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Several types of 4-wheel coaches based on the coaches from the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway have appeared in Thomas & Friends media, most notably Annie and Clarabel. Several of these coaches are preserved on the Bluebell Railway.

Main Coaches[]

Notable Coaches[]

The following Coaches have their own separate pages:

Toby's Museum Coach[]

Toby's Museum Coach is a brake coach.

Toby once used this coach to take some important visitors to the opening ceremony of the Sodor Museum. Percy later used this coach to take Allicia Botti to a party.

Technical Details[]


This coach is based on the LB&SCR Stroudley brake coach.


Toby's museum coach is painted dark brown with cream lining, a white roof and white wheel rims.



  • Toby's museum coach was remodeled from a red brake coach.
  • Although only a brake coach appeared in the television series, the Bachmann models depict both a standard composite coach and a brake coach.


Brown Brake Coach[]

There was a singular brown brake coach which once resided at Knapford.

Technical Details[]


This coach is based on the LB&SCR Stroudley brake coach.


The coach is painted brown with yellow window tints.


Thomas' Green Coaches[]

Whenever Thomas travels around the world, he often takes a pair of green coaches with him, which he uses for collecting passengers instead of Annie and Clarabel.

Once, Thomas had them decorated with ribbons for a wedding in Greece.

Technical Details[]


The green coaches are based on the LBSC Stroudley composite coaches built to a design by Stroudley between the early 1870s and late 80s.


The coaches are painted dark green with black roofs.



TeleStory Coaches[]

These coaches make brief appearances in Thomas Visits the Toy Shop.

Technical Details[]


Being recolours of Annie and Clarabel, these coaches are based on LB&SCR Stroudley coaches.


These coaches are painted grey with cream window surrounds.


Other Coaches[]

Several other coaches have also appeared.

A white, orange, yellow, dark green, dark blue, black and purple coaches were featured in the game Lift, Load and Haul on the Official Website. Two grey and cream coaches make brief appearances in TeleStory: Thomas Visits the Toy Shop and Thomas' Milkshake Mix. Red, yellow, light blue and cream coaches make brief appearances in Thomas and Percy Learn About Mixing Colours. These are all recolours from the Red Stroudley Coaches.

In the original magazine stories, the Green and Red Express Coaches were inaccurately illustrated as LBSC Stroudley Coaches. In the 2000-2005 magazine stories, the Sodor Mail Vans were inaccurately illustrated as LBSC Stroudley Coaches. In the magazine story, Rain or Shine, two yellow coaches with grey rooftops and red lining appeared and were pulled by Thomas and Percy. In the magazine story, Strange Sounds, a coach based on the Great Western Railway's chocolate and cream coach livery was pulled by Percy. In the magazine stories, Strange Sight and Take Off with Terence, white coaches with an orange stripe appear. In the annual story, Pantomime Pranks, green coaches with white rooftops are pulled by James. In the book, Full Steam Ahead, the Red Express Coaches are inaccurately illustrated as LBSC Stroudley Coaches. In the My First Thomas books, the engines are often seen pulling cream coaches with red running boards. These are all recolours of the Orange Stroudley Coaches.

Several different types of Minor International Coaches have appeared in episodes and specials taking place away from Sodor. These were all recolours from the Red Stroudley Coaches.



See Also[]

--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only