Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

""You'd make a mother proud!"
― Jenny Packard's catchphrase[src]

Jenny Packard, affectionally known as Miss Jenny, is an Irish woman who is the owner and leader of the Sodor Construction Company and takes responsibility for a number of the bigger building projects around Sodor along with the Foreman.


Miss Jenny inherited the construction company from her father, Mr. Packard, who founded the company. She welcomed Jack the front loader into the pack after he saved Thomas from a nasty accident.

Later, she showed the Fat Controller around for a tour to see the site for a new school that the Pack were preparing. Whilst digging into the ground, Oliver hit something hard and his operator suggested it could be important, so the Foreman called Miss Jenny, who called the Fat Controller, who called the Experts, who realised that Oliver had discovered a complete dinosaur skeleton. She and the Foreman told the Pack to work carefully at the Warehouse or anyone who caused accidents would be sent back to the yards. As Ned was about to be sent away due to being blamed for knocking over slates, Jack admitted to Miss Jenny that he knocked over the slates and sent him back to the yards instead of Ned. When she hears about the news that Max and Monty had been causing a lot of trouble and Thomas was covered in concrete, she scolded them and then explained that they are all part of the team and there is no such thing as most important. She also scolded Patrick for bragging about concrete. When she told Kelly about Isobella coming off the road and teetering on a bridge, she encouraged Kelly to rescue Isobella. Miss Jenny told the Pack that mud can be dangerous and told Max and Monty to be careful. She called Byron to rescue Alfie after he became trapped in thick mud and encouraged him to pull Alfie out of the mud. She scolded Max and Monty again and made them spend the next three days in the sheds. Miss Jenny told the Pack to be careful so they could prop the lightning tree before it fell over and she praised Jack, Alfie, Oliver and Kelly for saving the lightning tree, but scolded Max and Monty once again for running into it and ordered them to return to the yards. She sent Thomas and the Pack to Dryaw FC to clear debris from the car park after a bad storm and she discovered that mole hills had been formed on the field, so she called on Buster to go and flatten the mole hills. Miss Jenny informed Nelson that Thomas had an accident at Maithwaite Crossing and the Fat Controller needed him to take Thomas to the repair yard. Miss Jenny also allowed Max, Monty and Buster to test the Sodor Racetrack and told Max and Monty not to do any speeding. She also showed the Foreman some demolition plans and told Oliver and Ned to get to work. She also praised Alfie for saving a cat and her three kittens before a wall collapsed. After the Pack ran out of fuel and became stuck with the exception of Isobella, she called the Fat Controller to send Thomas to deliver the fuel to Isobella at Cronk and sent her to collect and deliver it to the Library Building Site. She praised Isobella for delivering the fuel to the Pack successfully.

Later, the Fat Controller called Miss Jenny to say that Thomas had been found at Great Waterton after going missing and she told the Pack to help restore the town.


Jenny Packard is a kind and friendly lady; however, when needed, she can be stern. She takes pride in her job. When she is particularly pleased with someone's working performance, she praises them with her catchphrase: "You'd make a mother proud!" As of the rebrand, her seriousness is still present, but in a less severe tone.


Jenny Packard is usually dressed in a cyan suit with blue jeans, a brown belt, and wheat boots. She also dons a blue hard hat while on sites.


Official Description

From Official Media[1]

Jenny Packard: Jenny Packard, affectionately known as Miss Jenny, is the owner and leader of the Sodor Construction Company. She is warm and complimentary, and runs the yard under the firm rule that safety is her first priority.


  • Miss Jenny has the longest amount of absence from the series with that being 11 years.
  • Miss Jenny's small scale figure is on display at Drayton Manor Resort.
  • Miss Jenny drives a blue and cream Land Rover.
  • Miss Jenny has a Black Labrador dog named Mike. Though he is not named in any of his appearances, his name was to be revealed in the cancelled episode Jack's Snow Rescue.[1]
  • Her CGI model was reused from Ranger Jill.

