This page is for minor human characters that only appear in the magazines, annuals and other media, such as books.
The Bride and Groom
The Bride and Groom got married at a church. Their wedding car broke down after getting the bride to the church, so the bride, groom and their guests travelled to their reception in Wellsworth with Thomas.
- 1993 - The Wedding Engine! (do not speak)
The Very Important People
The Very Important People had come to the Island to open a new station on Thomas' Branch Line. Thomas was given the job of collecting them which made James very jealous. The group consisted of a mayor and a man that looked very similar to the Fat Controller, amongst others.
- 1994 - The New Station (do not speak)
The Chimney-Sweep
- "Has he come to sweep our funnels?"
- ― Henry
The Chimney-Sweep sweeps out chimneys for a living. He gets around on a green bicycle which his equipment is tied to. He once caused alarm amongst the engines when they thought he had come to sweep out their funnels. They were wrong and the sweep was employed by the Fat Controller to sweep out the waiting-room chimneys at stations along Thomas' Branch Line.
- 1994 - Puffing Pots! (does not speak)
The Punch and Judy Man
- "I do hope the weather gets better soon. No one will come to see my show until it does!"
- ― The Punch and Judy Man
The Punch and Judy Man comes to the Island of Sodor each year to put on a Punch and Judy show for the children on the beach. One year, the weather was very bad so Lady Hatt asked Sir Topham Hatt if the man could stage his shows inside Clarabel. The Punch and Judy Man wears a red suit jacket, white shirt with an orange bowtie, blue trousers and a straw boater hat.
- 1995 - The Show Train!
The Homeless Man
The Homeless Man lived in a disused carriage in an overgrown siding for some time. One night, when Thomas was travelling past the carriage, the man stopped him from hitting a cart that rolled onto the track by shining his lantern, and he explained that he had no home or job and had been living in the abandoned carriage. As a reward for saving Thomas, the Fat Controller offered the man a job on the railway and a station house to live, to which the man gratefully accepted.
- 1995 - The Strange Light!
The Travelling Salesman
- "Help!"
- ― The travelling salesman being chased by geese
The Travelling Salesman once visited a farm located somewhere near the coast on Thomas' Branch Line with the hope of selling the resident farmer some new tools, but was chased away by some very angry geese before he can knock on the farmhouse door.
- 1996 - Guard Duty!
- 2004 - Guard Duty!
The Coalman
The Coalman delivers coal to places all over Sodor, including the theatre at Wellsworth. He once helped Thomas by giving him some coal when the tank engine was running low. Thomas later returned the favour when the coalman's lorry broke down.
- 1996 - Carrying Coal!
- 1997 - Carrying Coal!
The Famous Film Star
This article is about 'the Film Star from a 1997 magazine story'. You may be looking for 'the Film Star from a 2011 magazine story'. |
- "What a sweet little engine he is!"
- ― The Famous Film Star talking about Thomas
The Famous Film Star flew into the airfield one day to visit the Island of Sodor. James was given the special job of collecting her, but her silk scarf blew away and landed on a rooftop where no-one could reach it. Then, Thomas pulled up with trucks of building supplies including a ladder. His driver was able to retrieve the scarf using the ladder and returned it to the film star, who wished to thank the engine who came up with the idea. She walked over to Thomas and called him a sweet, little engine and had her photograph taken with him. The next day, the photograph was in the newspaper.
- 1997 - Star Story!
The Ice-Cream Man
- "It's a disaster, we've run out of fuel and all the ice-cream is going to melt!"
- ― The Ice-Cream Man
The Ice-Cream Man drives around Sodor in his ice-cream van selling ice-cream and ice-lollies to children. Once, they ran out of diesel fuel and the ice-cream would melt. Luckily, Daisy and her driver always carry a spare can of fuel in case of an emergency and kindly handed it over to the van. Both the van and his driver were very grateful and carried on selling ice-cream to the happy children.
- 1997 - The Ice Cream Van
The Black-bearded Man
The Black-bearded Man was a rather scruffy-looking passenger who was waiting on a platform whilst Farmer Collett and the stationmaster were judging a scarecrow competition. Henry mistook him for one of the scarecrows, which the man took as a compliment as the scarecrows were fairly smartly dressed. He went on to help judge the competition and finally pick a winner.
- 1998 - The Scarecrow Competition!
Nurse O'Neill
Nurse O'Neill is a nurse at Sodor Hospital. On the day of the nurses' fancy dress party, she fell over at Wellsworth station and sprained her wrist. This gave Gordon an idea and he suggested that she go to the party as a wounded soldier, which she did after borrowing her father's army uniform.
- 1998 - Fancy Dress!
Mr. O'Neill
Mr. O'Neill is the father of Nurse O'Neill. He once lent his old army uniform to his daughter for a fancy dress party.
- 1998 - Fancy Dress!
The Postman
For other uses, see Postmen. |
The Postman once had a punctured bicycle tyre and a full sack of mail to deliver. Because Oliver was only going slowly, the postman decided to catch a lift with him. He loaded his busted bike into Toad and climbed onto Oliver's footplate. As Oliver slowly puffed along, the postman nipped on and off the engine to make his deliveries. This carried on until the mail sack was empty.
- 2000 - Oliver's Mail Train
Mrs. Weekes
- "Two letters for Mrs. Kyndley, then a parcel for Mrs. Weekes."
- ― The Postman
Mrs. Weekes is a lady who lives somewhere along The Little Western Branch Line. Nothing else is known about her.
- 2000 - Oliver's Mail Train (mentioned)
Clumsy Colin
- "Clumsy Colin they call me, now you know why!"
- ― Clumsy Colin after smashing some chimney pots
Clumsy Colin is a crane driver based at the harbour. Once, Thomas was sent to collect some chimney pots for some new houses. Colin was operating the crane that was unloading their pallet from a ship. As he did so, he clipped some stacks of bricks and ended up smashing them all. Colin had a plan and phoned the clay pits manager who helped to make some new pots.
- 2000 - Chimney Crisis!
The Potter
- "Rheneas has a good one!"
- ― The potter referring to Rheneas' funnel
The Potter was brought in to make some new chimney pots after Clumsy Colin smashed the original ones. The potter travelled around Sodor sketching engines' funnels and models the new chimney pots on the funnels of Duck, Peter Sam, Skarloey and Rheneas. He made the special pots at the old Pottery located at the clay pits. The new houses were also named after each engine the chimney was modelled after. The potter wears a blue jacket over a beige turtle-neck jumper.
- 2000 - Chimney Crisis!
Marvo the Magician
- "Abracadabra!"
- ― Marvo the Magician
Marvo the Magician is a touring performer who once came to perform at a theatre on Sodor. Thomas was puzzled by the thought of magic. His concerns were not helped when he was asked to take Marvo to the Sodor Airport and the magician performed one last vanishing act on the platform of the nearby station, disappearing in a large puff of smoke.
- 2000 - Vanishing Act!
The Bride and Her Father
- "I love it! It could not be any better! It is ever so exciting to arrive at church this way, Toby and Henrietta you have really saved the day!"
- ― The Bride
The Bride and Her Father were travelling to a church in town when their car broke down beside the line of Toby's Branch Line. The Father-of-the-Bride flagged down Toby whose crew were more than happy to help. The bride, her father and the bridesmaids all boarded Henrietta and they arrived at the church in time.
- 2000 - Toby Saves the Day
The Balloon Seller
The Balloon Seller was selling balloons close to a station on a windy day. The balloons blew all over the railway and the engines turned catching them again into a game. All of his balloons had funny faces painted on them. The balloon seller wears a yellow waistcoat with a white shirt underneath, a red bowtie, a bowler hat and brown trousers.
- 2001 - A Burst Balloon! (does not speak)
Stephen's Mother
Stephen's mother arranged a party for Stephen at the local village hall, but the party ended up being held on their good friend Bertie when the hall was flooded. In the puzzle that made up the story, she looks a lot older than she does in the illustration.
- 2002 - Birthday Bus
The Elderly Lady
- "Thank you, young man!"
- ― The elderly lady to Thomas' driver
The Elderly Lady was a passenger on Thomas' train that runs from the Main Station to the Shopping Centre. At the Shopping Centre, she dropped her shopping on the platform and Thomas' driver had to help her pick it up. When the Fat Controller arrived, he reprimanded Thomas for being late, but the elderly lady interrupted him, saying how kind Thomas' driver had been. She owns a poodle.
- 2002 - Time Trouble!
Paul Walford
- "I'm here to take some photographs for a brochure. Paul Walford's the name!"
- ― Mr. Walford
Paul Walford is a professional photographer. He was employed to help promote Dingley Hall, but the Horrid Lorries kept ruining his shots. The problem was resolved when the hall manager set up a no entry sign to stop the lorries.
His surname could come from the fictional setting of the BBC soap, "EastEnders".
- 2002 - In the Picture
The two Smartly-dressed Women
The two Smartly-dressed Women were passengers on Henry's train. They like to visit factories to find out how different things are made. One day, they spilt some "Sodor Dew" in one of Henry's carriages causing a curious scent. They appear to be quite posh and elegant.
- 2002 - What's That Smell?
Danny Day
This article is about 'the pop star'. You may be looking for 'the little boy'. |
Danny Day is a famous pop star who arrived on Sodor via ferry for the "Sodor Goes Pop" concert. He disguised himself as a fireman to avoid any attention from the crowds and James secretly took him to the festival site.
- 2002 - Sodor Goes Pop! (does not speak)
The Sherbets
The Sherbets are a famous band. Harold gave them a private ride to the airfield, where Thomas was waiting to deliver them a special pop concert called "Sodor Goes Pop".
- 2002 - Sodor Goes Pop! (do not speak)
Restless Eric
This article is about 'the DJ'. You may be looking for 'the mountain engine'. |
Restless Eric is a famous DJ from Radio Sodor. He was the host of the pop concert "Sodor Goes Pop" which included acts such as Danny Day and the Sherbets.
- 2002 - Sodor Goes Pop!
Roddy Bowlby
- "I've been all around the world in all kinds of weather, except snow that is..."
- ― Roddy Bowlby
Roddy Bowlby is a well-known and much-loved adventurer from Brendam Bay. He sailed around the world single-handedly in his trusty yacht, the Sea Farer. When the Fat Controller heard of Roddy's voyage coming to an end in the newspaper, he scheduled more trains to greet Roddy at Brendam Bay and arranged for Thomas to deliver a present to the adventurer. Roddy returned home to a very warm welcome and was presented with the present that Thomas delivered which turned out to be a big globe with Roddy's trip mapped out on it.
- 2002 - A Snowy Reception
The Nurse
- "Good work. You'd be a great help in a real accident!"
- ― The Nurse praising the railway staff
The Nurse works at St. Mary's Hospital and sometimes gives courses on first aid to the railway staff at the Main Station. She usually travels from the hospital to the station on Bertie.
- 2003 - Feeling Fine
The Milkman
- "Sorry to hold you up, Thomas, but my milkfloat doesn't go very fast."
- ― The Milkman
The Milkman drives around Sodor delivering milk and other groceries such as bread and eggs in his milk float. His milk float once broke down, but luckily Caroline was happy to help the milkman complete his rounds.
- 2003 - Milk and Motors!
The Sculptor
The Sculptor is a well-respected and versatile sculptor. She hosts sculpture shows at her shop somewhere along the Skarloey Railway. One winter, she carved a fish in a frozen waterfall, which everyone loved.
- 2005 - Ice Carving (does not speak)
For other uses, see Alfred (disambiguation). |
- "They'd rather miss my train than Alf's snacks!"
- ― James
Alf ran the snack bar at the Main Station for many years until he retired. Upon his retirement, no suitable replacements could be found, hence the snack bar closed. Later on, Nelly was hired to run it. Alf's food was said to be so delicious that James had to blow his whistle to remind the passengers to catch their train. He used to joke that the passengers would rather miss their train than Alf's food!
- 2005 - What's Cooking? (does not speak)
- "Coffee and home-made cakes for everyone!"
- ― Nelly
Nelly is a retired school dinner-lady and the current manager of the snack bar at the Main Station. When Alf retired, the Fat Controller could not find a suitable replacement and the snack bar was closed. Days later, James came across a broken rail and whilst he and his crew waited for it to be repaired, Nelly gave them coffee and home-made cakes that she had made in her nearby cottage. After James told the Fat Controller about her, she was immediately hired to run the snack bar.
- 2005 - What's Cooking?
Tigerwoman and The Fang
- "Holy hatstands, Thomas, haven't you heard about the Elsbridge Carnival?"
- ― Tigerwoman and The Fang
Tigerwoman and The Fang are superheroes. Two people disguised as Tigerwoman and The Fang attended the Elsbridge Carnival.
- 2003 - Super Heroes!
- "I'm taking Webman!"
- ― Annie
Webman is a famous superhero. A man dressed as Webman was to attend the Elsbridge Carnival. He was due to arrive on board Harold who had been disguised to resemble Webman's own helicopter. However, Harold was called out to assist in catching a jewel thief. Webman went along with him and lent his web to the police officers who were able to get the thief tangled in it. He did not make it to the carnival, but appeared on the front page of Sodor News the next morning. He is based on Marvel Comics' Spider-Man, though his costume is more similar to Captain America's.
- 2003 - Super Heroes!
Farmer Collett's Wife
Farmer Collett's Wife and her husband live at Collett's Farm with their many animals. When Farmer Collett went missing, his wife helped a rescue team and their dog to track him down.
Television Series
- Series 7 - Best Dressed Engine (cameo)
- 2003 - Animals (does not speak)
The Magician and the Witch
The Magician and the Witch are employees at (or may even own) the Magic Shop on Edward's Branch Line. They dressed up as a wizard and a witch to attract a crowd of customers to their shop.
- 2005 - Strange Sight
The Soldiers
The Soldiers were going to Gordon's Hill with Thomas to embark on a training exercise about coping in cold weather. However, a blizzard caused them to take shelter in Annie and Clarabel. The group of soldiers consisted of an officer and his men.
- 2005 - Really Useful Coaches
- "Clever Wag! You found your way home!"
- ― Mark
Mark and his dog, Wag, frequently use the Sodor Railway and are well-known amongst all the engines, especially Percy. Once, Wag went missing somewhere near Maron Station. Mark was beside himself, but Percy promised to help look for him. Later that day, Percy specifically took Mark back to his local station. Emily pulled in not long after and had Wag in her brake van. Mark was reunited with his precious pet. Although not confirmed, Mark appears to be a teenage boy. He wore a green overcoat, blue tracksuit bottoms, a yellow jumper and a white collared shirt.
- 2006 - Pet Passenger
Forest Ranger
The Forest Ranger identified a family of badgers in Henry's Forest.
- 2007 - Trees and Tunnels
- 2010 - Trees and Tunnels
The Vet
This article is about 'the magazine character'. You may be looking for 'the television series character'. |
The Vet yearly attends the Sodor Horse Show to care for the horses. He also helped to deliver a baby foal on Sunnyhill Farm. He drives a car similar to Sir Topham Hatt’s with the word "VET" on the sides.
- 2009 - New Delivery
The Famous Writer
The Famous Writer is an author. One day, she was due to sign copies of her latest book at a book shop in Wellsworth when the shop's basement caught fire. Luckily, Daisy arrived and she was able to sign her books inside of the Diesel railcar. As a thank you, she gave Daisy her own book with the inscription: "Dear Daisy, for being a Really Useful railcar". Very little is known about her as she was not seen in any illustrations.
- 2003 - Books Aboard!
The Fried Fish Man
- "I haven't enough chips!"
- ― The Fried Fish Man
The Fried Fish Man sells fish and chips from his van at various locations around Sodor. One day, he told Terence's driver that business had been slow that day. While Terence's driver bought some fish and chips, Terence's brakes slipped and he collided with a tree, sending potatoes from his cart tumbling onto the railway line. Edward's train was delayed as a result and his waiting passengers, smelling the fish and chips, all bought their supper from the fried fish man. It was not long before the fried fish man was completely sold out.
- 2004 - Frying Tonight
The Injured Mountain Climber
- "Thank you, Harold. I don't know what I'd have done without you."
"It's all in a day's work." - ― The Injured Mountain Climber and Harold
The Injured Mountain Climber hurt his leg whilst climbing a mountain on Sodor. Luckily, he was spotted by Harold who dropped a harness and lifted the man to safety. Harold took the injured man to the airfield where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital. Before leaving, the relieved mountain climber did not forget to thank Harold.
- 2004 - Harold to the Rescue
The Ice Sculptor
- "I saw Thomas trying to tell his friends. I'm pleased he likes my statues!"
- ― The Ice Sculptor
The Ice Sculptor is an artist who once held an open-air exhibition in a park on Sodor. Thomas accidentally melted some of the sculptures, but the sculptor wasn't cross and, from his next delivery of ice, made a special sculpture of Thomas. He is not to be confused with the sculptor from another 2005 magazine story.
- 2005 - Ice Sculptures
- 2008 - The Ice Train!
Kit's Owner
Kit's Owner lives in a cottage on Edward's Branch Line. She owns Kit, whom she cannot get to come inside the house until he's barked "hello" to Edward. She appears to be quite elderly.
- 2008 - Kit's Kennel
The Jeweller
- "I've never been mistaken for a thief before!"
- ― The Jeweller
The Jeweller once collected the Fat Controller's watch and his wife's necklace from his office. Edward saw him take them and quickly board Emily's train. Thinking the man had stolen the items, Edward gave chase. Thanks to a signal failure, Edward caught up and his driver and Emily's guard searched for the man. Before being given a chance to explain himself, the Fat Controller arrived and revealed that the man is a jeweller. The man saw the funny side; he'd never been mistaken for a thief before.
- 2008 - Stop, Thief!
The Head Keeper
The head keeper is in charge of the Wildlife Park on Sodor. He once had to stop the schoolchildren from entering the park because of an escaped African deer. The deer was recaptured with the aid of Thomas, who was dressed as a tiger at the time.
- 2007 - Tiger Thomas
Sir Rackham
Sir Rackham owns a prize bull. His name could come from a character in the fictional comic book series "The Adventures of Tintin".
- Musical Duncan (mentioned)
The Scrapman
The Scrapman is an employee at one of the Scrapyards on Sodor. Once, Edward was making a delivery to the yard, when a piece of metal jammed in his wheels. The scrapman assumed that Edward was sent for scrapping and started work despite Edward's desperate pleas. Luckily Trevor and Jem Cole arrived and saved Edward from a terrible fate.
- 2011 - Saved Again (does not speak)
The Film Star
This article is about 'the Film Star from a 2011 magazine story'. You may be looking for 'the Film Star from a 1997 magazine story'. |
- "Would you like my autograph?"
- ― The Film Star
The Film Star once visited Sodor in her seaplane. Neville, unaware that it was a seaplane, was horrified when it crashed into the sea. When he realised his mistake, Neville was asked to tow the plane to the jetty. The Film Star was very pleased with her smooth ride and, as a sign of gratitude, signed Neville's boiler.
- 2011 - Splashdown!
The Librarian
The Librarian works at a library somewhere on the Ffarquhar Branch Line. Once, whilst the library was closed for repair work, Thomas had the idea to turn Annie and Clarabel into a temporary library with books from the Main Station lost property cupboard. The librarian regularly reads to the children, too.
- 2006 - Story Train
The Artist
The Artist is an elderly-looking man who often paints pictures of things at the fishing village, including the ships and holidaymakers. Stephen and Bridget took his photo whilst trying out their new camera. He once painted Arthur when his train was delayed by a points failure.
- 2007 - Puffer Portrait!
- 2011 - Puffer Portrait
The Acrobats
The Acrobats are part of a travelling circus that once visited Sodor. Their act is popular with everyone - including the engines. Once, whilst sticking up posters at a station, they fetched the guard's scarf down from the station roof after Gordon let off steam. They consist of two men and a woman.
- 2011 - Show Time
The Doctor
The Doctor arrived at the main station on Henry's train and was asked by the stationmaster to examine the Fat Controller, who was not feeling well. The doctor told the Fat Controller that he had a chest cough and gave him some medicine. He then examined an ill Henry by listening to his boiler. He concluded that Henry had blocked tubes.
- 2006 - Tube Trouble
- 2011 - Tube Trouble
The Priest
The Priest runs the church. When Gordon passes by with the express, the church's bells ring and the priest steps outside and waves to Gordon. The Priest and Gordon are great friends.
- 2012 - Sound Around (cameo)
Mr. Director
- "Lights, camera, action!"
- ― Mr. Director
Mr. Director is a movie director who was making a mystery movie at Cronk station. Thomas delivered a fog machine to the station for Mr. Director to use, but a porter dropped it and smashed it. Thomas had a very good idea and offered to blow steam over the actors which would look just like fog. Mr. Director agreed and was very happy with the result.
- 2014 - Mystery Fog!
This article is about 'the magazine character'. You may be looking for 'the Mid Sodor Railway engine or the other magazine character'. |
Jim owns a ride named "Jim's Jungle Ride". It used to be situated at the pier but had to be moved to the Wildlife Park to make way for a bowling alley.
- "Thanks, Joe! It's lucky that you were watching out for me, too!"
- ― Thomas
This article is about the night watchman. You may be looking for Culdee's driver. |
Joe is a night watchman for a factory close to a branch line. He has a fire at night to keep warm. He once saved Thomas from running into a landslide. The next day, Thomas returned the favour by giving him some hot coals to relight his fire which had been extinguished by the rain. Joe and Thomas are firm friends.
- 2013 - Joe's Glow!
Dave the Busker
This article is about 'the busker'. You may be looking for 'the guard'. |
- "I'm Dave the Busker and I travel near and far!"
- ― Dave the Busker, Luggage
Dave is a busker who carries a guitar and travels around busking.
The White Van Man
This article is about 'the person'. You may be looking for 'the magazine story'. |
- "My last package and I've loads of time to spare! Now who's this Sir Topham chap?"
- ― The White Van Man
The White Van Man is a delivery man who drives a white van. He is infamous for being reckless and always rushing. He has been to Sodor to make deliveries to George's driver and Sir Topham Hatt. Whilst on the island he almost collided with Bertie and got rather impatient at crossing gates. While delivering a package to Sir Topham, he parked his van in front of the Fat Controller's car and got clamped. He then missed his ferry home. It is assumed he lives on the Mainland.
He wears a yellow polo shirt and jeans. He also wears a red baseball cap back to front and trainers.
In the UK, the "White Van Man" is a common phrase used to describe inconsiderate and aggressive drivers of vans, much like the one seen in this story. The term was invented by the BBC radio presenter Sarah Kennedy in 1997.
Captain Cosmos
Captain Cosmos is the name of a character from a science fiction television program and comic book. A live show was shown at Elsbridge Football Ground, entitled "Captain Cosmos Goes to Mars".
The Soloist
- "Don't worry. We're all fine."
"But the xylophone isn't!" - ― The Sodor Brass Band conductor and the soloist
The Soloist joined the Sodor Brass Band to perform a xylophone solo at an extra-special concert on the platform at Maithwaite Station. Unfortunately, during his journey on Thomas, the xylophone got broken. Luckily, the Brass Band's conductor had an idea when he heard the noise Thomas made when going over some uneven sleeps at Maithwaite. During the concert, when it was time for the xylophone concert, the soloist climbed into Thomas and together they rolled back and forth over the damaged line.
- 2014 - The Extra-Special Solo
The Carnival Queen
- "Just wait until we see James. A princess may have used his carriage but I'm carrying a Queen!"
