M.C. Bunn is a café chain on the Island of Sodor . They serve hot food, tea and other refreshments daily.
History [ ]
The café was first seen at Crosby next to the C&B Barber , which Duck once crashed into after being pushed by the trucks .
Later on, a stall for M.C. Bunn was set up at Knapford station. Sir Topham Hatt frequents the stall to buy baked goods.
Appearances [ ]
Series 2 - Cows , Old Iron and A Close Shave
Series 9 - Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
Series 10 - Toby's New Shed
Series 11 - Smoke and Mirrors and Toby's Triumph
Series 12 - Thomas and the Billboard and Heave Ho Thomas!
Series 13 - The Lion of Sodor , Percy's Parcel , A Blooming Mess , The Biggest Present of All and Hiro Helps Out
Series 14 - James in the Dark , Charlie and Eddie , Toby and the Whistling Woods , Pop Goes Thomas , Being Percy , Merry Winter Wish , Thomas and the Snowman Party , Thomas' Crazy Day , Thomas and Scruff , O the Indignity , Jitters and Japes and Henry's Magic Box
Series 15 - Gordon and Ferdinand , Toby and Bash , Edward the Hero , Happy Hiro , Henry's Happy Coal , Stuck on You , Big Belle , Percy the Snowman , Tree Trouble and Fiery Flynn
Series 16 - Express Coming Through , Percy and the Monster of Brendam , Ho Ho Snowman , Flash Bang Wallop! , Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor , Salty's Surprise , Sodor Surprise Day , Whiff's Wish , Welcome Stafford and Happy Birthday Sir!
Series 17 - Scruff's Makeover , Gordon Runs Dry , Calm Down Caitlin , Henry's Hero , Not Now, Charlie! , The Lost Puff , The Thomas Way , The Missing Christmas Decorations , The Smelly Kipper , No More Mr. Nice Engine and Thomas' Shortcut
Series 18 - Old Reliable Edward , Disappearing Diesels , Signals Crossed , Duck in the Water , Duck and the Slip Coaches , Thomas and the Emergency Cable , Missing Gator , Spencer's VIP , Long Lost Friend , Last Train for Christmas , Duncan the Humbug , The Perfect Gift and Samson at Your Service
Series 19 - Who's Geoffrey? , The Truth About Toby , Lost Property , Henry Spots Trouble , Toad and the Whale , Very Important Sheep , Salty All At Sea , Slow Stephen , Two Wheels Good , The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead , Philip to the Rescue , Diesel's Ghostly Christmas , Thomas the Babysitter , The Other Side of the Mountain , No Help at All , Goodbye Fat Controller and Wild Water Rescue
Series 20 - Sidney Sings , Toby's New Friend , Henry Gets the Express , Diesel and the Ducklings , Ryan and Daisy , Pouty James , The Way She Does It , Love Me Tender , The Railcar and the Coaches , All in Vain , Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks , Three Steam Engines Gruff , Engine of the Future , Hugo and the Airship , The Missing Breakdown Train , The Christmas Coffeepot and Over the Hill
Series 21 - A Most Singular Engine , Dowager Hatt's Busy Day , P.A. Problems , Hasty Hannah , Cranky at the End of the Line , Unscheduled Stops , Philip's Number , The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor , A Shed for Edward , The Big Freeze , Terence Breaks the Ice and Confused Coaches
Series 22 - Forever and Ever , Confusion Without Delay , What Rebecca Does , An Engine of Many Colours , School of Duck , Samson and the Fireworks , Banjo and the Bushfire , Counting on Nia and Hunt the Truck
Series 23 - Steam Team to the Rescue , Panicky Percy and Rangers of the Rails
Series 24 - Thomas' Fuzzy Friend , The Great Little Railway Show , Emily to the Rescue , Nia's Bright Idea and Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through!
Trivia [ ]
As shown in concept art for Busy Going Backwards , the M.C. Bunn building was originally planned to appear in the fifth series in its original position next to the yard at Crosby, but was not included for unknown reasons.
Merchandise [ ]
* David Mitton maps only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only