Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the character. You may be looking for the Story Library book.

Jeremy is a jet plane who lives at the Sodor Airport.


Thomas first met Jeremy when he was on his way with a group of children from the airport to a picnic. When Jeremy told him how great it was to be a jet plane, Thomas thought that he was boasting about it and decided never to talk to Jeremy ever again. Thomas soon became upset that Jeremy did not have to wait for signals or stop because of cows on the line, but after Jeremy warned him about a thunderstorm, Thomas picked up the children at the picnic and returned to the airport to ask Jeremy if the children could have their picnic in his hangar. Jeremy agreed and Thomas then thought of him as a really useful jet plane.

Jeremy once took the Duke and Duchess of Boxford back to the Mainland. He helped out on the search for Thomas when he went missing and jet streamed a colourful smoke for the celebration of Great Waterton.

In the twentieth series, it is revealed that Percy, Hiro and the Mail Train transport letters and postcards for Jeremy to collect and deliver at the North Pole during Christmas time.


Jeremy is a jet plane who lives at the Sodor Airport. Being a light aircraft, he enjoys being able to tear through the air at speed, see things from the air that others on the ground cannot and not encountering the obstacles that a steam engine might. As such, Jeremy can have quite a proud, inflated view of himself and may inadvertently put down the usefulness of an engine friend by speaking without thinking. Jeremy will shrug off, rarely acknowledge or choose to ignore the many things that his engine friends can do that he cannot. But Jeremy has a very positive nature and is always happy to team up and lend a hand for the benefit of others, completely putting aside his one-upmanship to be a good friend.

Technical Details


Jeremy is based on a 1963 BAC One-Eleven Airliner, a short distance narrow body twin engine jet built between the 1960s and 1980s. They were mostly used by airlines like British Airways, American Airlines, Braniff Airways, and Ryanair. They were retired from passenger service in the early 2000s and completely phased out on 7 May, 2019. Many of them are preserved in aviation museums on display. Jeremy also appears to resemble the Gulfstream G550.


Jeremy is painted white with a blue drop design on the top of his cockpit.


Official Description

From Official Website:[1]

Jeremy: Jeremy is a jolly jet who has a slightly inflated view of himself. Jeremy enjoys being able to do things that the Steamies can only dream of, but chooses to ignore the many things he cannot do that they can! When push comes to shove, Jeremy forgets his one-upmanship and becomes part of the team. Jeremy is an airborne Really Useful engine with wings!

Fun Fact: Jeremy is the only named plane on Sodor.

Audio Files


Only used Sound Effect
Fun Cubes



Jeremy in the twentieth series.

  • Jeremy is the only character created by Abi Grant that is not related to Jack and the Pack.
  • Despite making multiple appearances in the series, Jeremy has only spoken in his debut episode.
  • Jeremy's Take Along character card features a picture of an ordinary aeroplane from Calling All Engines! instead of Jeremy.
  • According to the Official Website, Jeremy is the only named plane on Sodor. However this isn't really true, as Tiger Moth is also a named plane who lives on the island.
  • How Jeremy is piloted is a mystery, as his eyes replace the cockpit's windscreen. According to writer Abi Grant, Jeremy did have a pilot who, much like the engines' drivers, was avoided in the script whenever possible.[1]
  • Jeremy has a windscreen covering his eyes. This is presumably so that he can have a better view while flying.
  • In the twentieth series episode, Letters to Santa, Jeremy was not given an actual render and was merely represented by an image of his TrackMaster toy.
  • In the television series, Jeremy is depicted to be around the size of a small single-engine plane, being half of Thomas' height from his landing gear to the top of his cockpit. This was probably done due to budgetary limitations of the models. In the magazines however, he is depicted as a normal sized passenger jet.
  • Jeremy is currently the fastest character in the franchise, with his top speed being 630 miles per hour, or 1013 kilometers per hour.
  • At the Drayton Manor theme park, multiple versions of Jeremy can be found on the "Jeremy's Flying Academy" ride.



Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped