Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

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"The passengers all said what a bad railway it was. Then they told the man how bad he was instead. Everyone was very cross!"
― The narrator[src]

Jeremiah Jobling was once a passenger on one of James' trains. He was also at one point a railway inspector.


After James bumped the coaches too hard, it was Jeremiah Jobling who had the leather bootlaces needed to mend the brake-pipe along with the newspaper. When he refused to give up the laces to the guard, the train was unable to continue, causing the passengers to become angry at the railway and at Jobling, which pressured him into giving them to the guard, temporarily repairing the damage and allowing James to finish his journey.[1]

Sometime later, it appears that he had become a railway inspector and once requested James to take him to see the Fat Controller for a meeting.[2]


Voice Actors


  • Unlike in The Railway Series, Jeremiah was never named in the Thomas & Friends television series.
  • In the third series, his hat was repainted into a different shade of brown. The body of his model was also swapped with other characters from this series onward.
  • Jeremiah has been depicted by six different small-scale figures.


