Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

This page is for the Land Rovers that have appeared in Thomas & Friends media.

Notable Land Rovers[]

The following Land Rovers have their own separate pages:

Sodor China Clay Company Land Rover[]

The Sodor China Clay Company owns an open-roofed land rover, which is used for transportation around the rugged terrain of the site.

Technical Details[]


The Sodor China Clay Company's land rover is based on a Land Rover series I, with an open top. Miss Jenny's Land Rover shares the same basis, albeit with a closed top.


The land rover is painted in the same golden yellow livery as Bill and Ben, with the letters "SCC" painted on its sides in yellow. The windscreen is light grey.



Sodor Slate Quarry Company Land Rover[]

The Sodor Slate Quarry owns an land rover, which is used for transportation around the rugged terrain of the site.

Technical Details[]


The Sodor Slate Quarry's land rover is based on a Land Rover series I. Miss Jenny's Land Rover shares the same basis.


The land rover is painted in orange brown, with the letters "SODOR SLATE Co." painted on its sides in white.



Other Land Rovers[]

A green land rover with a tan canvas roof appeared in the My Thomas Story Library book, Mavis, at The Quarry Tramroad. While a blue land rover appeared in the My Thomas Story Library book, Harold, and Engine Adventures book, Harold, at Dryaw Airfield. In the books, The Spring Surprise and Thomas and the Spring Surprise, Farmer McColl owns a green land rover with a tan canvas roof.

Audio Files[]


First used Last used Sound Effect
Read and Play! Read and Play
Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped