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Misty Valley is a mist-covered area of Sodor in which Black Loch and Callan Castle are located.[2] Cyril the Fogman lives in a cottage here.[3]


Cyril, a resident of the valley, was employed as a fogman until the Fat Controller acquired an electronic foghorn to warn the engines of landslides. The foghorn actually ended up causing a landslide and trouble for Thomas and Toby, until Cyril saved them. Following this, Cyril's position was reinstated.[3]

On their way to the re-opening of Callan Castle, Donald and Douglas got trapped by a landslide here and were rescued by Harvey later that night.[2] In winter, Elizabeth slid down an icy hill and crashed into a snow drift in Misty Valley. Thomas and Terence soon came to her rescue.[4]

When a famous storyteller visited Sodor, Thomas planned to take her to Misty Valley, which was mentioned to be the rumoured home to several magical creatures, but ended up having to take a detour to rescue Percy from a flooded river.[5]



  • When the valley returned in the eleventh series, it now had three tracks instead of two.
  • Though not marked on the 1991 map of Sodor, it is known that Misty Valley is located north of Arlesdale End as it is stated in the seventh series episode Bad Day at Castle Loch that Callan Castle (and, by extension, Black Loch) is located in Misty Valley.



--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only

* David Mitton maps only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only