Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Marcia and Marcio are two wood-burning tender engines who work on the Eucalyptus Railway in Brazil.


Thomas first met Marcia and Marcio while he was collecting eucalyptus wood from the Plantation for Gabriela. When the two expressed a desire to explore beyond their home railway, Thomas offered to swap jobs with them for the day.

During their journey to Guanabara Bay, Marcia and Marcio both ran out of eucalyptus wood multiple times. This meant they had to use the supplies on their flatbeds. When these eventually ran out, they were stranded in the Amazon Rainforest.

Eventually, with the help of Emerson, Thomas found the pair and collected some more eucalyptus wood for them to complete their journey with. After delivering the wood to the docks, Marcia and Marcio returned to their home on the Eucalyptus Railway. [1]


Marcia and Marcio are twins and often work together. They have a habit of talking simultaneously, which can be confusing when introducing themselves to new engines. The two love their home railway, though they long to be able to see more of the world.

Technical Details[]


Marcia and Marcio are based on the Associação Brasileira de Preservação Ferroviária (ABPF) (Brazilian Railway Preservation Association in English) wood-burning engine No. 215 Maria Fumaça, built in 1912 by Baldwin Locomotive Works in the United States and exported to Brazil.

Marcia and Marcio have been partially modified from their original basis. No. 215 was designed and built to run on metre gauge rails, whereas Marcia and Marcio are standard gauge. Additionally, they have been fitted with buffers and screw-link couplings, allowing them to work with British rolling stock.


Marcia and Marcio's boilers are painted bottle green with bronze lining, however while Marcio's smokebox is bottle green, Marcia's is black. Marcio's cab is black with red window frames, while Marcia's is bottle green with red window frames. Their domes are painted black with bronze and bottle green bands. Their tenders are also painted in opposite liveries: while Marcio's is painted green with a black roof, Marcia's is black with a green roof.


Audio Files[]



Marcia's whistle is the Rainbow Sun and Lexi's whistle sound half a step higher-pitched.

Only used Sound Effect
Series 24



Marcio's whistle sound is the Rainbow Sun and Lexi's whistle one step higher pitched. It's also his twin's, but a step higher-pitched.

Only used Sound Effect
Series 24


  • Marcia and Marcio's eccentric rods are not animated properly as they do not complete a full rotation around their larger connecting rods.
  • Some parts of Marcia and Marcio's models are reused from Beau. These include:
    • Their bells.
    • Their cylinders.
    • Their wheels.
    • Their buffer beams and cowcatchers, albeit with added screwlink couplings.
    • Their tenders, albeit with added railings and canopies.
    • Their tail lamps.
  • Aside from facial features and colour, the two are differentiated physically by the way of two red cylinders hanging beside Marcia's face via small struts, resembling earrings.
  • Marcia and Marcio's whistle sounds are the Rainbow Sun and Lexi's whistle, but at higher pitches.
    • Additionally, their whistles are higher pitched versions of Ferdinand's whistle.
  • Marcia and Marcio are the last named international characters introduced in the show, as well as the last twin engines introduced, succeeding Judy and Jerome.
  • Marcia and Marcio are fourth pair of non-human twins in the television series not to be of the same gender as each other, the first three being Judy and Jerome, An An and Yin-Long, and Aubrey and Aiden.
    • They are also the final pair of twin characters introduced in the television series.
  • Marcia and Marcio are two of the six engines to run on wood, the others being Bash, Dash, Ferdinand, and Beau.


International Characters

* RWS only | ** T&F only | ✦ Changed location