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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the US/Canadian VHS/DVD.
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"Why should a splendid engine like me take messy coal trucks instead of coaches? Percy or Oliver should do it. They're not as important as I am!"
"James, why don't you think about something or someone else for a change? You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel if you do."
"Pah! Being important is the only thing for me to think about!"
― James and Thomas

Make Someone Happy is the twenty-second episode of the fifth series. In the US, it aired with James and the Trouble with Trees in an episode of Storytime with Thomas.


James is complaining about having to get his paint dirty while shunting some coal trucks, so Thomas tells him to think about someone else for a change. Meanwhile, Percy and Oliver witness Tiger Moth flying with a banner that is promoting the Harry Topper's Fair at Tidmouth Bay. They then head to Brendam Docks to pick up something for the fair.

James is still angrily shunting trucks when he sees Mrs. Kyndley upset, because her sister was unable to come and visit. The Fat Controller, feeling sorry for her, soon hears the unhappy news and sends Harold to pick her up. Although annoyed that his paint is again ruined by Harold, James is happy when Mrs. Kyndley is given a ride and she sees a bird's-eye view of the Island.

Percy and Oliver find that their load is horses for the carousel ride at the fair. James is happy when the Fat Controller tells him to take Mrs. Kyndley on a mystery tour; her destination is the seaside fair and she is happy to open it and have the first ride on the carousel. James then agrees with Thomas that making someone happy does make him happy too and they watch the fair in action.




  • This episode's title is named after a song from the musical Do Re Mi.
  • According to the film states:
    • At that point in production, this episode was originally the fifth episode of the fifth series.
    • The scene on the Tidmouth Sheds set was filmed in September 1997.
    • The scene at Brendam Docks (without James) was filmed on 19 September 1997.
    • The scene at Brendam Docks (with James) was filmed on 22 September 1997.
    • The Kirk Ronan set was filmed on 14 and 15 October 1997. Close-ups were filmed on the 16th and 28th.
    • The Tidmouth Hault scene was filmed on the 29th of October 1997. Tiger Moth flying among the mountains and sky was filmed on November 4th.
    • The Ffarquhar set was filmed on 11 November 1997. Close-ups were filmed on the 19th and 27th.
    • The Dryaw set was filmed on 12 November 1997.
    • Sir Topham Hatt in his office was filmed on 20 November 1997.
    • The Fishing Village set was filmed on 21 January 1998. The first shot of the episode is a different part of the same take as the first shot of Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday, filmed specifically for the other episode.
    • James and Harold were filmed passing by the lighthouse on 27 January 1998.
    • The Tidmouth Bay set was filmed on 4 February 1998.
    • Any remaining close-ups on the above locations were filmed on 9 February 1998.
    • The shot of Thomas, Annie and Clarabel on the Hay Farm that is shared with Thomas and the Rumours was filmed on 10 March 1998. It was labelled as being for a music video but was never used in one.
  • Stock footage from the fourth series episodes Four Little Engines and Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady are used.
  • The fairground carousel plays a jukebox arrangement of the original theme tune.
  • This episode marks the last of several things:
    • Mrs. Kyndley's last speaking role, and the final time Yumi Nakatani is part of the voice cast in Japan.
    • The last appearance of Kirk Ronan station in the original series, though it does reappear in the 2021 reboot, Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go.
    • The final appearance of Tidmouth Hault in the television series.
    • The last appearance of Ffarquhar Station until the eighth series episode, Thomas and the Tuba.
    • The last appearance of the Tar Tankers until the tenth series episode, Percy and the Funfair.
    • The last time that Tiger Moth is referred to by name in the television series.
    • Going by release date, the last episode narrated by Diego Brizzi for Latin America.
    • The last episode produced, dubbed and VHS/DVD released by DVD Acadamy in South Korea.
    • The last episode to have a voiced over Korean dub, as well as to have two dubs in Korean until the twelfth series episode, Thomas and the Billboard.
    • The last episode where James has Duck's high-pitched whistle from the fourth series as well as the last episode appearance of James' annoyed face in the television series. From the sixth series onwards, his face would have different eyebrows to form a concerned look.
    • The last episode where Percy is seen without his headlamp in the daytime.
  • This is the first episode to have a Latin American Spanish dub, but not a Brazilian Portuguese one.
  • When Oliver and Percy go to collect the fairground equipment from the docks, the carousel horses are unloaded in a large-scale model of a slate truck.
  • Izzy Gomez, S.S. Vienna, some fishing boats and the three-berth garage from Tugs appear in the episode.
  • The Ffarquhar Stationmaster's House is visible behind Percy at Tidmouth Hault.
  • This episode is titled James' Special Trust on The Roku Channel.
  • In the US, this episode aired before A Better View for Gordon and Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday, meaning the American audience may not have known about Gordon's View at Kirk Ronan (unless they had already seen the former on the release, Cranky Bugs and Other Thomas Stories), or Tiger Moth.
  • The episode's title is part of the lyrics of I Know How the Moon Must Feel from Thomas and the Magic Railroad.


  • Throughout the episode, Annie and Clarabel are seen in their old liveries.
  • James releases steam while Mrs. Kyndley tells his driver the bad news, but no steam sound effect is heard.
  • In the German dub, Oliver is incorrectly referred to as Thomas when he and Percy arrive at Brendam Docks.
  • Tiger Moth’s banner reads “Harry Toppers Fair” without an apostrophe.
  • When Harold takes off at Dryaw, Percy is seen pulling tankers, even though he was supposed to be with Oliver. Additionally, Percy's lamp also disappears for the rest of the episode, apart from the end.
  • Because stock footage is used, Peter Sam has his old funnel.
  • When James leaves the yards, docks, and Kirk Ronan, he has his fourth series whistle sound.
  • Some of the stalls at the fair change positions.
  • When James pushes the stone trucks, a stone falls out of one of the trucks.


Cranky: Hey, down there, you two! I'm playing Lucky Dip in the tramper's hold and all these are for you!
[the workmen unveil what Cranky has unloaded]
Percy: Wooden horses, for the carousel ride! It's going to be a very exciting fair!
James: It is, indeed! The Fat Controller has ordered me to stop pulling coal trucks and go to the station instead, something to do with Mrs. Kyndley. Goodbye!
[James excitedly puffs away]
Percy: Well, what do you think of that?!

James: You were quite right, Thomas. Making someone happy does cheer you up.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Të Besh Dikë të Lumtur
Chinese Mandarin 制造快乐
Czech Udělat někomu radost
Danish Glæden ved at glæde andre
Dutch Iemand blij maken
Finnish Tee joku onnelliseksi
French Rendre quelqu'un heureux
German Mach jemand anders eine Freude
Greek Κάντε κάποιον ευτυχισμένο
Hungarian A vidámpark
Italian Fai Felice Qualcuno!
Japanese ひとだすけ
Korean 소도어 섬의 축제 날 (DVD Acadamy)
정말 기분 좋은 일 (EBS)
Latin American Spanish Haz Feliz a Alguien
Norwegian Å Gjøre Noen Andre Glad
Polish Radość
Romanian Fă un Prieten Fericit
Russian Сделай кого нибудь счастливым
Slovenian Lepo je nekoga osrečiti
Swedish Gör någon glad

Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxsets

AUS DVD Boxsets



  • Make Someone Happy and Other Thomas Adventures
  • Engine Friends

DVD Boxsets



  • Happy Holidays








DVD Boxsets






