This article is about the Dutch DVDs. You may be looking for the UK/Australian DVDs, the US/Canadian DVDs or the Latin American DVDs. |
Kids Favourites are Dutch DVDs featuring a range of HiT Entertainment brands, including Thomas & Friends, distributed by Bridge Pictures.
It's a Party!

It's a Party! (Dutch: Het is feest!) was released on 30 September 2008 and has a runtime of 115 minutes. It features two third series episodes and one fourth series episode of Thomas & Friends narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Kids Favourites brengt je al je favoriete tv series op één gezellige extra lange dvd. Kijk mee naar wel 11 vrolijke, feestelijke verhaaltjes!
English Translation
Kids Favourites brings you all your favourite TV series on one cosy extra-long DVD. Watch 11 cheerful, festive stories!
- Thomas & Friends:
- Thomas, Percy en de draak (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
- Edward, Trevor en het echt nuttige feest (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
- Henry en de olifant (Henry and the Elephant)
- Bob the Builder:
- Bob's verjaardag (Bob's Birthday)
- Wendy's feestje (Wendy's Surprise Party)
- Barney:
- Barney's verjaardag! (It's Your Birthday, Barney!)
- Fireman Sam:
- Verjaardagsverassing (Birthday Surprise)
- Vuilnisfestival (Carnival of Junk)
- Kipper:
- Het verassingsfeestje (Pig's Present)
- De kermis (Kipper's Circus)
- Rubbadubbers:
- Tovenaar Tubb (Tubb the Magician)
- This DVD was mastered on 26 September 2008.
- Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party is mislabelled as Edward, Trevor en het nuttige feestje on the cover and episode selection menu.
It Is Winter!

It Is Winter! (Dutch: Het is winter!) was released on the 11 November 2008 and has a runtime of 115 minutes. It features two first series episodes and one second series episode of Thomas & Friends narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Kids Favourites brengt je al je favoriete tv series op één gezellige extra lange dvd. Kijk mee naar wel 11 winterse, hartverwarmende verhaaltjes!
English Translation
Kids Favourites brings you all your favourite TV series on one cosy extra-long DVD. Watch 11 wintry, heartwarming stories!
- Thomas & Friends:
- Thomas, Terence en de sneeuw (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
- Het Kerstfeest van Thomas (Thomas' Christmas Party)
- Thomas en de verdwenen kerstboom (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
- Bob the Builder:
- Bob's witte kerst (Bob's White Christmas)
- Bob neemt ijsvrij (Bob and the Big Freeze)
- Barney:
- Warm! Koud! (It's Hot! It's Cold!)
- Fireman Sam:
- Poolhond Dusty (Let it Snow)
- IJzige kou (The Big Freeze)
- Kipper:
- Tijger heeft het koud (Tiger's Sledge)
- Het vriest! (The Igloo)
- Rubbadubbers:
- Sploshy van de Noordpool (Sploshy of the Arctic)
- This DVD was mastered on 21 October 2008.
- Thomas' Christmas Party is mislabelled as Thomas' Kerstfeest on the cover and episode selection menu.
The Prettiest Colours

The Prettiest Colours (Dutch: De mooiste kleuren) was released in April 2009 and has a runtime of 115 minutes. It features one third series episode and two fourth series episodes of Thomas & Friends narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Kids Favourites brengt je al je favoriete tv series op één gezellige extra lange dvd. Kijk mee naar wel 11 vrolijke, kleurrijke verhaaltjes!
English Translation
Kids Favourites brings you all your favourite TV series on one cosy extra-long DVD. Watch 11 cheerful, colourful stories!
- Thomas & Friends:
- Gordon en het beroemde bezoek (Gordon and the Famous Visitor)
- Passagiers en poetsen (Passengers and Polish)
- Verfpotten en koninginnen (Paint Pots and Queens)
- Bob the Builder:
- Hector verft de stad (Travis Paints the Town)
- Waterverf-Wendy (Watercolour Wendy)
- Barney:
- Rood, geel en blauw! (Red, Yellow and Blue!)
- Fireman Sam:
- De jongen van Venus (Bug Eyed Boy from Venus)
- Natuur in de nesten (Twitchers in Trouble)
- Kipper:
- Regenboogplas (The Rainbow Puddle)
- De vlinder (The Butterfly)
- Rubbadubbers:
- Sploshy-vogel (Sploshybird)
- This DVD was mastered on 20 March 2009.

Sport! was released on 15 September 2009 and has a runtime of 115 minutes. It features one first series, one second series and one fourth series episode of Thomas & Friends narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Geef het startsein voor twee uur lang sportief plezier met je allerleukste tv-vriendjes. Ren mee met Brandweerman Sam, speel een potje tennis met Bob de Bouwer, ga fietsen met Thomas en nog veel meer! Kijk je mee?
English Translation
Kick off two hours of sporting fun with your best TV friends. Run with Fireman Sam, play a game of tennis with Bob the Builder, go cycling with Thomas and much more! Are you watching?
- Thomas & Friends:
- Thomas gaat vissen (Thomas Goes Fishing)
- Bertie's achtervolging (Bertie's Chase)
- Pas op die fiets! (Mind that Bike)
- Bob the Builder:
- Bob loopt hard (Bob on the Run)
- Wendy's wedstrijd (Wendy's Big Match)
- Barney:
- Spelen en gymnastiek! (Play for Exercise!)
- Fireman Sam:
- Fit en met pit (Fit for Nothing)
- De leut loop (Fun Run)
- Kipper:
- Het zwembad (The Swimming Pool)
- De lange wandeling (The Long Walk)
- Rubbadubbers:
- Snelle terence (Speedy Terence)
- This DVD was mastered on 21 August 2009.
- Bertie's Chase is mislabelled as Berty's achtervolging on the cover and episode selection menu.