- ― Annie
The Carnival Queen was part of the annual carnival on Sodor. She took a Royal Train Tour around the island with Thomas and Annie who were dressed up to look like a Royal Train. As they travelled around the island, everyone came out to wave at the train as they passed by. Annie thought it was the best day that she can remember and looked forward to boasting to James about it.
- 2014 - The Royal Carriage (does not speak)
The Steeplejack
The Steeplejack is a craftsman who scales buildings and chimneys to carry out repairs or maintenance. When Skarloey broke his funnel, he was worried the steeplejack was going to remove it.
- 2008 - Funny Funnel
The Cyclist
The Cyclist is a man who travels around the railway on his bicycle. One day, the cyclist found the gates at a level crossing opened for him, and no sign of a signalman. After hearing Percy approach the crossing with a goods train, the cyclist quickly opened the gate for Percy to go by. After Percy and his driver thanked him for saving them from an accident, the cyclist and Percy's crew find the signalman with a hurt ankle and telephoned a doctor. Later that day, the cyclist was rewarded with a brand-new bike.
- 1993 - Almost an Accident!
The Starspotters
The Starspotters are a group of people who came to Sodor to study stars.
- 1993 - Star Spotting!
The Man and Woman in the Boat
The Man and Woman in the Boat are a couple. While they were out on a river in their boat, a loose tree trunk hit the side of the boat, causing the man to drop the oars and the boat got out of control towards a weir. Luckily, Thomas saved the couple by pulling their boat to safety with some rope and they thanked him for being a Really Useful Rescue Engine.
- 1993 - The River Rescue!
The Wax Figures
The Wax Figures are the waxworks dressed up as famous people that the two people (The Lorry Driver and other person) make to be opened by the mayor.
Magazine Stories
- 1993 - Standing Still!
The Wildlife Expert
The Wildlife Expert is a friend of Thomas' Driver, who informed him about some badgers that were in a hole beyond a siding that had an old coach. When the expert was brought in, he decided to use the coach as a hide to spot for badgers and he was made the warden.
Magazine Stories
- 1994 - The Badger Line!
The Important Visitor
The Important Visitor once had a very important meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Kyndley. Unfortunately, both the road and railway were blocked with deep snowdrifts. At Thomas' suggestion, Terence came to the rescue to clear the line for them. The important visitor managed to get to the meeting and the Fat Controller was very pleased with them.
- 1984 - Thomas and the Important Visitor
- 1992 - Thomas and the Snow Block
The Naturalists
The Naturalists were a group of people that studied birds and plants. They were booked on an excursion with Bertie to take them into the hills. But the next day Bertie felt ill, so Algy took them instead. When Algy stalled at some traffic lights, the naturalists had to push him to the hills. Algy's driver tried to mend him, while the naturalists went off looking for birds and plants. But when the naturalists came back an hour later, Algy was still not fixed. The naturalists decided to have their picnic to pass the time. Thankfully, Bertie swerved around the corner, ready to continue the naturalists' trip.
- 1984 - Bertie Saves the Day
The Vicar of Ffarquhar
The Vicar of Ffarquhar once forgot his Father Christmas costume at Ffarquhar station. Thomas then had the idea to have Percy bring it to him.
- 1984 - Percy to the Rescue
The Elderly Lady
The Elderly Lady was a passenger travelling on Thomas' train with her cat. The lady gave her cat to her daughter, who wanted to look after him while she went away for Christmas. But when Thomas stopped at Dryaw, the cat jumped out of the basket and ran away. Luckily for her, the passengers searched for the cat while the crew filled Thomas' water tanks with snow instead of water, due to frozen water columns. But as Thomas' crew finished filling his water tanks, they found the cat hidden in a heap of snow. Soon after, the cat was dry and warm and his owner placed him safely back in the basket and the train left on its way.
- 1986 - Lost in the Snow
The Foreign Passengers
The Foreign Passengers were an elderly couple that travelled in Toby and Henrietta. Unfortunately, the two passengers missed their stop and ended up at Dryaw. They could not understand English also. Later, Percy chuffed in with some trucks and the guard gave them a comfortable ride in his brake van. In return, the two gave Percy's crew gloves and scarves and a thank you letter addressed to the Fat Controller.
- 1986 - Percy's Passengers
The Archaeologists
The Archaeologists were a group of people looking for some old pottery near Thomas' branch line. Opposite to the field, Terence was ploughing through a small field near Hackenbeck Halt. As they worked, Terence's plough unearthed some dirty old pottery. When the Tidmouth museum curator came to investigate, it turned out that the archaeologists had taken an out-of-date map and were digging on the wrong side of the railway.
