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Millers are people who operate windmills and mill buildings that produce flour.

Dusty Miller[]

Dusty Miller is the owner of Toby's Windmill. He also works at Hillside Mill.


Dusty Miller operates his own windmill and produces flour for the engines to take to the market. When Toby accidentally shunted the flour trucks into the platform, causing the flour to spill, the miller was upset and told Toby that he would have to shut down the windmill as he could not sell the flour. After the windmill was destroyed due to a lighting strike, the miller could not afford the timber to make repairs, however, Toby found some fallen trees and brought them to the miller, who used the trees for the workmen to rebuild the windmill.

When Dusty Miller was working at Hillside Mill, Thomas mistook him for the Man in the Hills, as the miller was covered in flour which made him look white.


Voice Actors[]


  • Early sketches for Dusty Miller's CGI model call him "Windy Miller". By coincidence, this name was used for a character in the 1966 children's show Camberwick Green.
  • Dusty Miller was the last character created by David Mitton before he left the production team.
  • In the twelfth series, Dusty Miller grew a moustache.
  • Dusty Miller's figure used to be on display at Drayton Manor.


"Dusty" Dave[]

Dave, nicknamed "Dusty" Dave, is in charge of Sodor Flour Mills.


When Thomas arrived at the mill looking for a truck of flour, he found that the mill was closed. Dave, who was getting ready to go home, told Thomas that there was one truck of flour behind a line of empty trucks.


Voice Actors[]


  • In the Brazilian narration, Dave is called "Dusty Miller", which is also the name of another miller.

The Windmill Miller[]

The Windmill Miller works at an old windmill on the far side of Sodor.


Edward once had an idea for the miller to get more visitors. He told the miller to bake many loaves of bread as he might get some unexpected visitors. At the station, Edward's driver informed some people about a party at the windmill. When Edward arrived at the windmill with the people, The miller was surprised to see them, though he offered them each a fresh slice of buttered bread. The people were delighted and decided to visit the windmill every week for some fresh bread. This made Edward very pleased as the miller had some new people to talk to.


The Mill Manager[]

The Mill Manager is in charge of an old windmill.



The windmill was once undergoing repairs and the manager was hoping to reopen it soon. While Harvey was lifting a windmill's sail into position, it swung and hit the side of the mill and the manager was very upset about the damage to the sail. Luckily, Thomas had the idea to have the sails covered in spring flowers to hide the damage on the windmill until further repairs to the sail could be completed. The opening was a great success and the manager's windmill produces lots of flour and is a grand tourist attraction.

