Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

The following is a list of episodes of the television series Thomas & Friends.

Series Overview

Series Episodes Originally aired Network
First aired Last aired
1 26 9 October 1984 8 January 1985 ITV
2 24 September 1986 17 December 1986
3 25 February 1992 14 July 1992
4 4 March 1996 8 April 1996 Cartoon Network
5 14 September 1998 19 October 1998
6 16 September 2002 21 October 2002 Nick Jr.
7 6 October 2003 10 November 2003
8 1 August 2004 24 October 2004
9 5 September 2005 25 November 2005
10 28 4 September 2006 17 September 2006
11 26 3 September 2007 15 January 2008
12 20 1 September 2008 26 September 2008 Channel 5
13 25 January 2010 19 February 2010
14 11 October 2010 8 November 2010
15 1 March 2011 28 March 2011
16 20 February 2012 25 December 2012
17 26 3 June 2013 21 November 2014
18 25 August 2014 31 July 2015
19 21 September 2015 10 March 2017
20 28 5 September 2016 20 December 2017
21 18 18 September 2017 22 December 2017
22 26 3 September 2018 15 May 2019
23 23 2 September 2019 15 May 2020
24 2 May 2020 20 January 2021

Model Era

Classic Series

Unaired Pilot

Screenshot Title Original UK release date Episode number #
DowntheMine65 Thomas Down the Mine Unaired (Test Screened Mid-1983) #00
The original 1983 pilot episode of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. The pilot was based on the Railway Series story Down the Mine and differed from the final aired version. The pilot was never broadcast, but instead was re-filmed after the series was greenlit by ITV. Only one scene from the pilot can be seen from the final version of episode.

Series 1

(Note: * means that an episode was not narrated by Ringo Starr in the US and was only narrated by George Carlin in the US.)

(Note: ** means that an episode was narrated by George Carlin in the US but was never re-aired on Shining Time Station and was only released on either Home Media release.)

(Note: *** means that an episode was reused for Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales.)

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Original UK release date Episode number #
ThomasandGordon14 Thomas and Gordon
Thomas Gets Tricked
9 October 1984 #01
Thomas enjoys teasing Gordon. But when his teasing goes too far, Gordon decides to teach him a lesson.
EdwardandGordon45 Edward and Gordon
Edward Helps Out
9 October 1984 #02
Edward's crew feel sorry for him and take him out one day. Then he helps Gordon when he gets stuck on a hill.
TheSadStoryOfHenry52 The Sad Story of Henry
Come Out, Henry!
16 October 1984 #03
Henry believes the rain will spoil his paintwork and he runs into a tunnel, in which he is eventually bricked up.
EdwardGordonAndHenry48 Edward, Gordon and Henry
Henry to the Rescue
16 October 1984 #04
Gordon goes too fast and bursts a safety valve right in front of the tunnel. Henry is let out to help Edward pull the train.
Thomas'Train26 Thomas' Train
A Big Day for Thomas
23 October 1984 #05
Thomas wishes he could pull a train. When Henry is ill, his chance comes with disastrous results.
ThomasandtheTrucks47 Thomas and the Trucks
Trouble for Thomas
23 October 1984 #06
Thomas and Edward agree to swap jobs. However, Edward's train consists of trucks, which love to play tricks.
ThomasandtheBreakdownTrain32 Thomas and the Breakdown Train
Thomas Saves the Day
30 October 1984 #07
When James comes off the rails, Thomas quickly comes to the rescue with the Breakdown Train. He is given a branch line and two coaches as a reward.
JamesandtheCoaches47 James and the Coaches
James Learns a Lesson
30 October 1984 #08
James wets the Fat Controller's new top hat with steam and then bumps his coaches so hard that one of their brakes fail.
TroublesomeTrucks(episode)22 Troublesome Trucks
Foolish Freight Cars
6 November 1984 #09
James has been confined to the shed but is released to pull trucks. The trucks misbehave, but James does not give up.
JamesandtheExpress42 James and the Express
A Proud Day for James
6 November 1984 #10
When Gordon is switched the wrong way and gets lost, James is given the express.
ThomasandtheGuard37 Thomas and the Guard
Thomas and the Conductor
13 November 1984 #11
Thomas' impatience leads to him forgetting his guard.
ThomasGoesFishing41 Thomas Goes Fishing 13 November 1984 #12
Thomas wants to go fishing but learns the hard way when he takes on river water.
Thomas,TerenceandtheSnow41 Thomas, Terence and the Snow
Terence the Tractor
20 November 1984 #13
Thomas meets Terence the Tractor and says his wheels are ugly. However, Thomas is shown just how useful they are when he crashes into a snowdrift.
ThomasandBertie45 Thomas and Bertie
Thomas and Bertie's Great Race
20 November 1984 #14
Thomas meets Bertie the Bus who challenges him to a race.
TendersandTurntables23 Tenders and Turntables 27 November 1984 #15
Ever since Thomas got his own branch line, the big engines have to shunt their own coaches and they don't like it, then Gordon and James get into trouble on the turntable.
TroubleintheShed8 Trouble in the Shed 27 November 1984 #16
The big engines go on strike, so the Fat Controller buys a new engine called Percy to help.
PercyRunsAway51 Percy Runs Away 4 December 1984 #17
Percy forgets Edward's warning about going on the Main Line and is so startled by Gordon that he runs away.
Coal21 Coal
Henry's Special Coal
4 December 1984 #18
Henry is not feeling well. The Fat Controller comes to a conclusion that Henry needs coal from Wales to perform well.
TheFlyingKipper14 The Flying Kipper 11 December 1984 #19
Henry is chosen to pull the "Flying Kipper". However, ice jams the points and snow forces down a signal, leading Henry to crash.
WhistlesandSneezes10 Whistles and Sneezes (* / ***) 11 December 1984 #20
Gordon's whistle jams and he cannot stop whistling while Henry sneezes at some troublemaking boys.
TobyandtheStoutGentleman21 Toby and the Stout Gentleman
Toby the Tram Engine
18 December 1984 #21
Toby the Tram Engine and his coach, Henrietta, meet the Fat Controller and his family on their holiday, but Toby's line slowly closes down.
ThomasinTrouble19 Thomas in Trouble
Thomas Breaks the Rules
18 December 1984 #22
Thomas gets in trouble with a policeman. When the Fat Controller hears about it, he buys Toby and Henrietta.
DirtyObjects33 Dirty Objects
James in a Mess
25 December 1984 #23
Toby and Henrietta often get teased by James about their old-fashioned appearance. However, James crashes into some tar tanker wagons.
OfftheRails26 Off the Rails
Gordon Takes a Dip
8 January 1985 #24
Gordon decides to jam the turntable to prove a point, but his attempt makes him slide into a ditch.
DowntheMine37 Down the Mine 8 January 1985 #25
Thomas goes to a lead mine to collect some trucks but foolishly passes a danger board and falls down a mine.
Thomas'ChristmasParty41 Thomas' Christmas Party ** 25 December 1984 #26
Thomas wants to hold a special Christmas party for Mrs. Kyndley. Unfortunately, her house is snowed in.

Series 2

(Note: * means that an episode was not narrated by Ringo Starr in the US and was only narrated by George Carlin in the US.)

(Note: ** means that an episode was narrated by George Carlin in the US but was never re-aired on Shining Time Station and was only released on VHS or DVD.)

(Note: *** means both reasons.)

(Note: **** means that an episode was reused for Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales.)

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Original UK release date Episode number #
Thomas,PercyandtheCoal27 Thomas, Percy and the Coal
Double Trouble
24 September 1986 #01
Thomas and Percy quarrel about proper colours for an engine, but both engines end up getting in trouble with coal.
Cows30 Cows
A Cow on the Line
24 September 1986 #02
Gordon and Henry tease Edward after some cows break part of his train away, but both are later humiliated when one cow blocks their paths on a bridge.
Bertie'sChase46 Bertie's Chase * **** 1 October 1986 #03
Edward is impatient when Thomas' fireman is away and the passengers are angry, but Bertie races to the rescue.
SavedfromScrap12 Saved from Scrap ** 1 October 1986 #04
Edward meets Trevor the Traction Engine at the scrapyards and tries to help make him become useful again.
OldIron54 Old Iron **** 8 October 1986 #05
James is fed up with Edward for being so slow, but when two boys fiddle with James' controls, Edward comes to his rescue.
ThomasAndTrevor38 Thomas and Trevor
A New Friend for Thomas
8 October 1986 #06
Trevor does not have much work to do and proves to Thomas how useful he can be when he is sent to help at the harbour.
PercyandtheSignal36 Percy and the Signal * 15 October 1986 #07
Percy enjoys playing tricks on the big engines, but Gordon and James make a plan to pay him back.
DuckTakesCharge62 Duck Takes Charge 15 October 1986 #08
The Fat Controller brings in a new engine called Duck to help Percy and stop the big engines from pushing smaller engines around.
PercyandHarold8 Percy and Harold
Percy Proves a Point
22 October 1986 #09
Harold thinks that railways are slow and out of date, but Percy proves him wrong after winning a race.
TheRunaway30 The Runaway ** 22 October 1986 #10
After a visit to the works, Thomas' handbrake is very stiff and he soon becomes a runaway on the branch line.
PercyTakesthePlunge39 Percy Takes the Plunge 29 October 1986 #11
Percy thinks that water is nothing to an engine with determination, but his mood soon changes when he passes a danger sign at the harbour.
PopGoestheDiesel28 Pop Goes the Diesel 29 October 1986 #12
Diesel arrives on trial and thinks that diesel engines know everything and do not need to learn, until he tries to take some old trucks from a siding.
DirtyWork6 Dirty Work
Diesel's Devious/Devilish Deed
5 November 1986 #13
Diesel gets revenge on Duck by telling lies about the big engines to the trucks, causing the Fat Controller to send Duck away.
ACloseShave63 A Close Shave
A Close Shave for Duck
5 November 1986 #14
Duck helps Edward with some trucks on Gordon's Hill, but the train breaks away and the trucks chase Duck down the Main Line, until he ends up in a barber shop.
BetterLateThanNever14 Better Late than Never 12 November 1986 #15
The Main Line viaduct is causing delays on the railway making Thomas very cross, but he learns that there are times when being late is not such a bad thing after all.
BreakVan48 Break Van
Donald and Douglas
12 November 1986 #16
Donald and Douglas are twins whom the Fat Controller had brought in from Scotland to help out, but he only expected one of them. Things do not go well for both twins due to a Spiteful Brake Van.
TheDeputation43 The Deputation * 19 November 1986 #17
Donald and Douglas are worried that they will be sent away and scrapped, but Percy and the other engines try to help the twins out with a Deputation.
ThomasComestoBreakfast33 Thomas Comes to Breakfast 19 November 1986 #18
Thomas thinks that he can manage without his driver, until he makes an unexpected visit to the stationmaster's house one morning.
Daisy(episode)22 Daisy *** 26 November 1986 #19
Daisy comes to help on Thomas' branch line after Thomas' indisposal and causes trouble with rude remarks toward the coaches and refusing to pull a milk tanker.
Percy'sPredicament32 Percy's Predicament *** 26 November 1986 #20
Percy and Toby agree to switch jobs after Daisy refuses to take the milk again, which ends up putting the engines in an awkward predicament.
TheDiseasel46 The Diseasel * 3 December 1986 #21
Bill and Ben think that a Diseasel stole their trucks of china clay and they set off to find him and get their trucks back.
WrongRoad25 Wrong Road * 3 December 1986 #22
A mix-up with Gordon and Edward ends up sending both engines on the wrong lines with their evening trains, with Gordon ending up being teased by Bill and Ben.
Edward'sExploit29 Edward's Exploit * 10 December 1986 #23
Gordon, Henry and James think that Edward should give up and be preserved, but Edward proves just how really useful he is when he takes visitors home during a storm.
GhostTrain37 Ghost Train
Percy's Ghostly Trick
10 December 1986 #24
Percy pretends to be a ghost and scare Thomas to teach him a lesson after calling him a silly little engine for his ghost story.
WoollyBear32 Woolly Bear 17 December 1986 #25
Thomas thinks Percy crawls like a caterpillar due to him being late with collecting hay along the line and when Percy ends up covered in treacle and hay, Thomas and Toby end up making jokes about him.
ThomasandtheMissingChristmasTree57 Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree ** 17 December 1986 #26
Thomas is sent to collect a Christmas tree, but when he ends up getting lost along the way home, Donald and Douglas set off to rescue him in time for the Christmas celebrations.

Series 3

(Note: * means that an episode was reused for Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Original UK release date Episode number #
AScarfforPercy52 A Scarf for Percy 25 February 1992 #01
Percy wishes he could wear scarves, but he gets more than he bargained for when he runs into the Fat Controller's luggage.
Percy'sPromise55 Percy's Promise 3 March 1992 #02
Percy keeps a promise with Thomas to take the children going to the Vicar's Sunday School home. Along the way, he gets some help from Harold when he gets stuck in a flood.
TimeforTrouble55 Time for Trouble 17 March 1992 #03
Toby ends up stranded on the Main Line due to his small water tanks, causing trouble for James and the express.
GordonandtheFamousVisitor5 Gordon and the Famous Visitor 24 March 1992 #04
Gordon is jealous when a famous engine comes to visit the railway. He declares domeless engines to not be respectable, but the tables turn when his dome blows off at the viaduct.
Donald'sDuck64 Donald's Duck 31 March 1992 #05
Duck is given his own branch line for working hard and becomes conceited, which makes Donald cross until Duck and his driver play a joke on him.
ThomasGetsBumped42 Thomas Gets Bumped 7 April 1992 #06
Thomas' branch line is closed due to bent rails on the line. He begins to think he's lost his passengers to Bertie.
ThomasPercyandtheDragon71 Thomas, Percy and the Dragon * 7 April 1992 #07
Percy teases Thomas about being frightened all the time, but when Thomas is delivering a dragon in the night, Percy ends up getting a fright.
DieselDoesItAgain15 Diesel Does It Again 14 April 1992 #08
Diesel is sent to help Percy and Duck with goods work at the harbour, but ends up causing more trouble for the two engines.
Henry'sForest60 Henry's Forest 14 April 1992 #09
When a storm comes, Henry's favourite forest experiences severe devastation. His friends soon team together to cheer him up.
TheTroublewithMud26 The Trouble with Mud 21 April 1992 #10
Gordon refuses to get a washdown, and winds up having to do goods work instead of pulling the express.
NoJokeforJames42 No Joke for James 21 April 1992 #11
James gets comeuppance for his egotism after he tricks Thomas into pulling some smart new coaches, leaving Gordon to pull some trucks.
Thomas,PercyandthePostTrain61 Thomas, Percy and the Post Train
Thomas, Percy and the Mail Train
28 April 1992 #12
When a mail ship ends up getting delayed, Thomas and Percy worry that Harold will replace the post train.
TrustThomas55 Trust Thomas 28 April 1992 #13
Bertie learns that he can trust engines like Thomas when he remembers a missing tar tanker after having an accident with some trucks.
Mavis43 Mavis 5 May 1992 #14
The new quarry diesel Mavis reorganizes things to her liking, making Toby cross.
Toby'sTightrope48 Toby's Tightrope 5 May 1992 #15
Mavis tries to make a plan to go further down the Quarry line, but she ends up putting Toby in danger.
Edward,TrevorandtheReallyUsefulParty52 Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party 12 May 1992 #16
Edward and Trevor help the Vicar with his garden party to fund a seaside trip for the children.
Buzz,Buzz53 Buzz, Buzz
James Goes Buzz Buzz
12 May 1992 #17
James thinks that he can easily scare off bees, but is proved wrong when he encounters a horde of wild bees.
AllatSea66 All at Sea 19 May 1992 #18
Duck wishes that he could travel at sea, but he changes his mind when he learns that engines are happiest on the rails.
OneGoodTurn39 One Good Turn 26 May 1992 #19
Bill and Ben end up in an argument at the turntable, so Edward and BoCo make a plan to make the twins friends again.
TenderEngines51 Tender Engines 2 June 1992 #20
When a new engine visits Sodor, Henry becomes jealous of his two tenders.
Escape34 Escape 9 June 1992 #21
Douglas travels to a station where only the diesels work. He meets Oliver and Toad, who are trying to escape from scrap.
OliverOwnsUp60 Oliver Owns Up 16 June 1992 #22
Oliver becomes conceited and thinks that he can manage trucks, but is soon proven wrong.
Bulgy(episode)41 Bulgy 23 June 1992 #23
A new bus named Bulgy wants railways to be scrapped, and attempts to steal Duck's passengers.
Heroes67 Heroes 30 June 1992 #24
The Troublesome Trucks trick Bill and Ben into causing a big muddle in the yard, making them late to arrange Gordon's evening train.
Percy,JamesandtheFruitfulDay58 Percy, James and the Fruitful Day 7 July 1992 #25
James and Percy learn their brakes aren't the only thing that get jammed.
ThomasandPercy'sChristmasAdventure64 Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure
Thomas and Percy's Mountain Adventure
14 July 1992 #26
Thomas, Percy, Harold and Terence help a buried villager after a severe snow storm.

Series 4

(Note: * means that an episode was shown in the Shining Time Station Family Specials).

(Note: ** means that an episode was shown in the Shining Time Station spinoff, Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales).

(Note: *** means that an episode was shown on both).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Original UK release date Episode number #
Granpuff15 Granpuff * 16 October 1995 #01
Thomas tells the story of Duke, a narrow gauge engine who worked with Stuart and Falcon. However, when their railway closed, the young engines were sold and the old engine was left abandoned in a shed.
SleepingBeauty50 Sleeping Beauty * 17 October 1995 #02
After many years had passed, some rescuers began a journey to find Duke and reunite him with his old friends.
Bulldog38 Bulldog ** 18 October 1995 #03
Falcon was sent to take the Mountain Road with Duke. However, he was impatient and did not pay attention to Duke's advice. He eventually winded up dangling from a cliff.
YouCan'tWin54 You Can't Win ** 19 October 1995 #04
One evening, Duke is too ill to manage by himself. Stuart teases him about this, but Duke gets his own back and he proves that he still has a lot of life left in him.
FourLittleEngines56 Four Little Engines ** 20 October 1995 #05
Sir Handel is pushed off the rails by some angry coaches. Skarloey is the only engine available and is determined to get his passengers home, even when one of his front springs breaks.
ABadDayForSirHandel45 A Bad Day for Sir Handel ** 23 October 1995 #06
Sir Handel and Peter Sam are brought in to help Skarloey and Rheneas. Sir Handel is in a bad mood and deliberately derails himself to get out of work.
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLady50 Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady ** 24 October 1995 #07
One day, Henry threatens to leave without Peter Sam's passengers. In a haste to meet his connection, he leaves the Refreshment Lady behind.
Trucks52 Trucks
Rusty Helps Peter Sam
25 October 1995 #08
Gordon advises Sir Handel to get out of work by pretending to be ill, leaving Peter Sam and Rusty to take over. However, some trucks mistake Peter Sam for Sir Handel and crash into him at the incline.
HomeAtLast33 Home at Last ** 26 October 1995 #09
Peter Sam informs Skarloey of the newest arrival, a careless and bad-tempered engine named Duncan. Soon, Skarloey is sent to Duncan's aid when he is stuck under a decrepit tunnel.
Rock'n'Roll37 Rock 'n' Roll ** 27 October 1995 #10
Rusty is concerned about Duncan, who ignores his warning about a broken section of track. After Duncan derails, Rusty grudgingly comes to the rescue.
SpecialFunnel44 Special Funnel ** 30 October 1995 #11
Peter Sam's funnel is knocked off by an icicle and is temporarily replaced by a drainpipe. However, Peter Sam gives the other engines a run for their money once his new funnel arrives.
SteamRoller36 Steam Roller ** 31 October 1995 #12
Skarloey tells Sir Handel of an anti-railway steamroller named George, whom Sir Handel vows to pay out, only to find that both he and George are too evenly hot-headed.
PassengersandPolish47 Passengers and Polish ** 1 November 1995 #13
Duncan complains about not getting polished. His rudeness reaches its peak when he stops on the viaduct and refuses to move.
GallantOldEngine22 Gallant Old Engine ** 2 November 1995 #14
Skarloey tells the story of how Rheneas saved the railway from closure, even after suffering a serious breakdown.
RustytotheRescue40 Rusty to the Rescue * 3 November 1995 #15
When Rusty hears that an engine is needed to help run the Bluebell Railway, he ventures out to find one and meets a steam engine named Stepney.
ThomasAndStepney64 Thomas and Stepney * 6 November 1995 #16
Stepney has been invited to visit the Fat Controller's railway. Thomas is jealous when the visiting engine is talked about more than he is and is shunted for Stepney to pass with a special train that night.
TrainStopsPlay77 Train Stops Play ** 8 November 1995 #17
Stepney does not realise that a cricket ball has landed in one of his trucks. Caroline the car sets off with the players in pursuit of Stepney along the branch line.
BowledOut29 Bowled Out ** 7 November 1995 #18
An engine shortage has occurred and the only engine available is A D261 diesel. When he arrives, he insults the engines and makes a fool of himself when he sucks an inspector's bowler hat through his air-intake vent. Duck volunteers in taking the diesel's passenger train with Stepney's help.
HenryandtheElephant71 Henry and the Elephant ** 9 November 1995 #19
A circus comes to Sodor but Henry and some workmen are called to investigate a blockage in a tunnel, where he unhappily comes across an elephant.
ToadStandsBy40 Toad Stands By *** 10 November 1995 #20
Toad advises Oliver on how to regain the trucks' respect. Oliver struggles to pull a goods train, but he is so determined that he accidentally pulls S.C. Ruffey apart.
BullsEyes44 Bulls Eyes ** 13 November 1995 #21
Daisy claims that she would simply have to "toot" to scare animals off. However, when she comes across a bull, she realises that it will need more than a command to move it away.
ThomasAndTheSpecialLetter70 Thomas and the Special Letter *** 14 November 1995 #22
After the Fat Controller reads a five-year-old girl's letter inviting the engines to visit the Mainland, Thomas becomes very conceited and puts his big trip in jeopardy.
PaintPotsAndQueens62 Paint Pots and Queens
Thomas Meets the Queen
15 November 1995 #23
Henry misses the chance of pulling the Queen's royal train after a paint accident, giving Gordon and Thomas a special opportunity.
Fish62 Fish ** 16 November 1995 #24
Extra vans are added to the Flying Kipper and as a result, Henry needs a back engine to help him up Gordon's Hill. Duck offers to help but a badly attached tail lamp causes problems.
SpecialAttraction47 Special Attraction * 17 November 1995 #25
Percy is called into the harbour to deal with Bulstrode, a highly disagreeable barge. Bulstrode makes the trucks more troublesome than usual, though he pays dearly for it.
MindthatBike60 Mind that Bike ** 20 November 1995 #26
Tom Tipper, a postal-worker, is unhappy when his post van is replaced by a bicycle. Percy manages to help him out, but not in the way he intended.

Series 5

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Original UK release date Episode number #
CrankyBugs91 Cranky Bugs 14 September 1998 #01
A new crane called Cranky arrives at the docks and causes trouble for Thomas and Percy but he eventually needs their help after a storm.
HorridLorry73 Horrid Lorry 15 September 1998 #02
Three very Horrid Lorries arrive on Sodor and start taking over the engines' jobs. Eventually, the tables are turned and the lorries get their comeuppance.
ABetterViewforGordon64 A Better View for Gordon 16 September 1998 #03
Gordon complains about the plainness of a new station and longs for a panoramic view, which he gets unexpectedly.
LadyHatt'sBirthdayParty93 Lady Hatt's Birthday Party 17 September 1998 #04
The Fat Controller runs into a series of problems on his way to his wife's birthday.
JamesandtheTroublewithTrees59 James and the Trouble with Trees 18 September 1998 #05
James' bragging prevents him from listening to Henry, Percy and Terence's warnings about trees that are too close to the line.
GordonAndTheGremlin94 Gordon and the Gremlin 21 September 1998 #06
Gordon has problems with his fire and the others joke of gremlins. Later, a special visitor arrives and her dog runs away into Thomas' cab.
ByeGeorge!92 Bye George! 22 September 1998 #07
George the Steamroller causes a great deal of trouble for the engines.
Baa!55 Baa! 23 September 1998 #08
A "Best Dressed Station" contest is being held across Sodor. However, as Percy is helping decorate Maithwaite station, a hungry ram is found at the station and the decorations are ruined.
PutUponPercy67 Put Upon Percy 24 September 1998 #09
Percy complains that he is overworked. While working at the coal mine, some trucks escape and they crash inside the mine-shaft, which causes the mine to collapse.
TobyAndTheFlood44 Toby and the Flood 25 September 1998 #10
Toby is sent to inspect a dam and discovers a few leaks in it. It eventually collapses and causes an unsafe bridge to break, causing him to drift towards a waterfall.
HauntedHenry27 Haunted Henry 28 September 1998 #11
Henry refuses to believe in ghosts, until he and his crew encounter a series of spooky events during the night.
DoubleTeethingTroubles53 Double Teething Troubles 29 September 1998 #12
Bill and Ben are worried when they hear that Derek, a malfunctioning diesel, is going to help them work in the clay pits.
StepneyGetsLost48 Stepney Gets Lost 30 September 1998 #13
The Fat Controller invites Stepney to work with Toby and Mavis at the quarry. Stepney gets lost on the way home, eventually arriving at the smelter's yard.
Toby'sDiscovery79 Toby's Discovery 1 October 1998 #14
Toby takes the Hatts on an expedition, finding a castle and an old mine. The destinations are reopened, but Toby is spooked by Thomas' story about "The Old Warrior".
SomethingInTheAir56 Something in the Air 2 October 1998 #15
Henry is cross when Thomas delays him and refuses to listen to his warning about a line eroded by high tides.
Thomas,PercyandOldSlowCoach73 Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach 5 October 1998 #16
Thomas and Percy discover an old coach named Old Slow Coach in the scrapyard and want to save her.
ThomasandtheRumours58 Thomas and the Rumours
Thomas and the Rumors
6 October 1998 #17
The engines discover that Harold has been hired to show a special visitor around the island and fear being replaced.
Oliver'sFind82 Oliver's Find 7 October 1998 #18
Oliver is put on mail duty and ends up going down an old branch line due to a dozing signalman.
HappyEverAfter80 Happy Ever After 8 October 1998 #19
Mrs. Kyndley asks Percy and his driver to make a "good luck package" for her daughter's wedding.
SirTophamHatt'sHoliday57 Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday 9 October 1998 #20
The Fat Controller and his family go on holiday, though things start to go wrong.
ASurpriseforPercy56 A Surprise for Percy
A Big Surprise for Percy
12 October 1998 #21
Percy moans about his work in the coal mines and wants something exciting to happen. His wish comes true when a line of trucks breaks away from him on the hill.
MakeSomeoneHappy71 Make Someone Happy 13 October 1998 #22
James sees Mrs. Kyndley, who is upset that her sister cannot come and visit. A "mystery tour" is arranged for her and James is chosen for it.
BusyGoingBackwards103 Busy Going Backwards 14 October 1998 #23
Toad is feeling bored about going backwards all the time and confesses to Oliver that he wishes to go forwards for a change. On Gordon's Hill, the coupling snaps and Toad goes on a wild ride through the Main Line.
DuncanGetsSpooked59 Duncan Gets Spooked 15 October 1998 #24
Duncan teases Peter Sam after some trucks fall into a ravine, so Rusty tells Duncan a ghost story to make him eat his own words.
RustyandtheBoulder59 Rusty and the Boulder 16 October 1998 #25
Rusty is suspicious of a strange boulder lodged in the mountains.
Snow61 Snow 19 October 1998 #26
Thomas is cross with the snow, so Rusty tells him about Skarloey's own experience in an avalanche.

Series 6

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Salty'sSecret31 Salty's Secret Robin Kingsland 16 September 2002 #01
Salty arrives on Sodor and is dismayed when he is sent to work at the quarry.
HarveyToTheRescue56 Harvey to the Rescue Jonathan Trueman 17 September 2002 #02
The Fat Controller brings a new crane engine named Harvey in to help with the loading and unloading of freight, but the engines think he does not look anything like a normal engine.
NoSleepforCranky50 No Sleep for Cranky * Paul Larson 18 September 2002 #03
A story by Salty makes Cranky cranky enough to knock down a shed, forcing him to be stuck with Salty, Bill and Ben for the night.
ABadDayForHaroldTheHelicopter42 A Bad Day for Harold (the Helicopter) * David Mitton
Simon Nicholson
19 September 2002 #04
When Percy reaches a broken signal, Harold comes to take his mail onwards - with disastrous results.
ElizabeththeVintageLorry51 Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry/Quarry Truck Paul Larson 20 September 2002 #05
Thomas is hauling a heavy special when his siderods fall off near an old shed. Inside, his crew discovers a disused vintage lorry named Elizabeth.
TheFogman12 The Fogman
The Fog Man
David Mitton
Jonathan Trueman
23 September 2002 #06
Cyril the Fogman puts detonators on the tracks to warn engines of oncoming mist. The Fat Controller replaces him with a foghorn, which turns out to be more trouble than it is worth.
JackJumpsIn94 Jack Jumps In Phil Fehrle
Jonathan Trueman
Abi Grant
24 September 2002 #07
Jack the front loader is eager to be really useful but foolishly tries to take a load of rocks up a hill himself, leading to disaster.
AFriendinNeed59 A Friend in Need Phil Fehrle
Jonathan Trueman
Abi Grant
25 September 2002 #08
Ned the steam shovel knocks the keystone out of a bridge. It begins to fall as Thomas approaches it, so Jack tries to hold it up with his bucket.
It'sOnlySnow38 It's Only Snow David Mitton
James Mason
26 September 2002 #09
Thomas is told to deliver a Christmas tree to the Mountain Village with Toby but becomes cross when he has to use his old snowplough.
TwinTrouble23 Twin Trouble Brian Trueman 27 September 2002 #10
Douglas crashes Donald into Trevor's cart and they blame one another for the accident. They become so heated that they refuse to work together.
TheWorld'sStrongestEngine57 The World's Strongest Engine David Mitton
Paul Larson
30 September 2002 #11
Henry has an unfortunate accident, leading to Diesel returning to the railway. Diesel is insistent on proving that he is the strongest engine in the world, much to the trucks' amusement.
ScaredyEngines19 Scaredy Engines David Mitton
Robin Kingsland
1 October 2002 #12
Halloween rolls around and Thomas, Percy and Duck are sent to the Smelters to collect a special load, where Thomas teases Percy when he gets scared.
PercyandtheHauntedMine49 Percy and the Haunted Mine David Mitton
Robyn Charteris
2 October 2002 #13
While collecting some trucks, Percy is spooked by a mine that sinks into the ground. Donald and Douglas make him even more frightened when they proclaim it is the naughty gnomes.
MiddleEngine62 Middle Engine David Mitton
Brian Trueman
3 October 2002 #14
'Arry and Bert play a trick on Percy by shunting trucks in front of him. But when he's accidentally bumped onto the coal tipper, James takes over.
JamesandtheRedBalloon41 James and the Red Balloon * David Mitton
Jenny McDade
4 October 2002 #15
Thomas and James become scared a hot air balloon will steal their passengers.
JackFrost36 Jack Frost David Mitton
Paul Larson
7 October 2002 #16
Thomas warns Percy and James of Jack Frost. James is dismissive, but Percy becomes worried. While spending the night in a siding, snow and ice pile around him and James mistakes him for Jack Frost.
GordonTakesaTumble57 Gordon Takes a Tumble * David Mitton
Robin Kingsland
8 October 2002 #17
Gordon tells Salty it would not be dignified for him to pull trucks. That night, Gordon is sent to collect some from the Docks. He is furious and ends up sent down a rickety, old branch line by mistake.
Percy'sChocolateCrunch63 Percy's Chocolate Crunch David Mitton
Brian Trueman
9 October 2002 #18
Percy gets cross that he has all the dirty jobs. He desperately tries to not get dirty but has an unfortunate run-in with a chocolate factory.
BufferBother78 Buffer Bother Ross Hastings 10 October 2002 #19
Bill becomes jealous when Ben will soon get new buffers. This makes Bill careless and he ends up damaging his own buffers.
TobyHadaLittleLamb62 Toby Had a Little Lamb * Jenny McDade 11 October 2002 #20
During a snowstorm, Toby is flagged down by Farmer McColl, whose sheep are due to give birth and urgently need a vet.
Thomas,PercyandtheSqueak42 Thomas, Percy and the Squeak David Mitton
Jenny McDade
14 October 2002 #21
The famous singer Allicia Botti is coming for a concert and Thomas is chosen to take her. Along the way, Thomas and his crew hear a consistent squeak but think nothing of it, until they discover what it really is.
ThomastheJetEngine62 Thomas the Jet Engine
Thomas and the Jet Engine
David Mitton
Ross Hastings
15 October 2002 #22
Thomas is given the job of taking a jet engine to a careless Cranky who then accidentally turns it on.
EdwardTheVeryUsefulEngine57 Edward, the Very/Really Useful Engine * David Mitton 16 October 2002 #23
The big engines believe Edward should be retired but he proves himself useful when both Duck and Gordon need help.
DunkinDuncan39 Dunkin Duncan Simon Nicholson
Jenny McDade
17 October 2002 #24
Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty are sent to work with Duncan at the quarry. Duncan gets too impatient at the incline and ends up falling into a muddy swamp.
RustySavestheDay48 Rusty Saves the Day David Mitton
Paul Larson
18 October 2002 #25
The Fat Controller closes Rheneas and Skarloey's line down and sends them to the quarry. But when the quarry will be blasting for two weeks, Rusty decides to use that time to repair the line.
FaultyWhistles72 Faulty Whistles David Mitton
Ross Hastings
21 October 2002 #26
Peter Sam's whistle has been knocked off by a branch. Duncan finds this funny and remarks that an engine is not one without a whistle, unaware his own whistle has become loose.

Series 7

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Emily'sNewCoaches14 Emily's New Coaches Jan Page 6 October 2003 #01
On Emily first day, she takes Annie and Clarabel, which makes Thomas cross. He eventually forgives her after she saves him from hitting a broken down Oliver.
PercyGetsitRight48 Percy Gets It Right Paul Larson 7 October 2003 #02
Percy is worried over a wobbly line and tries to tell the Fat Controller, but he is too late as Thomas sets off to collect a prize bull.
Bill,BenandFergus29 Bill, Ben and Fergus Brian Trueman 8 October 2003 #03
Bill and Ben become fed up with Fergus' orders and decide to rebel, which leads to trouble.
TheOldBridge6 The Old (Iron) Bridge Paul Larson 9 October 2003 #04
Skarloey puffs across a damaged bridge and ends up dangling over the river below. He becomes afraid to cross it again until Rheneas runs out of water on the bridge.
Edward'sBrassBandphotographicstill2 Edward's Brass Band Robyn Charteris 10 October 2003 #05
Edward is excited when he is to take the brass band to a concert until a huge ship boiler knocks him on his side, leaving Bertie to take the brass band.
What'stheMatterwithHenry?1 What's the Matter with Henry? George Tarry 13 October 2003 #06
Thomas, Percy and Henry are sent to collect coal trucks and take them to the docks. Henry is feeling ill but Thomas and Percy do not believe him and leave him a long line of trucks.
JamesandtheQueenofSodorphotographicstill4 James and the Queen of Sodor Paul Larson 14 October 2003 #07
Gordon is irritated with James' boasting so he tricks him into collecting the Queen of Sodor. James does not realise it is actually an old barge until he arrives.
TheRefreshmentLady'sTeaShop41 The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop
The Refreshment Lady's Stand
James Mason 15 October 2003 #08
The Refreshment Lady is very busy, so Peter Sam is chosen to take her around the railway to find a spot for her new tea shop.
TheSpotlessRecord25 (The) Spotless Record Paul Larson 16 October 2003 #09
A new tank engine named Arthur has a spotless record, meaning he has never been naughty or had an accident. Thomas gets a cheeky idea and plays a trick on Arthur to spoil his spotless record.
Toby'sWindmill58 Toby's Windmill
Toby and the Windmill
David Mitton (story)
Jan Page
17 October 2003 #10
Toby's favourite place is the old windmill. One night, the windmill is put in danger when it is struck by lightning.
BadDayAtCastleLoch42 Bad Day at Castle Loch Jenny McDade 20 October 2003 #11
Donald and Douglas are instructed to take a special load for Callan Castle's reopening. Disaster strikes when a fallen tree and landslide leave them stranded all night.
RheneasandtheRollerCoaster35 Rheneas and the Roller Coaster James Mason 21 October 2003 #12
Rheneas is concerned he may not be special enough for some schoolchildren until he is diverted onto an old mountain line and has a wild ride.
Salty'sStormyTale43 Salty's Stormy Tale Polly Churchill 22 October 2003 #13
Salty becomes upset when Thomas and Percy make fun of him. On the way home, Salty and Fergus come across a lighthouse with its generator broken down.
SnowEngine59 (Oliver the) Snow Engine Jenny McDade 23 October 2003 #14
Oliver hates snow, but he changes his mind after he slips on some icy rails and must spend the night crashed through a giant snowman with Toad.
SomethingFishy33 Something Fishy Paul Larson 24 October 2003 #15
The Fat Controller is looking for engines to run the coastal line. Arthur wishes to, as he has already been there and sees it as his favourite place. Thomas is chosen instead and he complains about the smell of fish.
TheRunawayElephant29 The Runaway Elephant George Tarry 27 October 2003 #16
When Duncan is asked to take an elephant statue to a new park, he carelessly leaves behind the brake van.
PeaceandQuiet52 Peace and Quiet Paul Larson 28 October 2003 #17
The Fat Controller brings in a new engine called Murdoch to help with the goods work but he gets annoyed when Salty and Harvey continuously ask questions.
FergusBreakstheRules19 Fergus Breaks the Rules
Thomas and the Search for Fergus
Jan Page 29 October 2003 #18
Diesel is sent to help Fergus at the Cement Works, where he tricks Fergus into venturing into the scrapyard.
BulgyRidesAgain59 Bulgy Rides Again Brian Trueman 30 October 2003 #19
More summer holidaymakers are flocking to Sodor, but Thomas and Emily are under maintenance, so the Fat Controller puts Bulgy back into service.
HaroldAndTheFlyingHorse44 Harold and the Flying Horse Robin Kingsland 31 October 2003 #20
The Vicar is organising a Village Fair, but Harold feels left out and wishes to help in some way. He gets his chance when a carthorse named Pegasus gets stuck in a ditch.
TheGrandOpening59 The Grand Opening James Mason 3 November 2003 #21
Harold has engine trouble, so the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt choose to ride the red hot air balloon to the opening of a new station instead.
BestDressedEngine48 Best Dressed Engine Polly Churchill 4 November 2003 #22
The engines are celebrating May Day and they are all decorated. James comes up with a "Best Dressed Engine" competition but Gordon sees decorations as undignified.
GordonAndSpencer49 Gordon and Spencer Lee Pressman 5 November 2003 #23
Gordon meets a splendid, but arrogant streamliner named Spencer who is taking the Duke and Duchess of Boxford to a party. Gordon advises Spencer to take on water, but he refuses to listen.
NotSoHastyPuddings52 Not So Hasty Puddings
Not So Hasty Cakes / Thomas and the Avalanche
Robyn Charteris 6 November 2003 #24
Thomas is cross with Elizabeth for telling him he is not reliable enough when the Fat Controller assigns her to deliver some Christmas puddings to the harbour.
TrustyRusty47 Trusty Rusty James Mason 7 November 2003 #25
Rusty alerts the other engines about damage to the Old Wooden Bridge, but Duncan does not trust him, especially when he needs more coal for the journey home and the nearest coal bunker is on the other side of the bridge.
ThreeCheersforThomas61 Three Cheers for Thomas
Hooray for Thomas
Jan Page 10 November 2003 #26
Thomas takes some children to their annual sports day and starts to dream of winning a medal. Percy suggests having a race so Thomas races Bertie again, but he has to stop to help the Fat Controller.

New Series

Series 8

Screenshot Title Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
ThomasandtheTuba14 Thomas and the Tuba Dave Ingham 1 August 2004 #01
Thomas is so excited to collect the brass band that he leaves the tuba player behind.
Percy'sNewWhistle34 Percy's New Whistle James Mason 1 August 2004 #02
Percy blasts his whistle louder and louder, not realising he is causing trouble for Thomas and Bertie.
ThomasToTheRescue64 Thomas to the Rescue Abi Grant
Paul Larson
8 August 2004 #03
Diesel gives Thomas a hard time at the quarry, but gets his comeuppance after taking on a batch of bad fuel.
HenryAndTheWishingTree20 Henry and the Wishing Tree Abi Grant
Paul Larson
8 August 2004 #04
Henry wishes that he could pull the express, but he soon learns to be careful what to wish for.
JamesGetsANewCoat8 James Gets a New Coat Abi Grant 15 August 2004 #05
After James gets repainted, he is too busy showing off to help Percy at the coaling plant.
ThomasSavesTheDay82 Thomas Saves the Day James Mason 15 August 2004 #06
Thomas tries to tackle a dangerous bend without Annie and Clarabel's assistance.
Percy'sBigMistake76 Percy's Big Mistake Abi Grant 22 August 2004 #07
Percy is frightened he will be sent to the scrapyards.
Thomas,EmilyandtheSnowplough55 Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough Abi Grant 22 August 2004 #08
Thomas ignores Emily's advice to put on his snowplough.
Don'tTellThomas83 Don't Tell Thomas Paul Larson 29 August 2004 #09
Thomas feels upset about being left out of a surprise that is being arranged, only to find out the surprise is for him.
Emily'sNewRoute77 Emily's New Route James Mason 29 August 2004 #10
Emily is scared of a monster in Black Loch.
ThomasandtheFireworkDisplay82 Thomas and the Firework Display Abi Grant
Paul Larson
5 September 2004 #11
Thomas is upset that James gets the task of delivering fireworks instead of him, but gets his chance when the splendid red engine brakes down.
GordonTakesCharge30 Gordon Takes Charge Paul Larson 5 September 2004 #12
Percy has not taken passengers in a very long time, so Gordon teaches him how to treat coaches, but ends up showing off.
SpicAndSpan79 Spic and Span Marc Seal 12 September 2004 #13
Thomas and Percy try to beat Gordon, Emily and James in a cleanliness competition.
EdwardtheGreat24 Edward the Great Abi Grant 12 September 2004 #14
Edward races Spencer to the Duke and Duchess of Boxford's summer house.
SqueakRattleAndRoll28 Squeak, Rattle and Roll Marc Seal 19 September 2004 #15
Gordon tries to go slowly so his squeaking and rattling will not be heard.
ThomasAndTheCircus96 Thomas and the Circus Abi Grant 19 September 2004 #16
Due to the weight of Circus Train, Thomas is told to take and share the load with another engine. But Thomas wants all the glory, so he tries to pull the circus train all by himself.
ThomasGetsItRight65 Thomas Gets It Right Robin Rigby 26 September 2004 #17
Thomas wants to make multiple journeys, but he is disappointed when he has to deliver eggs for Farmer McColl.
AsGoodasGordon29 As Good as Gordon Abi Grant 26 September 2004 #18
Emily gets a chance to pull the express and tries to do as good of a job as Gordon.
Fish(Season8)40 Fish Paul Larson 3 October 2004 #19
Thomas is sent to help Arthur on the coastal branch and is told to take only five trucks at a time, but Thomas wants to get the job over and done with.
Emily'sAdventure56 Emily's Adventure Paul Larson 3 October 2004 #20
Emily learns to use her manners whilst collecting timber for repairing Farmer McColl's barn roof.
Halloween58 Halloween Dave Ingham 10 October 2004 #21
Emily accidentally scares herself as well as Thomas, 'Arry and Bert.
YouCanDoItToby62 You Can Do It, Toby! Paul Larson 10 October 2004 #22
Toby has to look after Wellsworth while Edward is at Brendam, but is nervous about being Gordon's banker.
JamesGoesTooFar55 James Goes Too Far James Mason 17 October 2004 #23
James refuses to help his friends when given an important job.
ChickensToSchool68 Chickens to School Paul Larson 17 October 2004 #24
A lack of sleep gets the better of Thomas as he mixes up his jobs.
TooHotForThomas55 Too Hot for Thomas Paul Larson 24 October 2004 #25
Thomas is dismayed when he has to get ingredients to make ice cream on a hot day at the seaside.
PercyandtheMagicCarpet35 Percy and the Magic Carpet Abi Grant 24 October 2004 #26
Percy is disappointed about delivering a carpet until Salty suggests it could be magic.

Series 9

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
PercyAndTheOilPainting75 Percy and the Oil Painting Abi Grant 5 September 2005 #01
Percy takes a fussy painter around Sodor so that he can paint a picture of "The Spirit of Sodor".
ThomasandtheRainbow83 Thomas and the Rainbow Abi Grant 5 September 2005 #02
Thomas is distracted by a rainbow and comes off the tracks.
Molly'sSpecialSpecial48 Molly's Special Special Paul Larson 9 September 2005 #03
Thomas helps the new yellow engine named Molly to make her empty trucks look more important than Gordon's express.
RespectforGordon50 Respect for Gordon James Mason 9 September 2005 #04
Gordon begins bossing the others about, until he crashed into some jam tankers.
Thomas'MilkshakeMuddle32 Thomas' Milkshake Muddle Marc Seal 16 September 2005 #05
Thomas is sent to get ingredients for cake and ice cream for a summer party, but almost ruins it by rushing around too much.
MightyMac7 Mighty Mac Paul Larson 16 September 2005 #06
Mighty Mac, an engine with two faces, has a problem deciding where to go.
ThomasandtheBirthdayPicnic75 Thomas and the Birthday Picnic Sharon Miller 23 September 2005 #07
Thomas tries to find a perfect place for Dowager Hatt's birthday picnic.
TunefulToots57 Tuneful Toots Sharon Miller 23 September 2005 #08
Rusty gets stranded while showing the brass band around and uses his horn to save the day.
ThomasandtheToyShop5 Thomas and the Toy Shop
Thomas and the Toy Workshop
James Mason 30 September 2005 #09
Thomas takes some toys to the Knapford toy shop as well as children from school, but needs Henry's assistance because the train is too heavy.
RheneasandtheDinosaur51 Rheneas and the Dinosaur Paul Larson 30 September 2005 #10
Rheneas tries to take a dinosaur skeleton to The Transfer Yards on his own, much to Skarloey's dismay.
ThomasAndTheNewEngine72 Thomas and the New Engine Marc Seal 7 October 2005 #11
Thomas sees 'Arry and Bert laughing rudely at a new engine named Neville, but he thought Neville was being friends with them, which spreads rumours to Edward, James, Percy and Emily.
TobyFeelsLeftOut17 Toby Feels Left Out Simon A. Brown 7 October 2005 #12
A museum is being opened and Toby is worried he will be put in it.
ThomasTriesHisBest74 Thomas Tries His Best James Mason 14 October 2005 #13
Thomas wants to go to a fair while he has to wait for Farmer McColl with his chickens.
TheMagicLamp14 The Magic Lamp Sharon Miller 14 October 2005 #14
Peter Sam goes looking for a magic lamp after Skarloey tells him the story of Proteus.
ThomasandtheStatue75 Thomas and the Statue Marc Seal 21 October 2005 #15
Thomas is chosen to take a statue, which he believes is of him, causing him to anger his friends.
HenryandtheFlagpole65 Henry and the Flagpole Paul Larson 21 October 2005 #16
Henry fears his favourite pine tree will be cut down to provide a flagpole for Callan Castle.
EmilyKnowsBest61 Emily Knows Best Marc Seal 28 October 2005 #17
Emily pretends to be a queen, only to cause confusion and delay.
Thomas'DayOff61 Thomas' Day Off Sharon Miller 28 October 2005 #18
Dennis the new diesel acts lazy and gets Thomas to do all his work.
Thomas'NewTrucks28 Thomas' New Trucks Paul Larson 4 November 2005 #19
Thomas is jealous when James gets new trucks. He soon gets his own, but they keep getting dirty.
DuncanAndTheOldMine40 Duncan and the Old Mine James Mason 4 November 2005 #20
Duncan, looking for adventure, ventures into a disused mine.
BoldandBrave45 Bold and Brave James Mason 11 November 2005 #21
Diesel tells Thomas about the Curse of the Cliffs which makes him worried.
SkarloeytheBrave49 Skarloey the Brave Paul Larson 11 November 2005 #22
Skarloey proves to be a daredevil when he tries to ride up the incline.
SavingEdward26 Saving Edward James Mason 18 November 2005 #23
Edward cannot take his train and fears he will be scrapped.
ThomasAndTheGoldenEagle89 Thomas and the Golden Eagle Abi Grant 18 November 2005 #24
Thomas and Percy try to see a rare golden eagle.
KeepingUpwithJames80 Keeping Up with James Abi Grant 25 November 2005 #25
James' impatience with Edward proves to be disastrous.
FlourPower58 Flour Power Abi Grant 25 November 2005 #26
Diesel spooks Thomas, but he gets payback at him.

Series 10

(Note: * means that an episode has yet to be released on home media in the US).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
FollowThatFlour17 Follow that Flour Sharon Miller 4 September 2006 #01
Thomas bumps and hides a truck of flour, which James was meant to take.
ASmoothRide8 A Smooth Ride Simon Nicholson 4 September 2006 #02
Sir Handel returns from the quarry, but is afraid he will be sent back when he starts bumping.
ThomasandtheJetPlane25 Thomas and the Jet Plane * Abi Grant 5 September 2006 #03
Thomas meets a jet plane named Jeremy and gets jealous of what he does.
PercyandtheFunfair54 Percy and the Funfair
Percy and the Carnival
Abi Grant 5 September 2006 #04
Percy is given the assignment of delivering coal while his friends get to help with a funfair.
TheGreenController49 The Green Controller Sharon Miller 6 September 2006 #05
Lady Hatt appoints Percy to give the engines orders as the Fat Controller has lost his voice, but Percy only causes a muddle.
DuncanDropsaClanger64 Duncan Drops a Clanger * Paul Larson 6 September 2006 #06
Duncan transports a church bell, but due to his carelessness, he loses it for a bit.
Thomas'TrickyTree59 Thomas' Tricky Tree Sharon Miller 7 September 2006 #07
Thomas searches the wharf for a Christmas tree, but neglects to take the narrow gauge engines' advice.
Toby'sAfternoonOff70 Toby's Afternoon Off Marc Seal 7 September 2006 #08
Toby wants to visit the farm after finishing his jobs, but is given more work to do.
It'sGoodtobeGordon80 It's Good to Be Gordon * Abi Grant 8 September 2006 #09
Gordon accidentally takes Henry's special coal, but he does not admit this mistake, leaving Henry to break down.
SeeingtheSights26 Seeing the Sights Wayne Jackman 8 September 2006 #10
Thomas races from place to place too fast and leaves passengers behind at each stop.
FearlessFreddie44 Fearless Freddie * Simon Nicholson 9 September 2006 #11
When Freddie returns to the Skarloey Railway, he realises he is ageing after resorting to cheating in a race with Skarloey and Rheneas, leaving one of them to come off the tracks.
Toby'sNewShed74 Toby's New Shed * Simon Nicholson 9 September 2006 #12
Toby is upset when the birds roosting in his shed are made homeless when his shed is renovated and now Thomas puts things right.
BigStrongHenry75 Big Strong Henry Simon Nicholson 12 September 2006 #13
Henry tries to prove he is the strongest engine on the railway.
StickyToffeeThomas60 Sticky Toffee Thomas
Sticky Taffy Thomas
Paul Larson 12 September 2006 #14
Thomas wants to wear a costume for the costume party, but he does not pay attention to what he is doing.
WhichWayNow25 Which Way Now? * James Mason 11 September 2006 #15
Rusty rushes workmen so he can take the Fat Controller and his family around the Skarloey Railway.
ThomasandtheShootingStar59 Thomas and the Shooting Star * Abi Grant 11 September 2006 #16
Thomas gets lost on his way to the power station while searching for a shooting star.
EdwardStrikesOut29 Edward Strikes Out Sharon Miller 10 September 2006 #17
Edward prejudices a new crane called Rocky, but he soon eats his words after Rocky helps Gordon after an accident.
ToppedOffThomas15 Topped Off Thomas * Sharon Miller 10 September 2006 #18
While racing Spencer, Thomas blows the Fat Controller's top hat away and is told to find it again.
WharfandPeace25 Wharf and Peace * Abi Grant 13 September 2006 #19
Skarloey is startled at the wharf and is too scared to return.
Thomas'FrostyFriend76 Thomas' Frosty Friend Sharon Miller 13 September 2006 #20
A snowman-shaped balloon attaches itself to Thomas' rear buffers.
EmilyandtheSpecialCoaches30 Emily and the Special Coaches
Emily and the Special Cars
James Mason 14 September 2006 #21
Gordon is getting new coaches for setting a speed record, but Diesel thinks he is special too and out of spite steals them when Emily was supposed to take them to Knapford.
ThomasAndTheColours76 Thomas and the Colours
Thomas and the Colors
Marc Seal 14 September 2006 #22
Thomas tries to convince James to give him the job of pulling the Sodor football team.
ThomasAndTheBirthdayMail53 Thomas and the Birthday Mail James Mason 15 September 2006 #23
Thomas is annoyed when a tank engine, Rosie, harasses and follows him.
Duncan'sBluff61 Duncan's Bluff Paul Larson 15 September 2006 #24
Duncan cheats in a contest with James, making him run out of coal before he has to take children to a holiday concert.
MissingTrucks41 Missing Trucks
Missing (Freight) Cars
Wayne Jackman 16 September 2006 #25
Rheneas' good deed of helping Skarloey causes trouble.
ThomasandtheTreasure75 Thomas and the Treasure Marc Seal 16 September 2006 #26
Thomas goes looking for treasure, following clues told by Salty.
JamestheSecondBest64 James the Second Best * Paul Larson 17 September 2006 #27
James is upset when Edward is chosen to appear on a railway poster, so he tries to follow his ways.
ThomasandSkarloey'sBigDayOut60 Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out Paul Larson 17 September 2006 #28
Thomas takes Skarloey to the works, but he delays to show him the sights.

Series 11

(Note: * means that an episode has yet to be released on home media in the US).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
ThomasandtheStoryteller54 Thomas and the Storyteller Abi Grant 3 September 2007 #01
Thomas shows a famous storyteller around all of Sodor, but keeps making favours to help his all of his friends.
Emily'sRubbish10 Emily's Rubbish
Emily and the Garbage
Wayne Jackman 3 September 2007 #02
Emily is somehow teased by the other engines for working with Whiff, but soon learns how useful Whiff is.
DreamOn42 Dream On Neil Richards 4 September 2007 #03
Thomas thinks he can be faster, shinier and stronger than Spencer.
DirtyWork(Season11)25 Dirty Work Wayne Jackman 4 September 2007 #04
James gets ready to be the star of the lights festival at Callan Castle and Emily, Percy and Thomas want to go, too. However, they have not finished their work.
HectortheHorrid!23 Hector the Horrid! * Simon Spencer 5 September 2007 #05
An aggressive coal hopper named Hector is rude to Bill, Ben and Rosie. But Thomas learns of his secret fear.
GordonandtheEngineer40 Gordon and the Engineer
Gordon and the Mechanic
Paul Larson 5 September 2007 #06
Gordon's case of mistaken identity almost causes the engines to be stranded and he needs Donald and Douglas' assistance.
ThomasandtheSpaceship57 Thomas and the Spaceship Sharon Miller 6 September 2007 #07
Thomas and Percy are certain they have seen a spaceship in the sky.
Henry'sLuckyDay65 Henry's Lucky Day Paul Larson 6 September 2007 #08
Henry goes looking for his so-called "lucky trucks" after Edward takes them. However, Henry accidentally breaks his trucks after finding Edward.
ThomasAndTheLighthouse64 Thomas and the Lighthouse Abi Grant 7 September 2007 #09
Thomas neglects his instructions of taking a light bulb carefully to the lighthouse when the engines become excited about a fair with fireworks.
ThomasandtheBigBang71 Thomas and the Big Bang * Abi Grant 7 September 2007 #10
Thomas plays jokes with the narrow gauge engines at the Wharf instead of doing his job.
SmokeAndMirrors73 Smoke and Mirrors Neil Richards 8 September 2007 #11
Thomas confuses some deliveries for a magic show, but the magician puts him in the grand finale after Thomas fixes his mistake.
ThomasSetsSail65 Thomas Sets Sail Sharon Miller 8 September 2007 #12
It is very windy and Thomas loses control of his yacht while he pulls it.
Don'tBeSillyBilly47 Don't be Silly, Billy * Sharon Miller 9 September 2007 #13
A new engine named Billy ignores Thomas' advice and, as a result, runs out of coal and water.
EdwardandtheMail65 Edward and the Mail Paul Larson 9 September 2007 #14
Edward is chosen to pull the mail, but he does not know how to do the job and is worried to ask the other engines how.
HideAndPeep77 Hide and Peep Simon Spencer 10 September 2007 #15
Thomas cheats at a game of "hide and peep" with Percy at Brendam.
Toby'sTriumph99 Toby's Triumph Abi Grant 10 September 2007 #16
Toby is chosen to take Allicia Botti to a concert, but he is worried he will mess up and he does too many times.
ThomasAndTheRunawayCar26 Thomas and the Runaway Car Sharon Miller 11 September 2007 #17
A runaway car causes trouble for the gang, so Thomas tries to catch it.
ThomasinTrouble(Season11)64 Thomas in Trouble Wayne Jackman 11 September 2007 #18
Thomas leaves the fitter's yard to pick up a choir before he is fully maintained.
ThomasandtheStinkyCheese59 Thomas and the Stinky Cheese Paul Larson 12 September 2007 #19
Thomas tries to avoid Diesel, 'Arry and Bert while taking some stinky cheese.
PercyandtheLeftLuggage69 Percy and the Left Luggage
Percy and the Baggage
Abi Grant 12 September 2007 #20
Percy neglects his more important job, collecting Dowager Hatt's luggage, in favour of his other more fun jobs.
SkarloeyStormsThrough11 Skarloey Storms Through Neil Richards 9 January 2008 #21
Skarloey faces all of his worst fears when the Thin Controller orders him that he has to rescue some upset lambs during a thunderstorm.
CoolTruckings19 Cool Truckings Paul Larson 10 January 2008 #22
Madge almost has a terrible accident in the snow while transporting Duncan to the Transfer Yards.
WashBehindYourBuffers57 Wash Behind Your Buffers Paul Larson 11 January 2008 #23
Madge tells Skarloey and Rheneas to keep clean for a concert, but she cannot keep clean herself.
DuncanDoesItAll37 Duncan Does It All Wayne Jackman 13 January 2008 #24
Duncan does the other engines' jobs for a change for the afternoon, but he causes several muddles during his jobs.
SirHandelInCharge62 Sir Handel in Charge Simon Spencer 14 January 2008 #25
The Thin Controller is absent, so Sir Handel tells the other narrow gauge engines what to do, with disastrous results.
Ding-A-Ling94 Ding-a-Ling Sharon Miller 15 January 2008 #26
Freddie tries to find a bell for the Thin Controller's new bicycle.

Series 12

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
ThomasAndTheBillboard99 Thomas and the Billboard Mark Robertson 1 September 2008 #01
Diesel obscures Thomas in a photograph of the engines.
SteadyEddie17 Steady Eddie Sharon Miller 2 September 2008 #02
Edward takes the Great Waterton water wheel on the scenic route to show off to his friends.
Rosie'sFunfairSpecial87 Rosie's Funfair Special
Rosie's Carnival Special
Andrew Viner 3 September 2008 #03
Rosie and Emily are pulling a train for a fair, but Rosie wants to pull it alone.
MountainMarvel74 Mountain Marvel Sharon Miller 4 September 2008 #04
Peter Sam rushes to finish his jobs in order to hear a tale about Proteus from the famous storyteller, Miss Marvel.
HenryGetsItWrong13 Henry Gets It Wrong Abi Grant 5 September 2008 #05
Henry worries that the workmen are going to cut down the wishing tree.
HeaveHoThomas!36 Heave Ho Thomas! Sharon Miller 8 September 2008 #06
A large new engine called Hank arrives, but Thomas is determined not to need his help.
Toby'sSpecialSurprise69 Toby's Special Surprise Sharon Miller 9 September 2008 #07
Toby wants to make an impression by searching Sodor for something special.
ExcellentEmily45 Excellent Emily Paul Larson 10 September 2008 #08
When Emily is praised that she is "excellent", she ignores her friends' advice, causing her to end up getting stranded in muddy water.
ThePartySurprise71 The Party Surprise Simon Spencer 11 September 2008 #09
Freddie decides to reorganise a winter party from the Thin Controller's house to the Wharf as a surprise for Colin the crane.
SavedYou!80 Saved You! Paul Larson 12 September 2008 #10
Thomas wants to prove his heroism when he learns a fireman is to be honoured.
DuncanAndTheHotAirBalloon78 Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon Mark Robertson 15 September 2008 #11
The Thin Controller's twins are getting a ride in the hot air balloon for their birthday, but Duncan wants to take them himself.
JamesWorksItOut47 James Works It Out Simon Spencer 16 September 2008 #12
When James ignores Hector's advice, he gets caught in bad winter weather.
TramTrouble55 Tram Trouble Sharon Miller 17 September 2008 #13
Toby and Flora are heading a parade at Great Waterton; Thomas thinks Toby would rather lead the event on his own and tries to distract Flora.
Don'tGoBack11 Don't Go Back Simon Spencer 18 September 2008 #14
Thomas and Diesel race backwards instead of doing their work, causing them to crash into the other diesels.
GordonTakesaShortcut28 Gordon Takes a Shortcut Wayne Jackman 19 September 2008 #15
Gordon gets lost while taking a shortcut and refuses to ask for help.
TheManintheHills72 The Man in the Hills Sharon Miller 22 September 2008 #16
Thomas and the narrow gauge engines collect presents for the Thin Controller's birthday.
ThomasPutsTheBrakesOn44 Thomas Puts the Brakes On Mark Robertson 23 September 2008 #17
Thomas' brakes malfunction while delivering bricks to repair a bridge.
PercyandtheBandstand65 Percy and the Bandstand Paul Larson 24 September 2008 #18
Percy is tasked with bringing Lady Hatt to a surprise party, but the unknowing Lady Hatt tells him to go elsewhere.
PushMe,PullYou69 Push Me, Pull You Sharon Miller 25 September 2008 #19
Skarloey refuses Rheneas' help to pull a train for a puppet show and ends up playing the trucks' games.
BestFriends73 Best Friends Anna Starkey 26 September 2008 #20
Thomas tries to avoid telling Percy he has been given a job Percy wants to do.

CGI Series

Series 13

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
CreakyCranky71 Creaky Cranky Sharon Miller 25 January 2010 #01
Cranky teases Thomas about being small, but when he breaks down it is up to Thomas to save him.
TheLionOfSodor96 The Lion of Sodor Mark Robertson 26 January 2010 #02
Thomas has to deliver the Lion of Sodor to Knapford, but he thinks that the lion is real and tries to feed it, but this only causes confusion and delay.
TickledPink77 Tickled Pink Allan Plenderleith 27 January 2010 #03
James is sent to the Steamworks to be repainted, but he is repainted into a pink livery to keep the water out of his paintwork and the other engines laugh at him.
DoubleTrouble47 Double Trouble Sharon Miller 28 January 2010 #04
Thomas thinks he is taking the Fat Controller to his birthday party, but it turns out to be his brother.
SlippySodor39 Slippy Sodor Mark Robertson 29 January 2010 #05
Thomas is teased about his "funny funnel" and causes trouble for the Fat Controller and Mr. Bubbles.
TheEarlyBird26 The Early Bird David Richard Fox 1 February 2010 #06
While Percy is at the Steamworks for repairs, Thomas must pull the mail, but he does not want to ask for his advice.
PlayTime51 Play Time Sharon Miller 2 February 2010 #07
Charlie, the new engine, challenges Thomas to race him around the Island, causing Thomas to neglect his jobs.
ThomasAndThePigs15 Thomas and the Pigs Allan Plenderleith 3 February 2010 #08
Thomas is to bring straw to Farmer Trotter's Pig Farm for the piglets who are soon to be born, but Thomas thinks they will like other things better.
TimeForaStory55 Time for a Story Miranda Larson 4 February 2010 #09
After ignoring warning signs about track repair, Thomas' trucks of books derail, so he brings the children to the books.
Percy'sParcel52 Percy's Parcel Robyn Charteris 5 February 2010 #10
After Percy ruins Dowager Hatt's birthday parcel, he hides in a siding. When he overhears Mavis, he gets an idea of how to fix his mistake.
Toby'sNewWhistle37 Toby's New Whistle Louise Kramskoy 8 February 2010 #11
Toby's bell needs repairs, so he is given a very loud whistle while it is being mended.
ABloomingMess75 A Blooming Mess Miranda Larson 9 February 2010 #12
Emily thinks that Mavis needs to be cheered up, so she brings her some flowers but winds up causing confusion and delay.
ThomasAndTheRunawayKite64 Thomas and the Runaway Kite Louise Kramskoy 10 February 2010 #13
After Stephen and Bridget Hatt's kite flies away and Thomas tries to catch it, but realises that he needs to ask for help.
SteamySodor28 Steamy Sodor Sharon Miller 11 February 2010 #14
When Thomas is put in charge of the Steamworks, havoc ensues.
SplishSplashSplosh14 Splish Splash Splosh Sharon Miller 12 February 2010 #15
Thomas and Rosie play "Splish, Splash, Splosh", but when Thomas splashes the Fat Controller and Allicia Botti he must put things right.
TheBiggestPresentofAll62 The Biggest Present of All Sharon Miller 15 February 2010 #16
Hiro is returning to Sodor and the Fat Controller is planning a welcome party for him. Thomas is told to tell the other engines, but looks for a present for Hiro instead.
SnowTracks21 Snow Tracks Alan Hescott 16 February 2010 #17
Gordon is told to not go up any hills, but when he does, he creates a giant snowball.
Henry'sGoodDeeds67 Henry's Good Deeds Alan Hescott 17 February 2010 #18
Henry attempts to help people but ends up scaring away the Sodor Warbler, a very famous bird.
BuzzyBees48 Buzzy Bees Sharon Miller 18 February 2010 #19
Thomas' special of bees escape when he goes by a flowery meadow. So he takes Hiro's flower truck to try to lure them back to their hive.
HiroHelpsOut12 Hiro Helps Out Sharon Miller 19 February 2010 #20
Hiro gives the engines orders when he thinks the Fat Controller is too busy to do it himself.

Series 14

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Thomas'TallFriend76 Thomas' Tall Friend Sharon Miller 11 October 2010 #01
Thomas must deliver a giraffe to the animal park, but is too excited to wait for its keeper.
JamesInTheDark63 James in the Dark Mark Robertson 12 October 2010 #02
James refuses to wear an old fashioned head lamp at night and picks up Farmer McColl, Farmer Trotter, and their animals instead of Allicia Botti.
PingyPongyPickUp80 Pingy Pongy Pick Up Miranda Larson 13 October 2010 #03
Emily must pick up the Sodor United football team's kits.
CharlieandEddie72 Charlie and Eddie Sharon Miller 14 October 2010 #04
Edward tries to show Charlie that he is a fun engine instead of delivering the Fat Controller's car to a mechanic.
TobyandtheWhistlingWoods23 Toby and the Whistling Woods Louise Kramskoy 15 October 2010 #05
Thomas and James help Toby get through the Whistling Woods.
Henry'sHealthandSafety78 Henry's Health and Safety Sharon Miller 18 October 2010 #06
Henry becomes so concerned about safety, he interferes with Percy's jobs.
Diesel'sSpecialDelivery95 Diesel's Special Delivery Jessica Sandys Clarke 19 October 2010 #07
Diesel swaps his dull load of slate for a haul of shiny red apples and bright flowers in order to please Sodor's schoolchildren.
PopGoesThomas5 Pop Goes Thomas Mark Robertson 20 October 2010 #08
Thomas is amused by the popping sounds coming from his load of lemonade, but when he delivers the cargo, he discovers that the bottles are empty.
VictorSaysYes66 Victor Says Yes Denise Cassar 21 October 2010 #09
Victor bites off more than he can chew when he agrees to fix many of Sodor's engines on the same day.
ThomasinCharge75 Thomas in Charge Mark Daydy 22 October 2010 #10
The Railway Inspector pays a visit to Sodor, but Thomas' ambitious plans to impress him lead to chaos.
BeingPercy66 Being Percy Rachel Dawson 25 October 2010 #11
Percy decides to imitate Gordon in order to get the other engines to take notice of him.
MerryWinterWish98 Merry Winter Wish Miranda Larson 26 October 2010 #12
Thomas delivers the Star of Knapford, a festive light that makes wishes come true.
ThomasAndTheSnowmanParty73 Thomas and the Snowman Party Jessica Sandys Clarke 27 October 2010 #13
Thomas must find a special hat for a snowman before the party can begin.
Thomas'CrazyDay38 Thomas' Crazy Day Sharon Miller 28 October 2010 #14
The Fat Controller enlists Thomas to teach the silly Logging Locos how to be useful, but he has already promised to play a game with Percy.
JumpingJobiWood!51 Jumping Jobi Wood! Sharon Miller 29 October 2010 #15
Thomas is ordered to collect some precious Jobi wood from Misty Island, but chaos ensues when Old Wheezy starts throwing the logs around.
ThomasandScruff18 Thomas and Scruff Sharon Miller 1 November 2010 #16
Thomas tries to clean a new engine named Scruff, but as soon as he knows he is getting a wash, he runs off in terror.
OtheIndignity23 O the Indignity Sharon Miller 2 November 2010 #17
Gordon is put in charge of Whiff's waste dump on "Clean Sodor Day".
JittersandJapes64 Jitters and Japes Sharon Miller 3 November 2010 #18
Thomas takes Dowager Hatt on a slow tour of Misty Island, but the Dowager wants to have a more exciting trip.
MerryMistyIsland104 Merry Misty Island Sharon Miller 4 November 2010 #19
Bash, Dash, and Ferdinand prepare for the first ever Misty Island Christmas party.
Henry'sMagicBox12 Henry's Magic Box Sharon Miller 8 November 2010 #20
Henry helps the Fat Controller prepare a secret holiday surprise.

Series 15

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
GordonandFerdinand96 Gordon and Ferdinand Sharon Miller 1 March 2011 #01
Gordon is embarrassed to be seen with Ferdinand while delivering the Lion of Sodor.
TobyAndBash82 Toby and Bash Sharon Miller 2 March 2011 #02
Toby tries to find Bash a home on Sodor, but Bash misses his friends on Misty Island.
EmilyandDash69 Emily and Dash Sharon Miller 3 March 2011 #03
Emily has to escort Dash to a steam fair but thoughtlessly leaves him behind.
Percy'sNewFriends90 Percy's New Friends Gerard Foster 4 March 2011 #04
After his friends say they are too busy to play, Percy decides to make friends with the animals on Sodor.
EdwardTheHero85 Edward the Hero Sharon Miller 7 March 2011 #05
Edward wants to be a hero like Harold.
JamestotheRescue54 James to the Rescue Sharon Miller 8 March 2011 #06
James refuses to work with Toby as the rescue engine, but soon regrets his decision.
HappyHiro71 Happy Hiro Sharon Miller 9 March 2011 #07
Hiro is feeling homesick, so Thomas tries to cheer him up by taking him to Misty Island.
Up,UpandAway!84 Up, Up and Away! Sharon Miller 10 March 2011 #08
Thomas and Percy deliver Mr. Bubbles' giant balloon.
Henry'sHappyCoal51 Henry's Happy Coal Sharon Miller 11 March 2011 #09
'Arry and Bert tease Henry about using special coal.
LetItSnow91 Let It Snow Sharon Miller 14 March 2011 #10
While collecting logs for an animal shelter, Thomas sings the Misty Island Snow Song in hopes of making it snow.
SurpriseSurprise93 Surprise, Surprise Sharon Miller 15 March 2011 #11
Thomas tries to hold a Christmas party at the Sodor Steamworks for his friends but does not tell Victor.
SpencertheGrand1 Spencer the Grand Jessica Sandys Clarke 16 March 2011 #12
Spencer disobeys orders and tries to puff to the Duke and Duchess of Boxford's summer house in the fog.
StopthatBus!69 Stop That Bus! Sharon Miller 17 March 2011 #13
Thomas takes Bertie on a tour, but Bertie has to pick up Dowager Hatt and her friends.
StuckonYou49 Stuck on You Sharon Miller 18 March 2011 #14
Thomas and Butch do not listen to Victor's instructions, so they do not know how to work Butch's new magnet.
BigBelle73 Big Belle Sharon Miller 21 March 2011 #15
Belle's attempts to be friends with Toby only frighten the steam tram away.
KevintheSteamie24 Kevin the Steamie Laurie Israel
Rachel Ruderman
22 March 2011 #16
Kevin practices shunting so that he can take part in Thomas and Percy's game.
WonkyWhistle17 Wonky Whistle Neil Ben 23 March 2011 #17
Thomas rushes off before his whistle can be properly fixed and scares Farmer McColl's animals.
PercytheSnowman38 Percy the Snowman Lizzie Ennever 24 March 2011 #18
Thomas promises to take a depressed Percy to pick up the Fat Controller, but while Thomas is finishing his jobs, he only succeeds in covering Percy in snow.
TreeTrouble57 Tree Trouble Sharon Miller 25 March 2011 #19
The diesels and Thomas compete to find the best Christmas tree for the Steamworks and Dieselworks.
FieryFlynn59 Fiery Flynn Sharon Miller 28 March 2011 #20
Flynn tries to impress the diesels with his bravado with potentially disastrous results.

Series 16

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
RacetotheRescue22 Race to the Rescue Sharon Miller 20 February 2012 #01
Flynn is able to run on the roads again, but he is nervous because his wheels wobble.
Ol'WheezyWobbles22 Ol' Wheezy Wobbles Sharon Miller 21 February 2012 #02
Ol' Wheezy has stopped working. The Logging Locos do not know what to do, but Thomas is sure he can help.
ExpressComingThrough27 Express Coming Through Sharon Miller 22 February 2012 #03
Dowager Hatt is having a party for some very important visitors.
PercyandtheMonsterofBrendam27 Percy and the Monster of Brendam Sharon Miller 23 February 2012 #04
Percy believes one of Salty's tales and looks for "the monster of Brendam."
HoHoSnowman63 Ho Ho Snowman Sharon Miller 24 February 2012 #05
Charlie hides behind a snowman and tricks Henry into thinking it is alive.
FlashBangWallop!24 Flash Bang Wallop! Jessica Sandys Clarke 27 February 2012 #06
A photographer wants to take some pictures of the engines for a book.
ThomasAndTheRubbishTrain35 Thomas and the Rubbish Train
Thomas and the Garbage Train
Andrew Viner 28 February 2012 #07
Thomas helps Whiff pull a train to the waste dump.
ThomasTootstheCrows32 Thomas Toots the Crows Dan Wicksman
Nuria Wicksman
29 February 2012 #08
Thomas tries to keep the crows off Farmer McColl's seeds.
BustMyBuffers!60 Bust My Buffers! Sharon Miller 1 March 2012 #09
Gordon's bufferbeam is broken and he is given a diesel's bufferbeam.
PercyandtheCalliope86 Percy and the Calliope Max Allen 2 March 2012 #10
Percy tries to save a calliope from the smelter's yard.
ThomasandtheSoundsofSodor67 Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor Gerard Foster 5 March 2012 #11
Thomas helps a great composer look for inspiration.
Salty'sSurprise58 Salty's Surprise Sharon Miller 6 March 2012 #12
Edward tries to find Salty a Christmas present.
SodorSurpriseDay67 Sodor Surprise Day Jessica Kedward
Kirsty Peart
7 March 2012 #13
Thomas tries to get Gordon to have fun on Sodor Surprise Day but ruins the fireworks.
Emily'sWinterPartySpecial39 Emily's Winter Party Special Max Allen 8 March 2012 #14
Emily thinks she will be chosen to pull the present train if she finds the Fat Controller's hat.
MuddyMatters79 Muddy Matters Max Allen 9 March 2012 #15
James needs to travel on muddy tracks to get Farmer McColl's sheep to the fair but does not want to dirty his paintwork.
Whiff'sWish74 Whiff's Wish Andy Bernhardt 12 March 2012 #16
Whiff wishes that he was as grand as Spencer.
WelcomeStafford98 Welcome Stafford! Sharon Miller 13 March 2012 #17
Spencer shows Stafford, the new electric shunting engine, around Sodor, but ignores Victor's warning that Stafford's batteries could run out.
Don'tBotherVictor!57 Don't Bother Victor! Sharon Miller 14 March 2012 #18
The Thin Controller leaves Peter Sam in charge of the narrow gauge railway.
HappyBirthdaySir83 Happy Birthday Sir! Sharon Miller 15 March 2012 #19
Thomas and Winston, the new track inspection vehicle, look for an open-top carriage for the Fat Controller's birthday.
TheChristmasTreeExpress22 The Christmas Tree Express Sharon Miller 25 December 2012 #20
Toby gets scared when he takes Rheneas to Misty Island to pick out a Christmas tree.

Series 17

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Kevin'sCrankyFriend22 Kevin's Cranky Friend Lee Pressman 3 June 2013 #01
Kevin is sent to the docks to help Cranky, but Cranky believes he doesn't need any help.
Scruff'sMakeover51 Scruff's Makeover Lee Pressman 4 June 2013 #02
After being repainted, Scruff refuses to work at Whiff's waste dump and searches for a new job to do.
WaywardWinston88 Wayward Winston Lee Pressman 5 June 2013 #03
Winston leaves the Fat Controller behind and goes off driver-less.
GordonRunsDry31 Gordon Runs Dry Andrew Brenner 6 June 2013 #04
A rock hits Gordon's boiler, causing him to have to refill with water too regularly.
CalmDownCaitlin80 Calm Down Caitlin Davey Moore 7 June 2013 #05
Caitlin spends the night on Sodor volunteering to do the other engines' jobs.
SteamieStafford15 Steamie Stafford Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
10 June 2013 #06
Stafford wants to make sounds like a steam engine.
Henry'sHero95 Henry's Hero Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
11 June 2013 #07
Henry and Hiro take on some bad coal while delivering a heavy goods train.
Luke'sNewFriend120 Luke's New Friend Davey Moore 12 June 2013 #08
Luke makes friends with a young deer in the quarry.
TheSwitch122 The Switch Davey Moore 13 June 2013 #09
Luke and Millie swap jobs at the castle and the quarry.
NotNow,Charlie!109 Not Now, Charlie! Davey Moore 14 June 2013 #10
Nobody believes Charlie’s jokes after he tells Harold that he had spotted an elephant on the track.
TheLostPuff78 The Lost Puff Davey Moore 30 September 2013 #11
Paxton searches the island for Thomas' "lost puff".
TheThomasWay106 The Thomas Way Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
1 October 2013 #12
Duck and Thomas have to take Harold to the Search and Rescue Centre to be repaired.
ThePhantomExpress80 The Phantom Express Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
2 October 2013 #13
James scares Percy and Stephen with a spooky tale.
Percy'sLuckyDay104 Percy's Lucky Day Davey Moore 3 October 2013 #14
Percy feels unlucky, so Stephen gives him his lucky horseshoe.
BillorBen?81 Bill or Ben? Andrew Brenner 4 October 2013 #15
Bill and Ben get back at Connor for going too fast.
TooManyFireEngines23 Too Many Fire Engines Andrew Brenner 5 November 2013 #16
The amount of fire engines needed on Sodor is questioned, and Flynn's luck runs out when Belle beats him to every emergency.
NoSnowforThomas85 No Snow for Thomas Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
23 December 2013 #17
Thomas hides his snowplough, and has to stay in the shed all day, while Emily takes his place on his branch line.
Santa'sLittleEngine126 Santa's Little Engine Andrew Brenner 24 December 2013 #18
The Fat Controller has to play Santa Claus for the Earl's Christmas Party, but he's never driven a sleigh before, and ends up in very icy trouble.
TheMissingChristmasDecorations122 The Missing Christmas Decorations Andrew Brenner 25 December 2013 #19
Diesel 10 steals the steam engines' Christmas decorations for the Dieselworks, so Percy and the Steam Team have to get them back.
TheFrozenTurntable7 The Frozen Turntable Andrew Brenner 26 December 2013 #20
The turntable at the sheds freezes, so the engines have to find other places to sleep, but Gordon takes the only berth at the sheds, getting him stuck.
AwayFromTheSea85 Away from the Sea Andrew Brenner 5 July 2014 #21
Salty thinks he will be replaced at the docks by a new engine, Porter.
GoneFishing(episode)66 Gone Fishing Andrew Brenner 5 July 2014 #22
Harvey has to take a train to Vicarstown, something he does not normally do.
TheAfternoonTeaExpress75 The Afternoon Tea Express Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
6 July 2014 #23
Stephen is given the job of collecting ingredients for the afternoon teas at Ulfstead Castle, but Spencer teases him about his speed.
TheSmellyKipper66 The Smelly Kipper Andrew Brenner 6 July 2014 #24
Henry challenges James to pull the Flying Kipper.
NoMoreMrNiceEngine117 No More Mr. Nice Engine Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
21 November 2014 #25
Diesel tries to get Hiro to misbehave with the trucks.
Thomas'Shortcut93 Thomas' Shortcut Andrew Brenner 21 November 2014 #26
Bertie is re-routed, so Thomas tries to find his own shortcut.

Series 18

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
OldReliableEdward112 Old Reliable Edward Andrew Brenner 25 August 2014 #01
Gordon teases Edward about being old and slow, so Thomas decides to make a plan to pay him out.
NotSoSlowCoaches112 Not So Slow Coaches Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
26 August 2014 #02
Annie and Clarabel unexpectedly become part of Caitlin's high-speed train.
FlatbedsofFear32 Flatbeds of Fear Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
27 August 2014 #03
Salty tells Thomas a story of some flatbeds which he called the "Flatbeds of Fear", causing paranoia among him, Henry and Emily.
DisappearingDiesels104 Disappearing Diesels Andrew Brenner 28 August 2014 #04
The diesels hide from Paxton as a joke, but Paxton takes the joke too seriously, as he believes that all of them had disappeared.
SignalsCrossed121 Signals Crossed Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
29 August 2014 #05
Toby is nervous of Knapford Junction, as he does not know which signal is his.
Toad'sAdventure16 Toad's Adventure Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
1 September 2014 #06
After Oliver brags about his own adventure from escaping the scrapyard, Toad decides he wants his own and soon gets one while being James' brake van.
DuckintheWater55 Duck in the Water Andrew Brenner 2 September 2014 #07
When James collects Rocky to help Duck, he becomes impatient and causes trouble when Rocky's crane arm isn't secured.
DuckandtheSlipCoaches116 Duck and the Slip Coaches Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
3 September 2014 #08
James steals Duck's idea of bringing special Slip Coaches to the railway.
ThomastheQuarryEngine79 Thomas the Quarry Engine Andrew Brenner 4 September 2014 #09
Diesel shows Mavis the sights of Sodor, while Thomas does all the work at the quarry.
ThomasandtheEmergencyCable89 Thomas and the Emergency Cable Andrew Brenner 5 September 2014 #10
One of Thomas' passengers pulls the emergency cable and damages Annie's wheel, so Clarabel is the only coach on the branch line.
DuncanandtheGrumpyPassenger31 Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger Davey Moore 8 September 2014 #11
Duncan gets fed up with a particularly grumpy passenger.
MarionandthePipe52 Marion and the Pipe Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
9 September 2014 #12
Marion damages a water pipe and doesn't tell anyone.
MissingGator24 Missing Gator Andrew Brenner 10 September 2014 #13
Percy misses his friend Gator and struggles to forget about him.
NoSteamWithoutCoal83 No Steam Without Coal Davey Moore 11 September 2014 #14
Bill and Ben forget the coal shipment and make fun of Timothy for using oil instead.
Spencer'sVIP60 Spencer's VIP Andrew Brenner 12 September 2014 #15
All the engines compete to get to take a Deputy Minister home to the Mainland, but they show off just like Spencer, and make silly mistakes.
Toad'sBrightIdea56 Toad's Bright Idea Davey Moore 15 September 2014 #16
Oliver breaks down, so Gator is sent to take his train with Toad, but has a faulty lamp which keeps going out.
LongLostFriend113 Long Lost Friend Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
23 December 2014 #17
Gator returns to the island for Christmas and is very eager to see Percy.
LastTrainforChristmas27 Last Train for Christmas Andrew Brenner 24 December 2014 #18
All the engines have to work hard to clear the snow for Connor's last train.
DuncantheHumbug66 Duncan the Humbug Davey Moore 25 December 2014 #19
The Thin Controller makes Duncan promise to be cheerful at Christmas time in order to get a new coat of paint, which proves to be very difficult for him.
ThePerfectGift94 The Perfect Gift Davey Moore 26 December 2014 #20
Percy looks to find Reg the perfect Christmas gift.
EmilySavestheWorld31 Emily Saves the World Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
27 July 2015 #21
Emily has to take a giant globe to the animal park, but when she wants to show her friends, the globe comes off her flatbed.
TimothyandtheRainbowTruck85 Timothy and the Rainbow Truck
Timothy and the Rainbow Car
Davey Moore 28 July 2015 #22
Bill and Ben send Timothy on a wild goose chase for a rainbow coloured truck, but their trick gets them in trouble.
MarionandtheDinosaurs47 Marion and the Dinosaurs Andrew Brenner 29 July 2015 #23
Marion is spooked by some lifelike dinosaur models and thinks they are real dinosaurs, until she meets a new engine from the Mainland named Samson.
SamsonatYourService49 Samson at Your Service Davey Moore 30 July 2015 #24
Samson takes the express coaches by mistake but refuses to admit it and doesn't listen to the other engines.
SamsonSentforScrap122 Samson Sent for Scrap Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
31 July 2015 #25
Harvey and Samson have to clean up the island of scrap, but Samson takes the job too seriously.
MillieandtheVolcano121 Millie and the Volcano Andrew Brenner 31 July 2015 #26
Samson laughs at Millie, and she is determined to get them back.

Series 19

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Who'sGeoffrey?125 Who's Geoffrey? Lee Pressman 21 September 2015 #01
Thomas blames an accident on made-up engine Geoffrey.
TheTruthAboutToby66 The Truth About Toby Davey Moore 22 September 2015 #02
Toby accidentally runs out of coal at the scrapyards, leaving the engines to think he's going to be scrapped.
LostProperty115 Lost Property Helen Farrall 23 September 2015 #03
The Fat Controller is anxious as two grumpy inspectors have come to inspect the railway, starting with Thomas. To prevent an even worse report, Thomas helps return the lost pocket watch to the railway inspector.
HenrySpotsTrouble84 Henry Spots Trouble Davey Moore 24 September 2015 #04
After he sees the Fat Controller's grandchildren with chickenpox, Henry worries about catching the disease himself.
ACrankyChristmas32 A Cranky Christmas Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
4 January 2016 #05
Thomas is sent to take a special crate to the Town Square from the docks, but Cranky accidentally drops the crate.
SnowPlaceLikeHome41 Snow Place Like Home Lee Pressman 5 January 2016 #06
Kevin gets stuck out in the snow, and Victor goes out looking for him, despite his hatred of snow.
TheBeastofSodor94 The Beast of Sodor Becky Overton 6 January 2016 #07
Henry becomes paranoid of meeting an abominable snowman after Spencer teases him about it.
ToadandtheWhale90 Toad and the Whale Helen Farrall 14 March 2016 #08
Toad spots a stranded whale on the beach, but Oliver does not take him seriously.
VeryImportantSheep41 Very Important Sheep Helen Farrall 15 March 2016 #09
Percy doesn't notice his sheep jumping out of his cattle truck.
SaltyAllAtSea87 Salty All at Sea Lee Pressman 16 March 2016 #10
Salty's imagination runs away with him as he worries about going to the Mainland by sea.
DenandDart27 Den and Dart Davey Moore 17 March 2016 #11
Mavis has an accident at Ffarquhar Quarry and is sent to the Dieselworks. Den is sent to take her place, while Dart has to stay at the Dieselworks. However, the two always work together and they fear to be without the other.
HelpingHiro76 Helping Hiro Mark Huckerby
Nick Ostler
18 March 2016 #12
Thomas feels guilty about causing Hiro to have an accident. To make up for it, Thomas ventures into Hiro's old hideout to see if he can try to salvage some left behind parts.
SlowStephen126 Slow Stephen Helen Farrall 11 July 2016 #13
Stephen is a slow engine, but one day, when the Sodor Suspension Bridge collapses, he tries to stop Gordon from crossing the bridge.
TwoWheelsGood79 Two Wheels Good Lee Pressman 12 July 2016 #14
Thomas, Spencer and Bertie argue over how many wheels are best.
Redsvs.Blues87 Reds vs Blues Davey Moore 13 July 2016 #15
Thomas and James compete with each other to see who can get to Dryaw first.
BestEngineEver83 Best Engine Ever Andrew Brenner 14 July 2016 #16
Emily idolises Caitlin when she sees how fast Caitlin can go.
TheLittleEngineWhoRacedAhead84 The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead Andrew Brenner 15 July 2016 #17
A new diesel boxcab named Philip arrives. Loving to race, he thinks he's racing Gordon when in actuality Gordon never took part.
PhiliptotheRescue94 Philip to the Rescue Andrew Brenner 18 July 2016 #18
James is determined to prove himself stronger than Philip, but he ends up crashing on the stone bridge.
Diesel'sGhostlyChristmas81 Diesel's Ghostly Christmas Part 1 Becky Overton 26 December 2016 #19
Diesel starts causing trouble at Christmas time and he gets visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Diesel'sGhostlyChristmas288 Diesel's Ghostly Christmas Part 2 Becky Overton 26 December 2016 #20
Diesel now meets up with two other ghostly engines. The Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Future, and he later finds the Fat Controller still at Knapford during the Earl's Christmas party at Ulfstead Castle.
ThomastheBabysitter94 Thomas the Babysitter Helen Farrall 6 March 2017 #21
A mother and her noisy baby want to have a ride on Thomas' train, but the baby keeps crying which leads to irritation to Thomas, Annie, Clarabel, and the passengers.
RockyRescue111 Rocky Rescue Davey Moore 6 March 2017 #22
Rocky ends up derailing and the Search and Rescue Team have to work together to put him back on the rails again.
TheOtherSideoftheMountain29 The Other Side of the Mountain Andrew Brenner 7 March 2017 #23
Thomas discovers Bertie's been rerouted to behind the other side of the mountain, making Thomas curious as to what's there.
NoHelpAtAll61 No Help at All Andrew Brenner 8 March 2017 #24
Bill and Ben say that Timothy is no help at all and send him to help Cranky and Porter at the docks.
GoodbyeFatController97 Goodbye Fat Controller
Goodbye Sir Topham Hatt
Andrew Brenner (writer)
Robin Gay (story idea)
9 March 2017 #25
Percy overhears some workmen talking and thinks the Fat Controller is leaving Sodor, so he and the other engines go on strike at Tidmouth Sheds.
WildWaterRescue92 Wild Water Rescue Becky Overton 10 March 2017 #26
Diesel is jealous of Percy's job to collect the Mayor of Sodor, so he directs Percy to an old disused quarry while he takes him himself.

Series 20

(Note: * means that an episode has yet to be released on home media in the US).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
SidneySings17 Sidney Sings Lee Pressman 5 September 2016 #01
Forgetful Sidney makes up a song to help him remember his jobs.
Toby'sNewFriend38 Toby's New Friend Andrew Brenner 6 September 2016 #02
Philip tries to make friends with Toby, much to Toby's dismay.
HenryGetsTheExpress33 Henry Gets the Express Helen Farrall 7 September 2016 #03
Henry takes the express instead of Gordon.
DieselandtheDucklings109 Diesel and the Ducklings Lee Pressman 8 September 2016 #04
Diesel struggles to keep up his rough and tough demeanour when he makes friends with some ducklings.
BradfordtheBrakevan10 Bradford the Brake Van * Lee Pressman 9 September 2016 #05
A brake van from the Mainland arrives and gets the trucks to behave.
SavingTime47 Saving Time Andrew Brenner 21 November 2016 #06
Samson takes as many trucks as he can of an important stone train to save time getting to the docks.
RyanandDaisy105 Ryan and Daisy * Davey Moore 22 November 2016 #07
Daisy manipulates Ryan to get him to do her extra work, as well as his own.
PoutyJames61 Pouty James * Andrew Brenner 23 November 2016 #08
James has to learn to change his showy attitude.
BlownAway60 Blown Away * Helen Farrall 24 November 2016 #09
Skiff is helping prepare for a storm, but he himself is blown away down the track.
TheWaySheDoesIt92 The Way She Does It * Davey Moore 25 November 2016 #10
Daisy boasts about transporting an entertainers group.
LetterstoSanta46 Letters to Santa Helen Farrall 27 December 2016 #11
Percy thinks Harold is full of himself when he offers to help him with the Christmas mail.
LoveMeTender105 Love Me Tender Davey Moore 28 December 2016 #12
Donald and Douglas argue while clearing the snow.
TheRailcarAndTheCoaches15 The Railcar and the Coaches Davey Moore 29 December 2016 #13
Daisy is rude to Annie and Clarabel.
MuckingAbout69 Mucking About * Davey Moore 5 June 2017 #14
Thomas questions his friendship with Max and Monty after they repeatedly pull reckless and dangerous stunts.
CautiousConnor35 Cautious Connor Andrew Brenner 6 June 2017 #15
Connor gets damaged when travelling at high speed and decides that he must go more slowly from now on.
AllinVain69 All in Vain Helen Farrall 7 June 2017 #16
James has to take the Mayor to Callan Castle, but is mortified when he finds a tiny scratch on his paintwork.
BuckledTracksandBumpyTrucks107 Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks
Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Cars
Lee Pressman 8 June 2017 #17
Everyone on Sodor struggles in the hot weather, Belle and Flynn were putting out fires while the Fat Controller was forced to wear a safari hat to keep himself cool.
TitforTat94 Tit for Tat Andrew Brenner 9 June 2017 #18
Bert is splashed by some visitors to the railway and is determined to get back at them.
Mike'sWhistle68 Mike's Whistle * Andrew Brenner 12 June 2017 #19
After teasing Duck about his whistle, Mike boasts about his own.
UsefulRailway79 Useful Railway * Andrew Brenner 13 June 2017 #20
Rex thinks pulling wool trains is an easy job, but he quickly discovers otherwise.
HenryintheDark33 Henry in the Dark Lee Pressman 24 July 2017 #21
Henry is accidentally given paint that glows in the dark.
ThreeSteamEnginesGruff102 Three Steam Engines Gruff Andrew Brenner 25 July 2017 #22
Thomas, Percy and Toby are frightened by a sound from under the bridge.
EngineoftheFuture56 Engine of the Future Andrew Brenner 26 July 2017 #23
A different new engine arrives to the island and the other engines think he will replace them.
HugoandtheAirship55 Hugo and the Airship Andrew Brenner 27 July 2017 #24
Hugo wishes he could fly like an airship that has been soaring over Sodor.
TheMissingBreakdownTrain108 The Missing Breakdown Train Davey Moore 28 July 2017 #25
Judy and Jerome get their chance to be really useful again.
SkiffandtheMermaid80 Skiff and the Mermaid Helen Farrall 31 July 2017 #26
Skiff and the Fat Controller go on a wild adventure around Arlesburgh Harbour in search of a mermaid.
TheChristmasCoffeepot112 The Christmas Coffeepot Helen Farrall 14 December 2017 #27
Glynn the Coffee Pot Engine is rediscovered, but is afraid he will be scrapped.
OvertheHill82 Over the Hill Helen Farrall 20 December 2017 #28
Stephen becomes jealous of all the attention received by Glynn at the castle.

Series 21

(Note: * means that an episode has yet to be released on home media in the US).

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
SpringtimeforDiesel111 Springtime for Diesel * Davey Moore 18 September 2017 #01
Daisy's springs need fixing after Diesel bumps her and when the rumours spread about Daisy not being able to be mended, Diesel begins to worry.
AMostSingularEngine102 A Most Singular Engine * Davey Moore 19 September 2017 #02
Diesel causes trouble between Daisy and Harvey by spreading rumours.
DowagerHatt'sBusyDay72 Dowager Hatt's Busy Day * Lee Pressman 20 September 2017 #03
Dowager Hatt runs the railway while the Fat Controller is away, but causes confusion and delay, leading to the engines doing the wrong jobs.
StuckinGear95 Stuck in Gear * Davey Moore 21 September 2017 #04
A branch gets stuck in the gears of Harvey's crane, but he does not want to make a fuss about it.
RunawayEngine41 Runaway Engine * Helen Farrall 22 September 2017 #05
After mocking the way she was speaking up for herself, Stephen thinks that Millie ran away after hurting her feelings.
P.A.Problems91 P.A. Problems * Lee Pressman 25 September 2017 #06
The Fat Controller's new public address system causes havoc at Knapford station.
HastyHannah47 Hasty Hannah * Lee Pressman 26 September 2017 #07
A new coach temporarily replaces Henrietta while she is at the works.
CrankyattheEndoftheLine94 Cranky at the End of the Line * Lee Pressman 27 September 2017 #08
Cranky thinks he will be replaced by a big, new, fancy crane.
NewCraneontheDock93 New Crane on the Dock * Lee Pressman 28 September 2017 #09
Cranky competes against Carly the new crane when she starts taking all his work and both of them get quite the surprise at the end of the day...
UnscheduledStops48 Unscheduled Stops * Helen Farrall 29 September 2017 #10
Thomas starts making unscheduled stops for his passengers, which in turn delays others.
Philip'sNumber59 Philip's Number * Lee Pressman 2 October 2017 #11
Philip tries to discover why he has the number 68 painted on his side after being teased about it.
TheFastestRedEngineonSodor51 The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor * Helen Farrall 3 October 2017 #12
After Rosie is repainted red, she and James have a race.
AShedforEdward104 A Shed for Edward * Lee Pressman 4 October 2017 #13
Edward searches for a new shed while his berth at Tidmouth is being repaired.
TheBigFreeze141 The Big Freeze Helen Farrall 1 December 2017 #14
When a big freeze hits Sodor, Diesel finally proves himself to be a hero.
EmilyintheMiddle114 Emily in the Middle Davey Moore 6 December 2017 #15
Emily gets stuck in the middle while helping Donald and Douglas.
TerenceBreakstheIce126 Terence Breaks the Ice Lee Pressman 11 December 2017 #16
Terence takes a shortcut across a frozen lake while collecting Christmas trees.
Daisy'sPerfectChristmas147 Daisy's Perfect Christmas Davey Moore 18 December 2017 #17
Daisy is disappointed when her Christmas does not go exactly as planned.
ConfusedCoaches137 Confused Coaches Helen Farrall 22 December 2017 #18
Spencer and Gordon upset their passengers when their competitive behaviour gets out of hand.

