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Thomas & Friends

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This page is for the lorries that have appeared in Thomas & Friends.

Notable Lorries

The following lorries have their own separate pages:

Types of Lorries

Named Lorries

Cadillac Lorries

The Cadillac Lorries are old-fashioned cargo lorries used for carrying freight. It was the one of the earliest forms of lorry. They have been seen at Ffarquhar Quarry.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the 1910 Cadillac lorry.


These lorries are painted black.



  • These lorries first appeared in the Thomas & Friends' sister show, TUGS. They were used as set dressing.
  • The lorries' models were custom-built from the Revell Highway Pioneers Cadillac Limousines and converted into lorries.

Foden Steam Lorries

The Foden Steam Lorries are steam-powered wagons used for carrying freight. It was the one of the earliest forms of lorry.

Various scrapped models of these lorries have been seen across the Island of Sodor. These include places such as Tidmouth Sheds, Ffarquhar, Sodor Ironworks, Bertram's Old Mine and the Old Stone Bridge.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on an overtype Foden Rigid Six-Wheeler steam lorry.


These lorries are painted brown. They were heavily weathered, dilapidated and rusted to signify their age. One of the scrapped lorries is faded green with a black boiler.



  • At least three models appeared as set dressing in the fifth series:
    • A lorry with a cargo bed and wheels.
    • A rust-coloured scrapped flatbed lorry without wheels.
    • A faded green scrapped lorry with a black boiler and no wheels.
  • These lorries are an overtype design. Elizabeth and Isobella however are an undertype design. The distinction is the position of the engine relative to the boiler.

Foden OG Lorries

The Foden OG Lorries are small red lorries. They were once a common sight around railway yards.

Technical Details


The lorries are based on the famous Foden design, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. Fodens of Sandbach in Cheshire began building diesel lorries in 1931, with a continuous development for over 30 years.

The Horrid Lorries and The Float Lorry share the same basis.


These lorries are painted brownish-red. They have a distinctive black radiator outline and black number plates with white lettering. Sometimes, the lorries have grey tarpaulins over their cargo-beds.


Audio Files


Only used Sound Effect
Toby's Windmill


  • The faceless lorries' models were recycled from Lorry 1, Lorry 2 and Lorry 3. After the filming of the fifth series episode, Horrid Lorry, the Horrid Lorries had their faces removed and became set dressing.
  • Lorry 1 and Lorry 3's models are currently on display at Drayton Manor Theme Park. Between 2009 and 2020, these models were displayed faceless. They were reunited with their original television series faces in late 2020.

Old Lorries

The Old Lorries are small old-fashioned lorries. They were once a common sight around railway yards.

Technical Details


These lorries resemble various English lorry designs dating from the 1920s to 1930s from manufacturing companies such as Ford, Dennis, Leyland and Morris.


These lorries are painted in a variety of liveries including orange-brown, dull brown and maroon with black roofs, fenders and flatbeds. Those owned by Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory carry the company's logo on their sides. The Coalman's Lorry is painted cream and warm grey.



ERF 6-wheeler Lorries

The ERF 6-wheeler Lorries are long-bed lorries.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on 6-wheeler lorries manufactured by ERF.


The bottom half of these lorries are painted mint green, whilst the top half of their cabs are painted cream. It has red and grey hubcaps with a grey cargo-bed.

The Blue Mountain Quarry variant has a blue bottom half and the top half of their cabs are orange. They have the Blue Mountain Quarry logos on their doors.

A teal variant has also appeared sparsely throughout the CGI Series.


Audio Files


First used Last used Sound Effect
Steam Team Snapshots Steam Team Snapshots

Thornycroft JC 6-wheeler Lorries

The Thornycroft JC 6-wheeler Lorries are large long-bed lorries.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the 1927 Thornycroft Type JC 10-Ton 6-wheeler lorry. These lorries were used throughout the Great Western Railway and London, Midland and Scottish Railway.


These lorries are primarily painted in two different colours: orange with cream, and pale green with cream. In Big World! Big Adventures! a multi-coloured lorry appeared in Africa.


Audio Files


First used Last used Sound Effect
Steam Team Snapshots Steam Team Snapshots


GWR Cattle Lorries

The GWR Cattle Lorries are large maroon lorries used for transporting cattle.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the 1932 Great Western Railway cattle lorries manufactured by Dennis Specialist Vehicles at Guildford works.


These lorries are painted maroon with a wooden-bodied cattle compartment and cream tarpaulin.


AEC Mammoth Major Lorries

The AEC Mammoth Major Lorries are large tanker lorries that transport fuel.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on AEC Mammoth Major 8-wheeler tanker lorries.


