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"Trucks should be where you want them when you want them!"
― Toby and Mavis arguing

Mavis is the fourteenth episode of the third series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book Tramway Engines.


Mavis is a young new black diesel engine who works in the quarry at the end of Thomas' branch line, where she shunts trucks and puts them in their proper place. She has sideplates like Toby to help prevent accidents on the line but she is quite inexperienced and has her own ideas on how to do things; ideas she is very keen to implement. As a result, she puts Toby's trucks in different positions every day making things hard for him, who tells Mavis off for this. Mavis, however, thinks Toby is just being fussy and boring and continues to do things her way until eventually Toby gives up and tells her she can take her own trucks to the station. Mavis is very pleased with this, as taking trucks makes her feel important.

Later, at a goods station, Diesel meets Mavis. When she complains to him about Toby claiming he says that only steam engines can manage trucks, Diesel sees a chance to cause trouble and tells Mavis that diesels are naturally better than steam engines before leaving. Mavis takes his words to heart but she is oblivious that Diesel knows nothing about trucks.


"How absurd. Depend upon it, Mavis, anything steam engines can do, we diesels can do better."

The line Toby uses crosses a main road behind the station before reaching a farm lane. Here, there is a dip in the line which can be very difficult to cross in frosty weather. Toby has found a solution to this: he stops just before the dip, his fireman stops the traffic at the crossing and then he takes a run at the dip, using the weight of the trucks to help push him across without trouble. It is the safest and easiest way to cross the lane in frosty weather. Toby tries to tell Mavis about the farm lane and how to cross it but she thinks that he is just being fussy and ignores his advice.

Later, Mavis begins taking the trucks to the station but she does not realise that the trucks - who are tired of being bumped around - plan to pay her out. Mavis reaches the farm lane but instead of stopping before the dip, she stops just before the road. Bertie and Terence are halted and Mavis, who believes she has got one over on Toby, tries to leave but the trucks take advantage of her mistake and hold back. Mavis is unable to move despite her best attempts, leaving the trucks to laugh at her mistake. Workmen sand the rails and try to dig away the frozen mud but to no avail. Mavis is stuck, blocking the crossing and making everyone who is caught in the resulting traffic jam angry.

Back at the yard, Toby is angry when he is told what has happened. Toby's driver tries to calm him down, reminding him that Mavis is young and needs to learn. Toby is not interested and is willing to let her manage the trucks herself. Toby's driver reminds him that they are actually his trucks and Mavis is technically not allowed to leave the yard. Realizing he could get in trouble if the Fat Controller may find out, Toby decides to go and help after all.

Back at the lane, Mavis is facing a farmer who angrily tells her what to do with her train when Toby arrives to help. After a lot of pushing, Toby finally starts to move Mavis and her trucks back across the lane. The hard work makes Toby's fire burn fiercely and his fireman spreads hot cinders to melt the mud. Finally, Toby and Mavis wind up at the beginning of the lane and Toby wishes Mavis goodbye and leaves. Mavis is too humiliated to respond. She takes the trucks to the shed and quickly heads back home to the quarry as the sun sets.




  • According to concept art on Ffarquhar Quarry, this was originally intended to be the fifteenth episode of the third series.
  • Stock footage from Donald's Duck is used.
  • Diesel replaces Daisy's role from the original story from The Railway Series since Rick Siggelkow disapproved of Daisy around this time.
  • Mavis exclaims "Fiddlesticks!" at the beginning of this episode, instead of "Fudge!" from The Railway Series book. This was likely to avoid any criticism for alluding to profanity in the television series.
  • This episode marks:
    • The first to feature Michael Angelis' dub in the background of the Ukrainian voice-over.
    • The first to use diesel engine squeaking wheels, albeit faintly.
    • The second episode named after a single character, the first being Daisy and the third being Bulgy, not counting the North American-exclusive titles Terence the Tractor and Toby the Tram Engine.
    • The only on-screen appearance of Toby's original angry face in the third series.
    • The last to use a few music cues:
      • The full outro music, as well as the only episode in the third series to use said music bit, outside of certain Shining Time Station episodes with often use the last part of the bit before the steam transition.
      • Diesel's original theme from the second series.
  • In the restored version:
    • The scene of Mavis looking cross at the end after being rescued by Toby is extended.
    • The shot of her taking the trucks to the sheds is shortened.
  • Both this episode and the next one aired on Christmas Day 1991 in the United States.


