Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Miniature Engines are engines who run on minimum gauge with track gauges smaller than those of narrow gauge track.

In The Railway Series, the engines of the Arlesdale Railway are miniature engines, such as Bert, Rex and Mike, who also appeared in Thomas & Friends.

Several unnamed miniature engines appear in various books and magazine stories of Thomas & Friends.

Notable Miniature Engines[]

The following miniature engines have their own separate pages:

The Railway Series[]

Thomas & Friends[]

The Miniature Green Engine[]

The Miniature Green Engine is an engine which runs along a pier railway.


The Ghost Train[]

The Ghost Train is a popular fairground ride. Henry's driver explained to him that a ghost train is a train that rides through a tunnel and frightens the riders with spooky things.


Thomas and Percy's Miniature Replicas[]

Thomas and Percy have miniature replicas that run on a miniature seaside railway.



The Miniature Red Engine[]

The Miniature Red Engine is an engine which runs a little line by the seaside. The engine has no face.


One rainy day, Oliver first saw the engine covered in rust on the back of a lorry. Due to a joke by Bill and Ben, he thought the engine had shrunk in the rain and was going to be scrapped. The next day, while at the Works, he was surprised to see the engine being repaired. The Fat Controller explained that the engine never was a big engine and he had saved it from the scrapyard to work on a seaside miniature railway.

Technical Details[]


The Miniature Red Engine does not appear to be based on any specific design. However, it bears some resemblance to "Katie", an engine from the Kirklees Light Railway.


The engine is painted red with yellow lining, a brass dome and grey wheels.



The Safari Park Engine[]

The Safari Park Engine is a minimum gauge tank engine that works at the Safari Park, pulling the Safari Park Special. The engine has no face.


The Safari Park Engine first came to Sodor on a ship from the Mainland and was taken by Thomas from the Big Harbour to the Works. Gordon, James and Daisy initially made rude remarks about the engine due to it being rusty, old and too small to run on their lines.

Two weeks later, Thomas was called back to the Works to take the engine to the Safari Park, where it ran the Safari Park Special service. Soon, word of the Safari Park Special spread and the other engines became jealous of the little engine because of its important job.

Technical Details[]


The Safari Park Engine appears to be a freelance design.


The Safari Park Engine is painted red with a white running board. Its lining and dome are gold. Following restoration, the engine was given a gold headboard above its smokebox reading "SAFARI PARK SPECIAL".


Magazine Stories[]


The Tiny Blue Engine[]

The Tiny Blue Engine is a rideable miniature engine that appeared in the magazine story The Tiny Engine. Stephen and Bridget Hatt saw this engine at a water park.

Technical Details[]


The Tiny Blue Engine does not appear to be based on any specific design. However, it bears some resemblance to "The Monarch", an engine on the Eastleigh Lakeside Railway which has often been used to represent Gordon for the railway's Days Out with Thomas events.


The Tiny Blue Engine is painted blue with red lining.