- 1987 - Terence Turns Pot Hunter
The Climbers
The Climbers once booked Bertie on a climbing excursion. Bertie's engine would not start on the day of the excursion, so his friend Algy had to collect the climbers instead. When Algy stalled at some traffic lights, the climbers had to push Algy to avoid traffic. After they arrived at their destination and the climbers had their lunch, Algy's driver tried to start him again. But this time, all hope was lost and everyone was stranded. Luckily, Bertie was called and saved the day.
- 1991 - Bertie to the Rescue
The Foreign Visitors
The Foreign Visitors were passengers on one of James' trains. They could not speak much English and thought that the cord above the carriage's door was for calling the buffet car attendant. They did not realise that they had pulled the emergency break causing James' brakes to lock. When the guard came to see what the problem was, the foreign visitors attempted to order four cups of coffee.
- 1992 - James' Traffic Jam (do not speak)
Paul Carter
Paul Carter is a famous photographer who came to Sodor to take pictures to be used for Sodor's latest holiday poster. The Fat Controller and the Mayor had difficulty deciding which photograph to use. Paul pointed out that in each different photograph he took of the engines, an engine is doing something special. They realized that it was the Fat Controller's railway and engines that made the island a special place. Later, Paul gathered the engines for one last special photograph.
- 2000 - Very Special Engines
Bob the Punch and Judy man
For other uses, see Bob. |
Bob is a puppeteer who organises a show for the children. When a gust of wind blew his tent away into the trees, he did not know what to do and was about to pack his things when Thomas had an idea. To save the show Bob used Thomas' cab as his puppet theatre. The show was a success, and everyone was happy.
- 2001 - "That's the Way to Do It!"
Mr. Owen
Mr. Owen is a musician and artist who lives near Thomas' Branch Line. He is based on the Thomas & Friends illustrator, Owen Bell.
- 1999 - All Aboard with Thomas!
Nurse Nancy
Nurse Nancy is a nurse who appears in the mini book, Henry Goes to the Hospital by Christopher Awdry. She tended to Amy's sprained leg when she fell off her bicycle.
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder, also known simply as Bob, is the titular protagonist of the British animated programme of the same name.
- 2007 - Playtime Friends Story Treasury
- 2008 - Halloween in Anopha
- 2004 - HiT Children's Favourites
- In the 2008 book Halloween in Anopha, one of the children at the party is dressed as Bob the Builder.
- In the Minis merchandise range, the 2015 CGI redesign of Bob the Builder is illustrated in the cab of the Minis Construction Toby.
- Minis (discontinued; sold as graphic artwork on "Construction Toby")
- Easy Link Internet Launch Pad (discontinued)
The Doorman
The Doorman is the doorman of Mr. Bubbles' Puzzle Emporium. He kept nagging Diesel, much to his annoyance.
For other uses, see Jack (disambiguation). |
Jack is the main protagonist of the English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. It is a story about a poor boy named Jack who trades his family's cow for magic beans, which grow into a giant beanstalk that leads to a giant's castle.
Thomas & Friends
Promotional Videos
- Storytime with Mr. Evans - Thomas and the Beanstalk (does not speak)
- 2018 - Thomas and the Beanstalk (does not speak)
Audio Stories
Thomas & Friends Storytime
- 2020 - Thomas and the Beanstalk (mentioned)
Really Useful Around the World Human Characters
In Really Useful Around the World, many human characters appeared in the different countries that Thomas visited.
The Balloon Holding boy and his Mother
When Thomas visited New York City, he met a small boy holding a blue balloon with his mother. The boy accidentally let go of his balloon as he was waving to Thomas due to him holding his mother's hand. Luckily, either Thomas' driver or fireman caught it while being lifted up from Thomas' accident.
The Skyscraper builders

The builders appeared in Thomas Goes to New York.
While Thomas was being lifted, the builders were surprised to see the engine, as Thomas was surprised that he was up in the sky. Thomas later said "Cinders and ashes" when he saw them, though the builder with the blue cap responded that his sandwich is not that, rather it is pastrami on rye. They laughed about it and later helped Thomas by catching the balloon a boy left.

Monyak appeared in Thomas in the Sahara! He is a camel owner who directed Thomas to the oasis to fill up with water. He was very surprised when he arrived and there was no water left for his camels. But Thomas came up with a solution for the problem that he could take the camels for Monyak.
The Movie Director

The Movie Director appeared in Thomas Visits Pompeii. Thomas had arrived in Pompeii when he accidentally interrupted the Movie Director's filming. The director was not pleased with Thomas rolling into the set and felt a little embarrassed.
The Movie Director speaks in a thick American accent.
The Man with the Didgeridoo

The Man with the Didgeridoo appeared in Thomas Crosses Australia. When Thomas was leaving Adelaide, he heard a strange sound. After trying to track the sound down, he saw a man playing a strange instrument. The man explained that it was a didgeridoo and then took a ride in Thomas' cab.
