Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

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This page is for minor unnamed bridges and tunnels which appear in Thomas & Friends, ordered by their first appearance.

Rail Under Road Bridge and Stone Wall[]

The Rail Under Road Bridge and Stone Wall is a stone bridge located on the Loop Line between Tidmouth and Elsbridge.


The Wide-Arched Bridge[]

The Wide-Arched Bridge is a road bridge that spans over the Ffarquhar Branch Line near Elsbridge. It is made of red brick and characterised by the wide arch in its centre.



  • The bridge appears to be based on Brentwood Seven Arch Bridge in North-East London, United Kingdom.
  • The bridge's model is modified from the Viaduct.

The Branch Line Bridge[]

The Branch Line Bridge is a short metal truss bridge that carries Edward's Branch Line over the main road to Brendam. It is located south of Lower Suddery.



The Valley Bridge[]

The Valley Bridge is a bridge over a deep cutting north-east of Elsbridge. The bridge carries Thomas' Branch Line over the Secondary Loop Line.


Two-Track Stone Bridge[]

The Two-Track Stone Bridge is a stone railway bridge crossing a river. Its location is unknown.



  • The set for the stone bridge was redressed from The Waterfall set.

The Forest Runby Bridge[]

The Forest Runby Bridge is a wooden bridge which crosses a small stream on the Skarloey Railway. There is a small water tower nearby.


Narrow Gauge Bridge and Level Crossing[]

The Narrow Gauge Bridge and Level Crossing is a beam bridge near a level crossing where Sir Handel and George had their confrontation.


Standard and Narrow Gauge Viaduct[]

The Standard and Narrow Gauge Viaduct is a viaduct located near the Vicarstown Goods Depot. The viaduct carries both the North Western and Skarloey railways over the town. The Sodor Inn is nearby the bridge.




Road Beside Rail and Canal Runby[]

The Road Beside Rail and Canal Runby is a set of two bridges - one road, one rail - which run over a canal on the Ffarquhar Branch Line. The bridges are located between Elsbridge and Hackenbeck, crossing the River Callan.



  • In Fish there are houses behind the bridge, but in all other appearances the houses are absent.

Standard and Narrow Gauge Tunnels[]

The Standard and Narrow Gauge Tunnels are a set of two parallel tunnels, one standard gauge for the North Western Railway and one narrow gauge for the Skarloey Railway.

On former Railway Consultant Sam Wilkinson's 2014 map of Sodor, the tunnels are placed on Stepney's Branch Line north of Glennock, close to the Rolling River Bridge Junction.

Gordon and his snow machine were once buried by snow at the mouth of the tunnel after he let off steam loudly, which dislodged the snow above the standard gauge tunnel portal.[1]


Single Track Under Bridge Runby[]

The Single Track Under Bridge Runby is an area where a small brick bridge crosses over a railway line.


The Tunnel Under Repair[]

The Tunnel Under Repair is a tunnel which Gordon once crashed into while he was showing off to Harold.



The Main Line Stone Bridge[]

The Main Line Stone Bridge is a bridge that crosses over the main line. The bridge is located near a small pond.


Some workmen were once working on the bridge when they were warned of Toad and his runaway trucks. They diverted the runaway train onto an old siding beside the bridge, where the tracks had sunk into a muddy pond.


Road Beside Village and Bridge Runby[]

The Road Beside Village and Bridge Runby is an area where a road runs past an elevated row of houses and underneath a small bridge.


The Battlement Bridge[]

The Battlement Bridge is a crenellated brick bridge located in a forest.



Iron Road Bridge[]

The Iron Road Bridge is a bridge crossing over the Main Line between Gordon's Hill and Wellsworth Crossing. A siding with a water tower is located nearby the bridge.



Narrow Gauge Iron Bridge[]

The Narrow Gauge Iron Bridge is a small bridge on the Skarloey Railway.


The Quarry Bridge[]

The Quarry Bridge is a stone bridge located near a quarry. Isobella once ran off the road and through a wall next to the bridge while carrying a piano, however, she was thankfully saved from falling onto the tracks by Kelly.


Road and Rail Under Stone Viaduct[]


Road Under Brick and Iron Bridge[]

The Road Under Brick and Iron Bridge is an area where a bridge crosses over a road.


Bridge Over Single-Track Tunnel[]

The Bridge Over Single-Track Tunnel is a railway bridge crossing over a single-track tunnel underneath. A bridge and canal are located nearby.



  • Though the tunnel did not appear in an episode until the tenth series, it first appeared in the opening sequence for the eighth series. It was later recreated in CGI for the thirteenth series, though again did not appear in an episode until later on, during the fifteenth series.

Rail Bridge Over Rail and Canal[]

The Rail Bridge over Rail and Canal is a double-track arched rail bridge which crosses over a railway line and a canal.



  • Though it did not did not appear in an episode until the fifteenth series, it first appeared in the opening sequence for the eighth series and was later recreated in CGI for the thirteenth series.
  • The houses next to the canal are now on display at the Discover Thomas & Friends Exhibition.

Road and Rail Runby and Road Bridge[]

The Road and Rail Runby and Road Bridge is a road bridge which crosses over Thomas' Branch Line before curving around and running beside it for a long straight, close by the Tower Windmill. Thomas and Bertie often have races along here.



Curved Crenellated Tunnel[]

The Curved Crenellated Tunnel is a tunnel located in a rocky valley. Percy once stopped Thomas from crashing into a snowdrift here using his whistle.



Humpback Bridge and Five Track Junction Runby[]

The Humpback Bridge and Five Track Junction Runby is a bridge somewhere along the Main Line in front of a junction where one track curves back into the Main Line and one continues straight to a branch line.


The Castle Tunnel[]

The Castle Tunnel is a tunnel that is located somewhere on the Island of Sodor on the way to Cronk.



  • The tunnel's portal is reused from one of the walls of the Battlement Bridge.
  • In the ninth series only, the tunnel gains an extra track.

Babbling Brook Bridge[]

The Babbling Brook Bridge is a small wooden trestle bridge which crosses a shallow stream on the Island of Sodor. Toby once stopped here when he spotted a frog.



The Valley Viaduct[]

The Valley Viaduct is a large stone viaduct which passes over a railway line on the Island of Sodor. Percy once took a famous artist here while showing him the sights of Sodor.



The Narrow Tunnel[]

The Narrow Tunnel is a small tunnel on the Island of Sodor.


Bridge Over Rocky River[]

The Bridge Over Rocky River is a stone arch bridge which spans a fast-flowing river with a rocky bed. Its exact location on Sodor and which river it crosses are currently unknown.



Rail Bridge Over Three Tracks and Junction[]

The Rail Bridge Over Three Tracks and Junction is a skewed bridge which crosses over three tracks running parallel to a small junction. It was here that Percy once realised he had assigned Gordon, James and Toby the wrong jobs while he was temporary controller.


Double-Track Bridge and Siding Runby[]

The Double-Track Bridge and Siding Runby is an area near Ballahoo, where a double-tracked bridge crosses over a triple-tracked line nearby a small siding.

Once, whilst trying to get his photograph taken, Thomas overtook Percy by the signal box, surprising the latter and causing him to run into a pile of coal at the end of the siding. Thomas later came back to lift him out with Rocky.



  • The bridge was not present in the eleventh series.
  • The bridge's highlights are inconsistent and frequently change from dark to light grey, sometimes within the same episode.
    • In A Blooming Mess, a further inconsistency is added when the bridge itself is grey.

The Tall Truss Bridge[]

The Tall Truss Bridge is a single-track bridge on the Island of Sodor.


Thomas & Friends[]



  • The bridge's model is reused from that of the Runby Bridge, albeit with steel supports instead of stone.
  • From Hero of the Rails onwards:
    • The railway line and road underneath the bridge are removed.
    • The colour of the bridge changes from brown to green, which more closely matches the original colour used for the Runby Bridge.
      • Interestingly, the bridge's CGI model from the test episode Thomas and the Stinky Cheese retains its original colour.
  • In the thirteenth series episode Creaky Cranky, both Thomas and Gordon are seen crossing the bridge in opposite directions, despite the bridge having only one track. This was done by layering Gordon behind the bridge.

Truss Bridge Over Road and Rail[]

The Truss Bridge Over Road and Rail is a bridge which crosses over a road and railway line running parallel to each other underneath.



Rocky Tunnel and Transfer Yard[]

The Rocky Tunnel and Transfer Yard is a narrow gauge yard with a standard gauge line running through the middle, accessed via a tunnel. A narrow gauge engine shed is also located here.



Truss Bridge Over Junction[]

The Truss Bridge Over Junction is a steel bridge crossing over a large junction.



Curved Hill and Humpback Bridge[]

The Curved Hill and Humpback Bridge is a bridge next to the hill somewhere on the Island of Sodor. Thomas one lost some bricks for the Sodor River Bridge here.


The Hay Field Bridge[]

The Hay Field Bridge is a brick bridge with four pillars located next to a hay field.


Apple Orchard and Bridge Runby[]

The Apple Orchard and Bridge Runby is an area on the Island of Sodor.


The Narrow Bridge[]

The Narrow Bridge is a red brick and wrought iron bridge on the Island of Sodor. Thomas and Duck once crossed the bridge while taking Harold to the Search and Rescue Centre to be repaired.



  • The bridge model is reused from Wellsworth Bridge, but widened to fit a second track.

Harold's Tunnel[]

Harold's Tunnel is a small tunnel on the Island of Sodor.


Thomas and Duck accidentally got stuck in the tunnel when transporting Harold back to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre. Later, James took Rocky through the tunnel to save Duck when he was stuck in water.


The Little Western Bridge and Loop Siding[]


The Humpback Bridge[]

The Humpback Bridge is a road bridge located along the Main Line west of Kellsthorpe Road.[2] The bridge is situated between a hill and a sharp bend, where Hiro once derailed.[3]


Bridge Over Double-Track Tunnel[]

The Bridge Over Double-Track Tunnel is a bridge spanning over a tunnel portal. Philip once caught James on his roof here after the latter was pushed down a hill by heavy flatbeds.[4]



  • In the twenty-fourth series, it appears that the bridge is made of a more grey coloured stone as opposed to the normal tan stone used in previous series.
  • The precise location of the bridge is inconsistent:

Road Bridge and Loop Siding[]


Steel Arch Bridge Over Flooded Road[]


See also[]


--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only

* David Mitton map only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only | --- Dropped