Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Monkey Trouble! is a UK/AUS DVD featuring nine twenty-second series episodes of Thomas & Friends. It was also released digitally in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.


Things go a little coco-NUTS when Thomas' truck invites the attention of some troublesome monkeys! Courage saves the day when Thomas helps in a cyclone, before rescuing koalas from a bushfire, and Samson overcomes his fear of fireworks. Meanwhile, Duck discovers that Dexter isn't just rusty… he's Really Useful, and Rosie is left feeling a little red. Percy is sent on a wild goose chase looking for an invisible engine and Philip proves that you don't need to be big to be mighty!


  1. Thomas and the Monkey Palace
  2. School of Duck
  3. Seeing is Believing
  4. Cyclone Thomas
  5. Banjo and the Bushfire
  6. Rosie is Red
  7. Apology Impossible
  8. Samson and the Fireworks
  9. Thomas' Animal Ark

Bonus Features



  • "Samson and the Fireworks" is listed on the back cover with its original title, "Samson's Fear of Fireworks."
  • On the subtitles for Rosie is Red, when Diesel says “Oh, is that right?”, the letter I is missing and when Thomas says “Silly Rosie”, Rosie's name is misspelt as Rosy.


DVD/Digital Download

DVD Menu
