Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
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For other uses, see Thomas.

Thomas the Tank Engine (Japanese: きかんしゃトーマスとなかまたち "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends") is a PlayStation game developed by Bandai and released by Banpresto. It was exclusively released in Japan in 2000.



Deleted Scenes[]


Character Episodes[]




  • Donald has his whistle sound two steps higher pitched which is also Duck's whistle one step higher pitched.
  • Sir Handel has Oliver's current whistle sound.
  • Bill has George's whistle sound at a higher pitch, while Ben has his whistle sound at regular pitch.
  • Trevor's whistle sound is lower-pitched.
  • James' wheels have been coloured grey in almost every minigame. They can be coloured black in James' colouring game.
  • Duck's handrails are yellow when they should be grey.
  • In Percy's sound matching game, Percy's funnel is put on his boiler as opposed to his smokebox.
  • In the racing and length measuring games, Henry's side rods do not appear to be connected to his driving wheels.
  • In Toby's level crossing game, the sheep disappear when the evening starts to fall.
  • Peter Sam has his old funnel.
  • Sir Handel and Peter Sam appear to be running on the same gauge as the standard gauge engines.
  • In the Cranky game, two canal boats are depicted as large ships.