Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
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This page is for the minor human characters who have appeared in The Railway Series.

The Lady in the Black Bonnet

At Cronk, Edward told James of the time he had to push Gordon up a hill. James laughed so much he surprised an old lady as she was carrying some parcels. She dropped them all and the stationmaster and some porters had to pick them up for her.


The Old Lady with the Umbrella

This old lady left her umbrella lying on the platform in Thomas and the Guard. When Thomas was about to leave, the guard tripped on the umbrella. By the time he had got up again, Thomas had left.


Bus Conductors

The Railway Series

Bus Conductors help out with collecting fares from the passengers that travel on the buses. They typically stand guard at the bus' main doorway entrance.


A bus conductor's uniform consists of a light blue jacket over a white shirt and a red tie, light blue trousers and a red flat cap with a black brim. They also carry a large brown bag.

The Elephant Keeper

The Railway Series

The Elephant Keeper is the keeper of the circus elephant. He came after his animal had a mishap with Henry.


The Hatts' Nanny

While Sir Topham and Lady Hatt went on holiday in East Anglia in Toby and the Stout Gentlemen, they were accompanied by another lady, presumably a "nanny" to care for Stephen and Bridget Hatt.


The Hatts' Butler

The Railway Series

The Hatt family had employed a butler. In 1951 one told The Fat Controller, who was in the middle of having his breakfast (toast and marmalade), he was wanted on the telephone, to which The Fat Controller then found out about Thomas getting into trouble with the police and had to go at once.


The Doctor

A Doctor tended to Mrs. Kyndley in Mrs. Kyndley's Christmas after Thomas' crew saw her dressing-gown waving from her window and suspected the worst. As it turned out, she had only fainted from the effort of warning them about a landslide ahead.


Mr. Kyndley

Mr. Kyndley is Mrs. Kyndley's husband.


Mrs. Last

Mrs. Last is a passenger on the Skarloey Railway who always arrives last.



  • Mrs. Last is based on Mrs. Pugh, a passenger on the Talyllyn Railway who would go from Rhydoren to Tywyn every Friday to go shopping. She was commonly late for the return train, but guards, such as The Rev. W. Awdry, would usually stop the train from going until she came aboard.

The Vicar of Knapford

The Vicar of Knapford hosts a Sunday School at Knapford Harbour.

He only appeared in the story Percy's Promise; in the television series, he was replaced by the Vicar of Wellsworth.


The Railway Society

The Railway Series

The Railway Society were an association of people who once visited the Island of Sodor.


The Railway Society once visited the Island of Sodor with City of Truro. When they arrived, they were greeted by Sir Charles Topham Hatt II and they observed the yard and photographed some of the engines. Duck's driver allowed some of the members to ride in Duck's cab and the driver explained to Duck that they were the Railway Society, who had arrived with City of Truro.



The Barber

The Railway Series

This man set up a barbershop in Crosby, unwisely placed at the end of the siding. After Duck crashed into the wall, the furious barber covered Duck's face in shaving cream. He later washed it off after realizing that Duck prevented a potentially fatal accident and the North Western Railway gladly paid for the repairs.


The Barber's Customer

The Railway Series

Once, the Barber's Customer visited G&P Barber for a shave on the same day Duck crashed into the building. He was so surprised by the accident that he jumped, but was restrained by the barber so as to not panic him.


The BBC Television Producers

These men came to the Skarloey Railway in Little Old Twins to film a documentary about the railway. Peter Sam and Sir Handel, recalling the same happening on the Mid Sodor Railway, at first feared the railway was going to be closed. They later returned to the railway to film a documentary for Skarloey and Rheneas' 100th birthday in Very Old Engines.


The Foreign Gentlemen

The Railway Series

Three gentlemen talked to the Fat Controller after Douglas accidentally shunted the special coach in a siding in The Missing Coach. They later accompanied him when he disciplined Douglas.


The Ffarquhar Stationmaster's Family

The Railway Series

The Ffarquhar Stationmaster's wife, son and daughter lived near Ffarquhar Sheds. When Thomas crashed into their house, the stationmaster's wife reprimanded Thomas for spoiling their breakfast.


The Railway Series

Companion Volumes

The Cart Horse Rider

The Railway Series

When Daisy went through a farm level crossing, she tooted her horn for the rider and his horse to halt as she went past.


The Important Passenger

The Railway Series

The important passenger appeared in Stepney's Special. After Thomas had left with his last branch line train, the passenger appeared and requested a special train for himself, resulting in Thomas being shunted to a siding while Stepney took the special train.


The Rockclimbers

For other uses, see Patrick.

During a gale on Culdee Fell, news came at Devil's Back Station that of a group of injured climbers were stuck on the mountain. One of them, Patrick, had hurt himself saving the leader. Number 6 was later named Patrick in the climber's honour.