  • When the narrator says "Frosty weather makes the muddy lane rock hard and very slippery," a camera shadow can be seen on the ground.
  • Mavis' last truck's face is crooked.
  • Just before Mavis approaches the lane, a steam platform can be seen.
  • When Mavis passes the level crossing her brake van is a BR 20. But when she approaches the lane, it is now a SR 25.
  • Bertie is smiling when he is stuck at the crossing.
  • Terence disappears when Toby pushes Mavis out of the lane.
  • When Mavis is in the lane, the sign warning the engines to "WHISTLE" at the crossing has disappeared. When Toby arrives at the lane to rescue Mavis, the "SLOW" sign is also gone.
  • When the narrator says "Toby was in the yard when he heard the news," a black mark can be seen on Toby's left (viewers' right).
  • When Toby complains that he warned Mavis, his face moves and shadows pass over him in a couple of shots.
  • When Toby pushes Mavis out of the lane, the scene has obviously been cut.
  • At the end of the episode:


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Toby: [to Mavis] I can't waste time playing "Hunt the Trucks" with you. Take them yourself!

Mavis: Toby's an old fusspot.
Narrator: Diesel sensed trouble and was delighted.
Mavis: Toby says only steam engines can manage trucks.
Diesel: How absurd. Depend upon it, Mavis. Anything steam engines can do, we diesels can do better.
Narrator: Diesel knew nothing about trucks but Mavis didn't realise this.

[upon hearing the bad news about Mavis]
Toby: I warned her!
Driver: She's young yet. And...
Toby: She can manage her trucks herself!
Driver: They're your trucks, really. Mavis is supposed to stay at the quarry. If the Fat Controller finds out...
Toby: Hmm, yes.

Narrator: An angry farmer was telling Mavis just what she could do with her train!
Toby: Having trouble, Mavis? I am surprised.
Mavis: Grrrrr-ush!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Mavis
Chinese Mandarin 麦维斯
Czech Mavis
Danish Mavis fra stenbruddet
Dutch Mavis
Finnish Maija
German Mavis
Greek Η Μέιβις
Hungarian Rigó
Italian Mavis
Japanese いしきりばのメイビス
Korean 메이비스
Latin American Spanish Mavis
Norwegian Mavis fra steinbruddet
Polish Marta
Romanian Mavis
Russian Мэвис
Serbian Mejvis
Slovenian Manca
Swedish Mavis från stenbrottet
Thai มาวิส หัวรถจักรมาใหม่
Turkish Mavis
Ukrainian Мевіс
Welsh Mefis



Mavis(BuzzBook) Mavis (1993 Buzz Book)
MyThomasStoryLibraryMavis Mavis (2003 My Thomas Story Library book)

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom Australia UK/AUS

TrustThomasandotherStories1991cover TrustThomasandotherstoriesAustraliancover Trust Thomas and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
TheBiggestEverChristmasCollection TheBiggestEverChristmasCollectionAustraliancover The Biggest Ever Christmas Collection
TheCompleteThirdSeriesVHS The Complete Third Series (UK)/TheCompleteSeriesThreeAustralianDVD Series Three (AUS)
TruckloadsofFunSingleVHScover Truck Loads of Fun (UK)/TruckloadsofFunAustallia Truckloads of Fun! (AUS)

United Kingdom UK VHS Pack/DVD Boxsets

TruckloadsofFun Truck Loads of Fun: Includes Free Sooty Video
ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection
BumperPartyCollection&TruckLoadsOfFunDoublePack Bumper Party Collection! and Truck Loads of Fun Double Pack

Wales WAL

ThomastheTankEngineBumperSpecial1cover Thomas the Tank Engine: Bumper Special 1

Australia AUS DVD Packs

60thAnniversaryLimitedEditionBoxsetcover Limited Edition Box Set
AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
EssentialCollectionFiveDiscCollection Essential Collection
TrainloadsofThomasFun Trainloads of Thomas Fun
CallingAllEngines!&TruckloadsofFun!AUS2DiscSet Calling All Engines! and Truckloads of Fun! 2 Disc Set
SeriesThreeandFourAustralianDoublePack Series Three and Series Four 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