Series 22

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
NumberOneEngine38 Number One Engine Davey Moore 3 September 2018 #01
Thomas gets into trouble when racing with Hong-Mei, another blue, number one tank engine on his first day in China.
ForeverandEver76 Forever and Ever Andrew Brenner 4 September 2018 #02
Gordon goes on strike after Henry leaves Tidmouth Sheds and complains about all the changes the Fat Controller made to the railway.
ConfusionWithoutDelay108 Confusion Without Delay Davey Moore 5 September 2018 #03
Rebecca, a big new tender engine, comes to the Island of Sodor and works so hard not to be late that she keeps leaving stations too early.
TrustyTrunky101 Trusty Trunky Becky Overton 6 September 2018 #04
Thomas is very surprised when an elephant comes to his rescue on his first day in India.
WhatRebeccaDoes56 What Rebecca Does Davey Moore 7 September 2018 #05
Rebecca is worried that, unlike the other engines, there is nothing special about her.
ThomasGoestoBollywood41 Thomas Goes to Bollywood Becky Overton 10 September 2018 #06
When an action movie is filmed on the Indian Railway, Thomas is desperate to be involved.
ThomasintheWild77 Thomas in the Wild Davey Moore 11 September 2018 #07
Thomas is excited about taking a film crew to a nature reserve in China, but gets distracted in finding a giant panda in the wild.
ThomasandtheMonkeyPalace106 Thomas and the Monkey Palace Becky Overton 12 September 2018 #08
Thomas is pulling a truckload of coconuts in India when he encounters some cheeky monkeys.
AnEngineofManyColours95 An Engine of Many Colours
An Engine of Many Colors
Michael White 13 September 2018 #09
After The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor, James is waiting at the Steamworks to be repaired and gets worried he will be repainted a different colour, causing bad dreams to happen.
OutbackThomas27 Outback Thomas Tim Bain 14 September 2018 #10
Thomas sees Shane taking passengers on an outback adventure and is impressed by Shane's showmanship and decides to do it himself on his first day in Australia.
SchoolofDuck64 School of Duck Lee Pressman 17 September 2018 #11
When a storm destroys a classroom at Harwick School, Duck tries to find a coach to take the children in.
TigerTrouble91 Tiger Trouble Becky Overton 18 September 2018 #12
When Thomas learns that tourists come to India to try to see tigers, he wants to see tigers too.
SeeingIsBelieving81 Seeing Is Believing Andrew Brenner 19 September 2018 #13
Thomas' friend Merlin comes to Sodor from the Mainland for the first time and Percy wants to see him.
ApologyImpossible27 Apology Impossible Becky Overton 20 September 2018 #14
Philip learns that sometimes even the smallest engine's actions can make them the bigger engine.
TheWaterWheel89 The Water Wheel Davey Moore 21 September 2018 #15
Thomas thinks he has been given a very silly cargo until Hong-Mei explains that it is a very important water wheel, made from bamboo.
SamsonandtheFireworks105 Samson and the Fireworks Lee Pressman 5 November 2018 #16
Samson is terrified of fireworks, and when he mistakes the sound of a warning detonator for fireworks, he is so frightened that he and Bradford race off into the fog and gets lost.
RunawayTruck117 Runaway Truck
Runaway Car
Davey Moore 3 December 2018 #17
Thomas tries to save an accident-prone truck who is racing down the tracks.
Thomas'AnimalArk105 Thomas' Animal Ark Lee Pressman 10 December 2018 #18
It's Christmas and the boiler at the animal park breaks down, so Thomas needs to find a way to keep the animals warm.
CycloneThomas62 Cyclone Thomas Tim Bain 17 December 2018 #19
Thomas wants to be just like Isla, the Flying Doctor's plane, who transports Dr. Claire to remote places where it is hard for patients to get to hospitals or doctors for treatment.
KangarooChristmas29 Kangaroo Christmas Tim Bain 22 December 2018 #20
Thomas is in Australia for Christmas and is disappointed that it is different from Sodor, but in the meantime, he must help a little girl retrieve her toy kangaroo from a real one.
ThomasandtheDragon114 Thomas and the Dragon Davey Moore 5 February 2019 #21
Thomas is terrified when he is given the honour of bringing a dragon to the Chinese New Year celebrations.
RosieIsRed119 Rosie Is Red Davey Moore 14 February 2019 #22
After the engines tease Thomas that Rosie is his "special friend", he acts rudely towards her.
TheCaseofthePuzzlingParts51 The Case of the Puzzling Parts Davey Moore 18 February 2019 #23
Sidney is shunting a flatbed of engine parts, but he cannot remember what he is supposed to be doing with them. Paxton thinks this sounds like a kind of mystery that can only be solved by a special agent.
BanjoandtheBushfire88 Banjo and the Bushfire Tim Bain 19 February 2019 #24
Thomas offers a lift to Ranger Jill while working in the Australian Rain Forest. Thomas is excited to learn from her about all the animals that live there, but he is too loud and impatient to be very useful.
CountingonNia31 Counting on Nia Lee Pressman 20 February 2019 #25
When the Fat Controller asks Nia to take Thomas' coaches, Annie and Clarabel and pick up passengers from Knapford Station, she has great trouble finding the right platform.
HuntTheTruck36 Hunt the Truck
Hunt the Car
Michael White 15 May 2019 #26
Bill and Ben's latest game consists of hiding trucks and making other engines hunt for them, but their trick against Edward nearly ruins the holiday party at Ulfstead Castle.

Series 23

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
FreetheRoads78 Free the Roads Michael White 2 September 2019 #01
Bulgy thinks that all passengers should travel by bus and not rail until he learns that having so many passengers is not easy for the buses on their own.
CrowningAround42 Crowning Around Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
3 September 2019 #02
Rajiv learns that he can be really useful with or without his crown.
ChucklesomeTrucks115 Chucklesome Trucks Davey Moore 4 September 2019 #03
Rebecca defies expectations from Thomas, Percy and James when she works with the Troublesome Trucks and has a very amusing day.
TheOtherBigEngine66 The Other Big Engine Davey Moore 5 September 2019 #04
Thomas meets another big blue engine that reminds him of Gordon on his first day in Brazil.
HeartofGold87 Heart of Gold Michael White 6 September 2019 #05
Toby does not feel useful working at Ulfstead Castle but soon proves some rude passengers wrong when he saves the crown.
Batucada114 Batucada Davey Moore 9 September 2019 #06
Thomas finds a way to take part in the Brazilian carnival music.
GordongetstheGiggles48 Gordon Gets the Giggles Becky Overton 10 September 2019 #07
Gordon becomes worried when he gets a serious case of the giggles.
ThomasMakesaMistake37 Thomas Makes a Mistake Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
11 September 2019 #08
Thomas causes confusion and delay by not seeking help when he makes mistakes on the Indian Railway.
DieselDoRight49 Diesel Do Right Davey Moore 12 September 2019 #09
Diesel plays a trick on Rebecca to try to get the other diesels in trouble for a change.
GrudgeMatch80 Grudge Match Davey Moore 13 September 2019 #10
Raul wants to beat Thomas in a game, but his competitive nature soon gets him into trouble.
PanickyPercy87 Panicky Percy Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
16 December 2019 #11
Percy causes confusion and delay by panicking when he thinks Thomas had an accident.
LaidBackShane59 Laid Back Shane Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
4 May 2020 #12
Shane has too much fun to stop and refuel until he runs out of coal and gets stranded on the Australian Railway.
RangersoftheRails106 Rangers of the Rails Davey Moore 5 May 2020 #13
Emily takes the Sodor Rangers camping but gets derailed, but also spends the night with Nia during her accident.
WishYouWereHere24 Wish You Were Here Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
6 May 2020 #14
Thomas misses Percy while working on the Chinese Railway.
OutofSite25 Out of Site Michael White 7 May 2020 #15
Brenda learns that it is important to work as a team and not just care about her own jobs.
FirstDayonSodor!71 First Day on Sodor! Becky Overton 11 May 2020 #16
Darcy makes some mistakes on her first day, but she soon makes up for it when everyone sees what she can really do.
Lorenzo'sSolo46 Lorenzo's Solo Becky Overton 12 May 2020 #17
Lorenzo gets lost when he leaves Beppe behind to take Dame Bella Canto to a concert alone.
DeepTrouble90 Deep Trouble Michael White 13 May 2020 #18
Monty's antics on a construction site get him into trouble.
TooLoudThomas50 Too Loud, Thomas! Becky Overton 14 May 2020 #19
Thomas attempts to sing opera and loses his voice, when he must pass on a message.
DieselGlowsAway40 Diesel Glows Away Davey Moore 15 May 2020 #20
When Diesel hides from the other engines, his plans backfire and he gets a surprise.


Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
SteamTeamtotheRescue474 Steam Team to the Rescue Davey Moore 19 October 2019 Special #01
The Steam Team must work overtime to unload cargo from the docks when a series of accidents put all of the diesel engines out of action and Percy is stuck working on his own.
MeetGinaofItaly15 All Tracks Lead to Rome Becky Overton 21 December 2019 Special #02
Thomas is keen to prove to his new friend Gina that he is an expert in all things Italian, until he gets lost down an old mine on his first day in Italy.
MinesofMystery184 Mines of Mystery Becky Overton 22 December 2019 Special #03
Thomas wants to impress his friends by finding an amazing discovery. It is not long before his wish is granted, although not in the way he had expected.

Series 24

Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
Emily'sBestFriend69 Emily's Best Friend Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
7 September 2020 #01
Emily worries she doesn't have a best friend, but, when the other engines help her out of a tricky situation, she realises she's been surrounded by best friends all along.
Thomas'FuzzyFriend95 Thomas' Fuzzy Friend Becky Overton 8 September 2020 #02
Thomas discovers a missing dog on the railway and tries to find it a new home.
TheGreatLittleRailwayShow86 The Great Little Railway Show Michael White 9 September 2020 #03
When a Railway Show for little engines comes to Sodor, an overly excited Percy finally sees his chance to shine.
ThomasandtheForestEngines110 Thomas and the Forest Engines Davey Moore 10 September 2020 #04
In Brazil, Thomas meets two wood-burning engines who've never travelled beyond their Eucalyptus Railway. Thomas agrees to swap jobs with them for the day, but this causes more trouble than he expects.
EmilytotheRescue112 Emily to the Rescue Becky Overton 11 September 2020 #05
When a pretend emergency turns into a real emergency, there's only one engine who can save the day!
Shankar'sMakeover105 Shankar's Makeover Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
14 September 2020 #06
Thomas pushes Shankar into entering the Fancy Costume Contest even though Shankar doesn't want the spotlight on him.
NiaandtheUnfriendlyElephant21 Nia and the Unfriendly Elephant Davey Moore 15 September 2020 #07
Nia is bringing a new animal to the Sodor Animal Park... but it's an elephant that doesn't like steam engines!
JamestheSuperEngine72 James the Super Engine David Stoten 16 September 2020 #08
When Rebecca tells James he could be a comic-book super-engine, he takes her seriously, and Rail Rocket is born.
Thomas'Not-So-LuckyDay70 Thomas' Not-So-Lucky Day Becky Overton 17 September 2020 #09
When Thomas has a run of bad luck, he tries everything to get back on track... even if it means following Lorenzo's strange, superstitious advice!
Ace'sBraveJump106 Ace's Brave Jump Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
18 September 2020 #10
Thomas helps his friend Ace overcome his fear of animals so that he can compete in the Super Stunt Rally.
Nia'sBrightIdea99 Nia's Bright Idea Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
5 December 2020 #11
Nia uses what she learns about lighthouses to suggest covering a big wheel in Christmas lights, so that Harold can see where he's going in a storm.
Cleo'sFirstSnow46 Cleo's First Snow Becky Overton 6 December 2020 #12
Cleo is shocked to learn snow does not last forever and tries to stop it from melting. But will her mission to save the snow be successful?
Sonny'sSecondChance38 Sonny's Second Chance Becky Overton 11 January 2021 #13
Sonny is trying to prove himself to be a useful engine so that he can stay working on Sodor, but nobody seems to trust him... nobody apart from Diesel, that is! But can Diesel be trusted?
ThomasandtheInventorsWorkshop73 Thomas and the Inventor's Workshop Camille Ucan
Rose Johnson
12 January 2021 #14
Thomas helps Ruth fix up an old windmill into her new, energy-efficient workshop.
TheInventor'sSpectacularBridge96 The Inventor's Spectacular Bridge David Stoten 13 January 2021 #15
When the rickety old bridge collapses, trapping Toby and Henrietta on the other side of the ravine, Inventor Ruth is asked to build a new one.
YongBaoandtheTiger(episode)67 Yong Bao and the Tiger Ian McCue
David Stoten
14 January 2021 #16
Yong Bao tells Thomas the story of how he came to have a magnificent tiger emblem on his tender.
GordonandRebecca,ComingThrough!30 Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through! Davey Moore 15 January 2021 #17
Gordon and Rebecca do the same work - but they go about it differently. When Rebecca tries to be more like Gordon, it doesn't go well... for Gordon!
KenjiontheRailsAgain78 Kenji on the Rails Again Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
18 January 2021 #18
When Kenji hears that he must travel home to Japan alone, he gets scared and tries to hide. So, Thomas sets out to find him.
CleotheRoadEngine86 Cleo the Road Engine Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
19 January 2021 #19
When Ruth's new car, Cleo, takes to the rails to race Thomas, she soon discovers why she is designed to stick to the roads.
Thomas'AnimalFriendspromo1 Thomas' Animal Friends Davey Moore 20 January 2021 #20
Thomas is asked to help at the animal park for the day and realises there's more to the job than he first thought.


Screenshot UK title (top)
US title (bottom)
Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
ThomasandtheRoyalEngine268 Thomas and the Royal Engine Michael White 2 May 2020 Special #01
Thomas is selected to take the Fat Controller to London for a Royal Appointment, but with no knowledge of how to get there, their journey is filled with confusion and delay.
ANewArrival42 A New Arrival Paul Larson
Laura Beaumont
24 October 2020 Special #02
When Thomas finds out that the Earl's technology fair will bring new inventions to Sodor, he sets out to prove that steam engines are the best inventions ever.
WorldofTomorrow293 World of Tomorrow Laura Beaumont
Paul Larson
25 October 2020 Special #03
When a pair of crooks steal the plans for a great new invention, there is a high-speed chase to try and get them back.


  • Series 2 through 10, 12 through 16, and 21 are the only series that have been originally released in the United Kingdom within the same calendar year.
    • The thirteenth and fourteenth series are the only two seasons to share the same original release year (2010).
    • The twelfth and fifteenth series are the only ones originally released in only one month (twelfth in September 2008 and fifteenth in March 2011).
  • Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Annie, Clarabel and the Fat Controller are the only characters to appear in every series.

External Link