Mr. Bobbie

For other uses, see Bob.

Mr. Bobbie helped build Skarloey, Rheneas, Talyllyn and Dolgoch in England and later came to Sodor to help build the line. When Skarloey would not co-operate with Mr. Mack, he had Mr. Bobbie drive Skarloey.



  • Mr. Bobbie was a real-life engineer that worked for Fletcher, Jennings & Co.

The Dukes of Sodor

The current Duke of Sodor came to the Skarloey Railway to open the new loop line around Skarloey lake. Duck, however, mistook him for a Great Western engine and told Peter Sam all "engine" Dukes had been scrapped. Although a "person" Duke came to the opening ceremony, Peter Sam was doubtful and interrupted the Duke during a speech to ask him if he was real. The Duke, however, had been told to expect the question and cheerfully replied he was a real, live person. King Henry IV conferred the title Earl of Sodor on the last Regent, Sir Arnold de Norramby, who had assisted the King's troops in expelling the Percy garrisons from Sodor in 1404. The Earldom was extinguished by Attainder in 1715, but on the conclusion of his first term of office as Lieutenant Governor in 1873, Queen Victoria graciously responded to popular petition and restored to John Arnold Norramby the Earldom of Sodor and the estates of Ulfstead Castle of which his ancestor had been deprived, and which had been reverted to the Crown.

List of Dukes

  1. John Arnold Norramby (1822-1894) - Promoter and Chairman of the Mid Sodor Railway. Presented the company with an engine which they named in his honour.
  2. Henry John Norramby (1854-1915) - Earl from 1894-1915.
  3. Charles Henry Norramby (1883-1941) - Served throughout World War I in the Sodor Regiment. Retired with the rank of Lieutenant General.
  4. Robert Charles Norramby (1918-1943) - Killed in action in North Africa. Lieutenant Colonel Sodor Regiment.
  5. Richard Robert Norramby (1940-) Succeeded as a minor. Was age seven when the Mid Sodor Railway closed, twenty-five when he opened the Skarloey Railway Loop Line, and twenty-nine when Duke was found.



  • There is really no Duke of Sodor. The Earls of Sodor are active on the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster and as there is no Duke of Lancaster; Sudrians refer to the Earl as their "Duke".

The Lady with the Floppy Green Hat

The Railway Series

This lady chose to wear a large green beach hat when saying goodbye to a friend at Tidmouth. When she waved to the friend, who was sitting near the guard's van, Gordon's fireman thought the green flag had been waved and set off, causing the first in a series of mix-ups.


The Enthusiasts

The Railway Series

Two separate groups of enthusiasts appear in Edward's Exploit and What a Picture!. The first group were pulled home by Edward, despite him breaking a crank-pin. The second group visited Brendam and went to watch Ben when he was asked to pull a boat into deeper water, except one man who continuously took pictures of Bill. Unluckily for the photographer, as he was about to take his best picture Bill's driver turned a tap, releasing a cloud of steam and spoiling the photo.

Bill and Ben enjoy the enthusiasts' visits, mainly because of the way they fuss over them.


The Boy with His Father

The Railway Series

After Duke and Stuart's train arrive at Arlesdale, a boy said that the train did not need two engines, but his father joked saying Stuart had broken down and Duke had to help him, making Stuart furious and Duke victorious.


The New Postman

The Railway Series

The New Postman was Tom Tipper's replacement when Tom was ill. He was in a bad mood when he arrived on his bike, dumped the mailbags on the platform at Ffarquhar and left without helping to load the bags onto Percy's Mail Train.


The Smokescreen Wedding Guests

As Gordon passed Wellsworth one day, the poor coal he was using caused him to "sneeze" out a cloak of ashes, spoiling the clothes of the angry wedding guests. They appeared in Gordon the High-Speed Engine.


The Child and his Mother

When a bag was thrown onto Thomas' demonstration line at the National Railway Museum, Thomas could not stop in time and ran over the bag. A child was frightened by the steam and his furious mother went to complain to the manager.


Kathy and Lizzie

This article is about 'the little girl'. You may be looking for 'the boat'.

Kathy and Lizzie Presres are two girls who worked on the Talyllyn Railway cleaning the engines. When their family went holidaying on Sodor, they polished the engines of the Skarloey Railway.

Kathy has brunette hair, while Lizzie has blonde hair.


Official Description

From Official Media:[1]

Kathy and Lizzie: These two girls are also Guard's daughters as it happens, they belong to the Talyllyn rather than the Skarloey Railway. Kathy and Lizzie Presres live in Tywyn, the headquarters of the Talyllyn Railway, and are on a holiday visit to the Island of Sodor when they reminded Peter Sam of an incident that occurred while he was in Wales.

