Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the 2016 magazine story. You may be looking for the 2011 magazine story or the episode.

"You are a team to be proud of."
"That's right!"
― the Fat Controller and Thomas

Jumping Jobi Wood is a magazine story, illustrated using images from the television series.


One morning, Thomas goes to meet the Fat Controller who tells him that the Mayor would like some Jobi wood to build a summerhouse. Thomas is very happy; collecting Jobi wood means a trip to Misty Island. Bash, Dash and Ferdinand ask if they can go with Thomas, but the Fat Controller says they must stay on Sodor and learn the ways of his railway. Thomas and Edward head towards Misty Island and the Logging Locos shout after them to say that they will need their help, but Thomas does not listen.

Thomas and Edward travel through the Misty Island Tunnel and soon spot the Jobi wood at the Logging Centre. Edward feels nervous, but Thomas puffs proudly on. Thomas and Edward have to cross the Shake Shake Bridge. Thomas rattles across, but Edward gets halfway across and stops, too scared to move. Just then, the Logging Locos pull up and offer their assistance, but Thomas declines their offer. Thomas hurries over to Ol' Wheezy who whirs into action. Ol' Wheezy hurls the logs everywhere. The Logging Locos hear the commotion and come back to help, but Thomas refuses their help again.

Thomas asks Hee-Haw for help, but Hee-Haw is out of oil and splutters black smoke all over Thomas, just as the Fat Controller arrives. The Fat Controller is not happy to see all the chaos. Thomas is apologetic and knows exactly who can help. He rushes away to find Bash, Dash and Ferdinand.

Thomas is glad to have the Logging Locos' help and they show him how to catch the flying Jobi wood on a flatbed. Soon, all of the wood is safely loaded. The Fat Controller tells them that they are a team to be proud of.



