This page is for the minor human characters who have appeared in Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go, listed in chronological order of appearance.
Rolf's Castle Knight
This knight lives at Rolf's Castle and greets Percy whenever he brings the Mail Train to his castle.
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
- Series 1 - Dragon Run (cameo) and Whistle Woes (cameo)
- Series 2 - New Mail Engine in Town (cameo)
- Short Story Adventures - The Big Balloon Breakout (cameo)
This article is about the human. You may be looking for the engine. |
Ryan is a little girl who lives on the Island of Sodor. In The Christmas Letter Express, Percy delivers her letter to Santa Claus.
Voice Actors
- Tsubaki Nagayama (Japan; Race for the Sodor Cup theatrical release only)
Mrs. McColl
Mrs. McColl is Farmer McColl's wife and lives with him on their farm.
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
- Series 2 - New Mail Engine in Town (cameo) and A Very Percy Valentine's Day (cameo)
- Series 3 - Duck Duck Whoosh! (cameo) and Pizza Picnic Problem (cameo)
- 2022 - The Mystery of Lookout Mountain (cameo)
Farmer McColl's Daughter
Farmer McColl and Mrs. McColl have a daughter who lives with them at McColl Farm.
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
- Series 2 - New Mail Engine in Town (cameo) and A Very Percy Valentine's Day (cameo)
- Series 3 - Pizza Picnic Problem (cameo)
- 2022 - The Mystery of Lookout Mountain (cameo)
- As of the third series, Farmer McColl's daughter's hair changes from burnette to red.
The Mechanics
A duo of unnamed mechanics help with repairs and construction around Sodor. They often conveniently pop up around Bruno, who has a special interest in people, mechanics being his favourites.
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
- Series 2 - Hay Fort Frenzy (cameos) and The Waiting Game (female mechanic only; does not speak)
- Series 3 - Choo-Choo Check In (cameos), Pizza Picnic Problem (female mechanic only; cameo) and Bruno's Blustery Day (do not speak)
- All Aboard! - The New Platform (female mechanic only; does not speak)
- The male mechanic reuses Farmer McColl's design with some minor modifications.
The Lollakazoos
The Lollakazoos are a kazoo orchestra from The Mainland. According to Sir Topham Hatt, the Lollakazoos are the most popular kazoo orchestra on the Mainland.
The Lollakazoos were once supposed to travel to Sodor on Bulstrode, but accidentally boarded a cruise ship. They later played their kazoos while the cruise ship passed Norramby Beach.
- The Lollakazoos are recoloured versions of the Suddery and Wayland Stationmasters.
The Postman
The Postman collects and delivers letters around the Island of Sodor. He has been seen at two mail depots.
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
- Series 4 - Sheep Stampede (cameo)
- 2024 - The Christmas Letter Express (cameo)