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“You can do it, Kelly! You can do it!”
― Miss Jenny encouraging Kelly

Kelly's Windy Day, originally titled Five Easy Pieces, is the twentieth episode of Jack and the Sodor Construction Company.


One day, Thomas has taken Kelly to the site where a new library is being built. But the wind is blowing hard and Kelly is nervous as winds are dangerous for a crane. The pack are working hard, but as Kelly is trying to lower a beam, the wind is pushing his crane arm. Then suddenly, he tips over and demolishes a shed, and one of his wheels pops off its axle. Miss Jenny reassures him that it was not his fault, and he will be repaired soon. But Kelly is worried that he might tip over again and hurt someone.

That night, repairmen work all night to fix Kelly's wheel as rain poured down. The next morning, the rain has stopped, but the wind is still blowing and Kelly is the only machine left in the shed. Then Miss Jenny tells him that Isobella has been pushed off the road by the wind and needs to be rescued. Kelly is still worried he might tip over again and hurt someone and asks her if someone else can help Isobella, but Miss Jenny tells him that he is the only one as there is no one else that can.

Isobella is teetering over the Quarry bridge with a piano on her flatbed she was trying to take to an elderly woman's new home, and she is in peril of falling on to the tracks. Kelly and Miss Jenny arrive and Kelly removes the piano. The wind is blowing hard, and the elderly women is nervous, but Kelly is able to lower the piano safely to the ground. But now he has the hardest job of all; to rescue Isobella. He hooks up to her and pulls, but the wind blows harder. Kelly stops pulling and claims the wind is too strong for him, but Miss Jenny cheers him on. This gives him enough courage to keep on going until at last, he pulls Isobella back on the road.

Miss Jenny congratulates Kelly for a job well done, and Isobella also thanks him. But Kelly is proud of himself for getting his confidence back. Soon Isobella continues on her way to get the elderly woman's piano to her new home. And Thomas can see that Kelly is happy again.




  • This episode's number was revealed by a document confirming that all 13 completed episodes of Jack and the Sodor Construction Company had been filmed by 27 January 2003.[1]
  • The working title for this episode was originally going to be "Five Easy Pieces", although that title is listed on Virgin TV Anytime's website.
    • The working title is also a reference to the 1970 film with the same name.
  • The last scene that focuses on Thomas is sped up, as steam is rapidly coming out of his funnel and his wheels spin a bit faster than himself.
  • This was the last episode of several things:
    • This is the final episode written by Philip D. Fehrle, not counting the story idea for the cancelled episode Kelly's Heroes.
    • Isobella's last appearance.
  • This is the only episode of Jack and the Sodor Construction Company where Oliver the Excavator does not appear.


  • In the close-ups of Isobella hanging off the road, her eye mechanism is visible in her cab.
  • In the shot of Jack and Alfie, Monty's left front wheel appears to be rotating. Also, Jack can be seen bumping into Monty.
  • In the same scene, Kelly is seen not in action behind Jack and Alfie, but in the very next shot he's turned around and carrying a beam.
  • In the final close-up of Thomas, no puffing sound is heard.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Dutch Kelly wegblaast
German Kellys stürmischer Tag

Home Media Releases

