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Magical Tracks is a Thomas & Friends 3D game application developed by Budge Studios released in 2016, available to download for free on iTunes and Google Play. It also offers several In-App purchases.

In 2022, the game was updated to match the 2D style of the 2021 reboot, Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go.


Play mini games and build your own magical train set in the ultimate "Thomas & Friends" adventure!

Budge Studios "presents Thomas & Friends": Magical Tracks! Packed with interactive mini games, this customizable magical train set lets your little conductors shape their own fun adventure. Ride the rails with all your favorite engines and collect all the toys and decorations you need to create your very own Island of Sodor! What magical adventures will you build today?


  • DRIVE your engine at your own speed
  • PICK Thomas, Emily or 14 other engines!
  • WIN toys and decorations to customize your train set
  • RIDE freely and blow the whistle!


  • RIDE the canyon rapids!
  • BALANCE your engine on your way down Crazy Coaster Mountain!
  • TRANSPORT various passengers and cargo
  • HOSE down your engine to make it shine
  • RACE against fellow engines!
  • CLEAR the tracks of animals and debris
  • OUTRUN the boulder in the Boulder Chase
  • JUMP over the broken bridge!


Original (Thomas & Friends)

Revamped (Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go)


  • Crazy Coaster Mountain/Cannonball Curve (free)
  • The Haunted Castle (in-app purchases)
  • Waterslide Mountain (in-app purchases)
  • The Lava Quarry Race (in-app purchases)
  • The Boulder Cliffs Escape (in-app purchases)


  • Mark Moraghan served as the narrator for the original game until 2022. Meesha Contreras is now the narrator for the US dub while Aaron Barashi serves as the UK narrator.
    • Mark Moraghan narrated the original game from a third person point of view, while the current narrators do it in first person (in this case, as Thomas).
  • This is the first time in the original series in which Raul is mentioned by Mark Moraghan.
  • Several songs are remixed for this app, including a remix of the original version of Really Useful Engine during daytime gameplay, a ditty of Sir Topham Hatt when freeing the engines from Tidmouth Sheds, or going into stations to pick up and drop off passengers, Another Busy Day on the Trains when at Brendam Docks, Sodor Steamworks, Farmer McColl's Farm, the Pig Farm and Henry's Tunnel, Fun in the Rain when on Crazy Coaster Mountain (Cannonball Curve), the Lava Quarry Race, the Boulder Cliffs Escape (before the All Engines Go revamp, the minigame does not have it), Waterslide Mountain, the Big Bridge, and Sounds during daytime gameplay as well.
  • Edward is the only member of the original Steam Team not included in the original version of the app.
  • The "Waterslide Mountain" minigame was originally called "Splash Mountain". It was likely changed because the 'Splash Mountain' name is trademarked by Disney.
  • Emily has her Calling All Engines! whistle sound. This was fixed in the updated version.
  • Mavis has her Calling All Engines! horn sound.
  • When it was available on Google Play, the game was named Magic Tracks.
  • Before it was updated in 2022, this was the only existing game that had Rosie in her lavender livery.
  • Textures for Clarabel exist in Annie's texture sheet, even though Clarabel does not appear in the game.
  • The main theme for this game is originally from Thomas Saves the Day.


  • None of the tender engines have their tenders in the minigames, possibly due to their length.
  • Some of the engines' side rods are not rendered correctly, appearing mostly with simpler designs.
  • The tender engines' tenders are taller than they are.
  • Mavis and Diesel 10 make puffing sounds despite being diesel engines.
  • Both Gordon's buffers and the bufferbeam on the backside of his tender are blue instead of black and red respectively.
  • Henry has the same tender design as Gordon. Because of this, its wheels are blue instead of green.
  • The tops of Ryan's tanks are red.
  • Spencer's tender is positioned backwards and its wheels are silver instead of black.
  • Gordon has a moustache.
  • Mavis' bufferbeam is grey or black when it should be red.
  • Victor is portrayed as a standard gauge engine.
  • Ashima shares Spencer's whistle sound. She is also incorrectly depicted as a 0-10-0 instead of a 0-8-2.
  • Diesel 10 has Derek's/Salty's current horn sound.
  • Belle has Emily's seventh/Peter Sam's ninth - twelfth series/Freddie's whistle sound at two steps higher-pitched.
  • Victor has Peter Sam's fourth/Rheneas' sixth - twelfth series whistle sound at four steps lower-pitched.
  • Raul has Spencer's whistle sound at some steps lower-pitched.
  • At the Docks, Cranky had a black face in one update. This bug was later fixed. He was also light green, but was eventually changed back to dark green.
  • In the original Get All the Toys! Box, Thomas and Spencer are not seen and for All Engines Go, Thomas is not seen.
  • Ryan's lamp is flipped in the original Get All the Toys! Box.
  • Much like in Express Delivery:
    • Gordon is missing his cylinders.
    • Ryan has Henry's whistle sound at a high pitch.
    • Toby has Lady and Flora's bell sound.
  • Certain minigames when played by specific engines break the game in some way or another, such as Henry at Crazy Coaster Mountain or Emily at Tidmouth Sheds. This was possibly due to certain actions not being coded in properly or at all.
  • When any engine goes into the Haunted Castle, a light is seen cast out above the camera. Since this minigame is in a first-person camera angle, this would have to be an engine's headlamp above their smokebox. However, not all engines have headlamps in this position.
  • In the post-2022 updates, Thomas incorrectly pronounces Tidmouth as "TID-mowf". The correct pronunciation is "TID-muf" or "TID-mif".