The Little Boy

The Little Boy appeared in Thomas and the Cheeky Chimpanzees in Kenya. He was excited to see the Chimpanzees.
This article is about the human character. You may be looking for the electric engine. |

Gustavo appeared in Thomas is the Star of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival.
Thomas met him at a station at Brazil. When Gustovo said "Oi!" to Thomas, he thought it was rude, until Gustavo told him that it means "Hello" in their country. Gustavo told Thomas that he was going to Rio de Janeiro to sell produce there.
When they went to Rio, he later told Thomas that Thomas was the star of the carnival.

Demetre appeared in Thomas Attends a Greek Wedding. His brother was the groom. He later told Thomas about a Greek wedding tradition of breaking plates.
The Tourists
Two tourists speak in Thomas Meets an Artist in Paris. The first tourist told Thomas about the famous buildings in Paris, while the second one told Thomas about the wonderful art that is made in the city.
The first tourist wore a similar attire to the Photographer with the bow tie, while the second tourist wore a trench coat and hat.
The Artist

The Artist is a blonde-haired French woman, likely in her twenties, who appeared in Thomas Meets an Artist in Paris. She had many paintings of Paris and even painted Thomas.
The Important Man

The Important Man appeared in Thomas Picks Up a Special Passenger in London. He resembles the Fat Controller.
The Soldiers

Two soldiers appeared in Thomas Picks Up a Special Passenger in London. They had a goat as a mascot.
Live Shows Human Characters
Several human characters have appeared in the live shows.
- Kate Ashmead
- Suzanne Britten (understudy)
- Sarah Angel
- Suzanne Britten (understudy)
Mrs. Martin
- Emma Quintin (2004)
- Clare Beasley (2006)
- Róisín Magee (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Andrea Kovelman (Canada)
- Katie Cortez (Toronto)
- Park Eun-hee (Korea)
- Sayuri Fukui (Japan)
The Mayoress
- Emma Quintin (2004)
- Clare Beasley (2006)
- David Matthew Torsiello (2007)
- Daniel Summers (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Kyle Garvin (Canada)
Theodore's Mother
- Katie Cortez (2007 and Canada)
- Amanda-Jane Short (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Shin Geum-sook (Korea)
Children's Marching Band
- Ricky Whitfield (2007, Canada and Toronto)
- Katie Cortez (2007 and Toronto)
- David Matthew Torsiello (2007)
- Jonathan Deardan (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Róisín Magee (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Daniel Summers (UK/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Andrea Kovelman (Canada)
- Kyle Garvin (Canada)
- Martin Sherman (Toronto)
- Seo Tae-yi (Korea)
- Park Eun-hee (Korea)
- Kim Yu-mi (Korea)
- Daisuke Yamaai (Japan)
- Sayuri Fukui (Japan)
- Katie Cortez (US/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Joel Frank (male US understudy)
- Rachael Born (UK)
Cuffy the Clown
- Jeffrey Mark Pierce (US)
- Joel Frank (US understudy, AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Jason Williams (AUS/HK/Singapore understudy)
- Steve King (UK)
- Martijn Mulders (2011-12 Netherlands)
- Alan Bochnak (Poland)
Miranda the Acrobat
- Andrea Kovelman (US/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Katie Cortez (US understudy)
- Tara Stapley (UK)
- Maud Mulder (2011-12 Netherlands)
- Paulina Moś (Poland)
The Strongman
- Steve Chazaro (US/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Andy Medhurst (UK)
- Bas Bovelander (2011-12 Netherlands)
- Mateo Grabowski (Poland)
Farmer McCall
This article is about 'the live show character'. You may be looking for 'the television character'. |
- Kyle Garvin (US/AUS/HK/Singapore)
- Paul Winterford (UK)
- Mark Haayema (2011-12 Netherlands)
- Dominik Rybiałek (Poland)
- Kamil Mróz (Poland understudy)
Cecil Steamwhistle
- Tom Oliver (English)
- Martijn Mulders (Netherlands)
Locomotives | Victor | Sidney | Thirteen | Little Barford | Silver | The Blue Engines | The Flying Thistle | The Pier Train | The Cable Car | The High-Speed Post Train | River Mite | Prince | Livingston Thompson | The Coalbrookdale Locomotive |
Rolling Stock | Annie and Clarabel's Old Friend | The Animal Sanctuary Coach | The Station Coach | The Play Coach | The New Coach | The Posh Coaches | Old Bennett | The Naughty Pink Truck | Carols on Wheels | The Old Guard's Van | The Elderly Brake Van |
Vehicles | Angus | The Special Bus Service | The Open-Topped Double-Decker Bus | The Ice-Cream Van | The Float Lorry | The White Van | Bluebird | The Dodgems | Algy | The Tandem Rotor Helicopter |
People | Farmer Collett | Dave | Minor Human Characters (magazines) | Minor Human Characters (annuals) |