TrustThomasNZcover Trust Thomas and Other Stories
TheBestEverChristmasCollectionNewZealand The Best Ever Christmas Collection
New Zealand Bumper Video Collection 4 Bumper Video Collection Volume 4


TrustThomasandOtherStories1992USVHScover Trust Thomas and Other Stories
10YearsofThomasVHScover 10 Years of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume3 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 3

Canada CAN

TrustThomasandOtherStories1992USVHScover Trust Thomas and Other Stories
10YearsofThomasVHScover 10 Years of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends

USA Canada US/CAN DVD Packs

10YearsofThomasandBestofGordon2PackwithWoodenRailwayMetallicPercy 10 Years of Thomas & Friends and Best of Gordon 2 Pack DVD
TrustThomasandABigDayforThomasDoubleFeatureRe-release Trust Thomas/A Big Day for Thomas Double Feature
TotallyThomasVolume6DVD Totally Thomas Volume 6
TotallyThomasVolume7 Totally Thomas Volume 7
UltimateThomasCollection Ultimate Thomas Collection
On-the-GoPack On-the-Go Pack
BestTalesontheTracks Best Tales on the Tracks

South Africa ZA

India IND

TheTroublewithMudandOtherStories The Trouble with Mud and Other Stories

Malaysia MYS

Thomas'ChristmasPartyandOtherThomasAdventuresMalaysianDVD Thomas' Christmas Party and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 11) (VCD)
Donald'sDuckandotherAdventures Donald's Duck and Other Adventures (DVD)

Italy ITA

LocomotiveinTrouble Engines in Messes

Netherlands NL

TrustThomasfrontcover Trust Thomas
Dubbeldik3frontcover Double Feature 3
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresOfEdwardAndTobyFrontCover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Edward and Toby

Germany GER

Mavisand4OtherAdventures Mavis and 4 Other Adventures (direct-to-VHS)
It'sGreattobeaLocomotiveVHScover It's Great to Be a Locomotive!

Germany GER DVD Boxsets

ThomasandhisFriendsGermanDVDBoxSet1 Thomas & Friends Boxset 1
ThomasandhisFriendsBoxSet2 Thomas and his Friends Box Set 2

Norway NOR

Thomas,PercyandthePostTrainNorwegianVHS Thomas, Percy and the Post Train
Anniversary(NorwegianVHS) Anniversary

Denmark DK

TheGreatEscapeandOtherStoriesDanishVHScover The Great Escape and Other Stories

Sweden SWE

Thomas,PercyandtheDragonSwedishVHScover Thomas, Percy and the Dragon (VHS)
Thomas,PercyandtheDragonSwedishDVD Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Rock 'n' Roll (DVD)

Finland FIN

Thomas,PercyandtheDragonFinnishDVD Thomas, Percy and the Dragon

Slovenia SVN

WinterMorningDVDCover Winter Morning

Serbia SRP

ThomastheTankEngine6SerbianDVD Thomas & Friends 6

Greece GRC

MischiefwithThomasGreekVHScover Mischief with Thomas (VHS)
TheTwinEnginesWereConfused!GreekDVDcover The Twin Engines Were Confused! (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset2 3 DVD Boxset 2

Turkey TUR

TrustThomasTurkishVCDcover Trust Thomas (VCD)
Thomas,PercyandtheDragonandTrustThomasTurkishDVDcover Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Trust Thomas (DVD)

Thailand THA

ThomasandFriendsVolume10ThaiDVDCover Thomas & Friends Volume 10

Japan JPN

ThomastheTankEngineVolume15Original1992JapaneseVHScover Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 15
TheCompleteWorksofThomastheTankEngine1Vol4cover The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Volume 4
IWillNotLosetotheDiesel I Will Not Lose to the Diesel

Japan JPN DVD Boxset

ThomastheTankEngine(8DVDBoxSet)cover The Complete DVD Box 1

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

ThomasandFriendsVolume12HongKongDVDFrontCover Thomas & Friends Volume 12 (DVD)



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