Josef Guggenmos (born on 2 July 1922 in Irsee, Germany, died on 25 September 2003) was a German lyricist and children's author. He translated the first two Railway Series books into German in the Book "Thomas die Tenderlok", which was released in 1981.
He has written a lot of German books including "Lustige Verse für kleine Leute", "Warum die Käuze große Augen machen", "Katzen kann man alles sagen" and many more, but he was also known for translating various books from other languages such as James Fenimore Cooper's "Bas de Cuir", Aleksis Kivi's "Seitsemän veljestä" and Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verses".
He received nineteen awards during his lifetime and in 2016, the "Josef-Guggenmos-Preis", named after him, was introduced. It is an award for children's poetry that has been given away every two years since.