James il Soccorritore
Japanese レスキューきかんしゃ ジェームス
Korean 구조 기관차, 제임스 (dub)
제임스가 나가신다 (subtitles)
Norwegian James til unnsetning
Polish Kuba na ratunek
Romanian James Salvatorul
Russian Джеймс идет на помощь
Spanish James al Rescate
Taiwanese Mandarin 詹姆士来救援
Thai เจมส์แล่นไปช่วย

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