These lorries are painted orange and blue and bear the Blue Mountain Quarry logo on both their cab and tanker.


Scammell Scarab Lorries

The Scammell Scarab Lorries are snub-nosed lorries with a three-wheeled cab and flatbed.

Technical Details


The Scammell Scarab is a British 3-wheeled tractor unit produced by the truck manufacturer Scammell between 1948 and 1967. These vehicles are often known as "Snub-nose Lorries" or "Snub-nose Trucks" because of the round bonnet in front of the cab. This type of lorry was very popular with British Railways. About 60 are preserved.


In the My Thomas Story Library series, one of these lorries was painted in the standard British Railways road vehicle livery of carmine and cream, colloquially referred to as blood and custard.


Audio Files


First used Last used Sound Effect
Read and Play! Read and Play


ZIS-5 Trucks

The ZIS-5 is a Soviet truck that appeared in the Golden Books.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the ZIS-5, a 4x2 Soviet truck produced by Moscow ZIS factory from 1932 to 1948.


These lorries are painted blue with orange lining, hubcaps and tarpaulins. They also have the Blue Mountain Quarry quarry logo on their sides.



  • The lorry is a modified 3D render sourced from the website TurboSquid.[3]

Dodge COE Lorries

The Dodge COE Lorries are lorries that appear prominently in the Golden Books.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the Dodge Cab Over Engine (COE) Model WFM trucks built between 1939 to 1947.


These lorries are painted in a variety of liveries including green, red, blue and grey, with a yellow "SODOR Delivery" logo on the doors.



  • The lorry is a modified 3D render sourced from the website Renderosity.[4]

Mack AC Lorries

The Mack AC Lorries are trucks that appear in the Golden Books.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the 1935 Mack AC stakebed lorry produced by Mack Trucks.


These lorries are painted dark green with maroon fenders and chassis.



  • The lorry is a modified 3D render sourced from the website Renderosity.[5]

Mack B61 6-wheeler Lorries

The Mack B61 6-wheeler Lorries are trucks that appear in the Golden Books.

Technical Details


These lorries are based on the Mack B61 6-wheeler trucks produced by Mack Trucks between 1953 and 1966.


These lorries are painted in a variety of liveries including red, yellow with orange fenders, grey with black fenders, and pale-green with green fenders and blue logos. Some lorries have a yellow and red "SODOR Delivery" logo on their doors.



  • The lorry is a modified 3D render sourced from the website Renderosity.[6]

Chevrolet Advance Design Pickup Trucks

Burnett Stone owned a blue Chevrolet Advance Design Pickup Truck, which he drove around Shining Time and Muffle Mountain.

Technical Details


The pickup truck is based on a Chevrolet Advance Design, which were built between 1947 to 1955.


The pickup truck is painted blue and has whitewall tyres.



Crane Lorries

The Crane Lorries are mobile cranes that appear in the magazines.

Technical Details



These lorries are painted orange.


Magazine Stories

These lorries appear in Issue 66 of the Fun to Learn with Thomas the Tank Engine magazines.

Sodor Scrap Lorry

The Sodor Scrap Lorry is a 6-wheeler lorry owned by the Sodor Ironworks.

Technical Details


These lorries are painted dark blue with "SODOR SCRAP" written in white lining on either sides of the cab.

Official Description

From Official Media:[1]

Sodor Scrap Lorry: A visit to the Scrap Yard is a "smashingly" good time! The Scrap Yard helps keep the Island of Sodor clean and tidy. First, the lorry finds and delivers old scrap cargo. Then, after the cargo is crushed, it's taken elsewhere to be used and used again!


  • The Wooden Railway prototype features engine wheels instead of road vehicle wheels.


Sodor Power Crew

The Sodor Power Crew have two road vehicles used in the repair of power lines on the Island of Sodor.

Technical Details


These vehicles are based on the Dennis F8 type, with an added spotlight and cherry picker mount. The Sodor Fire Engines share the same basis.


These vehicles are painted yellow with white trim by the sides of the doors "SODOR POWER" written in orange on both sides of the cab.

Official Description

From Official Media:[2]

When the power lines on the Island of Sodor need repair, the Power Crew rushes into action to get the job done quickly and safely.


  • The Wooden Railway has a feature wherein the spolight lights when a button is pressed.


Other Lorries

Several other lorries have appeared in various books, magazines, annuals and merchandise. In addition, lorries from various countries were also featured in the Really Useful Around the World and Great Race Friends Near and Far.

See Also


Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped