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"Those trucks are empty! I knew it couldn't be important as the express!"
― Gordon

Molly's Special Special is the third episode of the ninth series.


One very windy day on the Island of Sodor, Thomas is excited, as he is on his way to meet a new engine named Molly. He arrives at the yards and meets her, but after both he and Molly greet each other, the latter explains that Emily had laughed at her for having the job of pulling empty trucks to the coaling plant, which made her feel that her job is not really useful. Thomas feel sad and sorry for Molly, as he wants to help her feel important. But when he sees some tarpaulins flapping nearby, he devises a plan by having the tarpaulins put on Molly's empty trucks to make it look like they are covering an important load, and this makes Molly cheerful, declaring that she will feel important after all.

Later, Thomas meets with Emily at Maithwaite Station, and he tells her all about Molly's special special. Thomas does not disclose what it is all the while declaring the train is "the most special special of all." As Thomas continues seeing other engines, he tells them all about Molly's special special. Later at Knapford, the engines are all excitedly talking about Molly's special. Thomas is at first satisfied, but Gordon declares that Molly's special will not be as important as the Express. Thomas declares it will be much more important, and that it would be shown that night at Abbey, but now, Thomas is worried how to make Molly's trucks look more special than the Express.

That evening, as Thomas passes by Peel, he sees the stationmaster lighting lanterns, and he thinks of another idea. The stationmaster allows him to borrow the lights, and Thomas takes them to Molly. Thomas has the lanterns put on the trucks, and he and Molly set off towards Abbey as the lanterns twinkle like stars.

As the two engines arrive at the station, they find Emily, Percy, and Gordon waiting. Percy and Emily compliment how important Molly looks, making her feel special for the first time since she had arrived on the island. But the moment was short lived. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows a tarpaulin off one of the trucks. Now, the jig is up, and Gordon declares that he was right: Molly's "special" special is not as important as the Express after all. Percy is sad too after realising there was no "special" special. Molly, humiliated, steams off, leaving Thomas feeling very bad.

But at that moment, the Fat Controller calls the stationmaster, who then tells Thomas that there are lots of engines waiting for Molly's trucks at the Coaling Plant. Thomas realises how important the situation is, so he races after her as fast as he can.

Molly has stopped in a siding beside a signal box as Thomas pulls up to her. He says he is sorry for making her look silly, but there are engines waiting for her. Molly moans that she has nearly run out of coal, so Thomas volunteers to be her back engine to help her get there.

When Thomas and Molly arrive at the Coaling Plant, Henry, Edward, and James are waiting for the empty trucks to deliver coal, and Molly realises her job is important after all. Henry tells her that they need more trucks, so Molly volunteers to get them with Thomas' help.

After Molly fills her tender with more coal, she and Thomas go off to the yards to get more trucks, and they puff off. On their way back to the Coaling Plant, they come to a junction. Gordon is waiting there, as his signal has turned to red. Molly teases Gordon saying her empty trucks are coming through, and Thomas cheekily laughs that sometimes, empty trucks are more important than the Express. Molly feels more than special as she and Thomas continue on their way, while Gordon feels furious, as his face turns red in anger.




  • Going by production order, this is the third episode of the ninth series.
  • The scene at the flour mill was filmed on 30th November 2004.
  • This is the first episode in six years since the fifth series episode, Horrid Lorry where the Fat Controller appears but does not have a speaking role.
  • A few pictures show deleted scenes where Thomas found the tarpaulins when he and Molly were at Kirk Ronan Junction after Gordon insulted and made fun of Molly, the scene of Gordon making fun of Molly was kept in the My Thomas Story Library book, Molly. This would imply that Gordon was originally going to be the one who was rude to Molly, but this was changed to be Emily the one who would be rude to Molly in the final episode for reasons unknown.
  • This episode marks the only occurrence of a few things for Molly:
    • Her only speaking role and only time she is referred to name until the eleventh series episode, Henry's Lucky Day.
    • Her only speaking role in the ninth series.
    • Her only episode with a leading role.
  • This episode marks only appearance of the Fat Controller's office in the ninth series.
  • This episode marks the last appearance of the intersection.


  • During the scene at the flour mill, a piece of something can be seen hanging from under Molly's buffer beam on her left side.
  • Before Molly runs away, Gordon's front bogie wheels are derailed.
  • When Molly and Thomas arrive at the coaling plant, mechanism can be seen on the undercarriage of the last truck Thomas is pushing.
  • When Henry comes up to Molly, the latter's lamp is facing backwards.
  • In the Japanese dub, the word "trucks" is translated as 荷台, which means "loading space" in Japanese.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese O Especial de Molly
Chinese Mandarin 茉莉的特别专车
Croatian Marin poseban teret
Czech Mollyin speciální vlak
Danish Mollys vigtige last
Dutch Molly’s Speciale ‘Speciale Vracht’
Finnish Monan Erikoinen Kuljetus
French Un Curieux Convoi!
German Mollys Sonderfahrt
Greek Η ξεχωριστή Μόλι
Hungarian Molly Különleges Szállítási
Italian Il Trasporto Speciale di Molly
Japanese モリーのとくべつなにもつ
Korean 몰리의 특별 화물
Latin American Spanish El Especial de Molly
Norwegian Mollys vikitge last
Polish Specjalne Zadanie Meli
Portuguese O especial de Molly
Romanian Molly cel Specială
Russian Особый груз Молли
Scottish Gaelic An Luchd Araid Aig Molly
Serbian Molina Specijalna Isporuka
Spanish El Cargamento Especial de Molly
Swedish Mollys specialist
Turkish Molly'nin Özel Bölümü

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