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"We're number one!"
"And there's two of us; so that makes you number... three!"
― Max and Monty

Mucking About is the fourteenth episode of the twentieth series.


One day, the Pack is working near Thomas' branch line. However, Max and Monty stay off task by goofing around instead of working. They drive recklessly on the road next to the tracks and even cross the tracks in front of Thomas. Edward advises Thomas to ignore them completely.

When Max and Monty return to the dig site, Monty accidentally runs over a rock, where one of his tyres launches it at Oliver. This damages his arm, preventing him from working anymore. Thomas has to take Oliver to be repaired and is even more angry with Max and Monty as a result. They are taking some construction waste to the dump when they decide to save time by dumping it over the edge of a bridge, unaware that they are right above Thomas' branch line.

Later that day, Thomas is taking a repaired Oliver back to the dig site, but his track is blocked by a large pile of construction waste which has been built up from several of Max and Monty's loads. Thomas hits the pile and derails. That night, Oliver is digging up the pile of rubble while Judy and Jerome put Thomas back on the rails as the Fat Controller watches. In the midst of all of this, Max and Monty dump another load into the pile. They are confronted by a police officer, who orders them to take all of the rubble to the waste dump before the morning.

Late into the night, When Thomas is about to return home, Max and Monty both apologised to Thomas for all the trouble they have caused. Thomas accepts their apology but insists that he will not be racing them again. As he leaves, Max and Monty decide to race to the dump with their last load, making dirt fly into Jack and Alfie's faces, much to their annoyance.







  • Going by production order, this is the twenty-second episode of the twentieth series.
  • This episode marks the first of three things:
  • This episode marks the first of three things for Max and Monty:
  • This episode marks the only time of a few things:
    • The Sodor Construction Company's only appearance in the twentieth series.
    • The only episode to feature Nathan Clarke as a part of the English voice cast.
  • This episode marks the last of a few things:
    • The last new episode shown on PBS Kids.
    • Max and Monty's last speaking roles until the twenty-third series episode, Free the Roads.
    • Alfie's last appearance and Jack and Oliver's last speaking roles until the twenty-third series episode, Mines of Mystery.
    • The last time where Alfie is voiced by Nathan Clarke and for him to be part of the voice cast. Tom Stourton takes over from Out of Site onwards.
  • The US dub credits Jam Filled for producing the episode, while the UK dub credits Arc Productions.
  • When the full movie of Journey Beyond Sodor aired on PBS Kids on 17th November, this episode was included after the movie, making it the only episode to not be paired with another episode. This is also the last episode to air on PBS Kids in the US.
  • On the twentieth series digital release, the episode is paired with Bradford the Brake Van, while on Nick Jr. US, it was paired with Very Important Sheep.


  • William Hope and Joseph May are credited in the UK credits despite none of their characters speaking in that dub.
  • Throughout the episode:
    • Max and Monty's eyebrows phase into their heads several times.
    • Max's wheels can be seen moving backwards when he is actually driving forwards.
    • Both Max and Monty's steering and wheel speeds are out of sync with their movements.
  • In the US dub, when Max and Monty dump their loads over the bridge the second time, they swap voices.
  • The sound of Monty's wheel hitting the rock is heard before he actually hits it.
  • When Max and Monty dump their first loads on the rails, they both have the exact same tree branch in their trays.
  • Thomas' side rods are duplicated when he crashes into the pile of dirt and tree branches. The duplicated side rod is moving, contrary to the non-moving wheels and the audible braking sounds.
  • When Alfie says "He was supposed to be back ages ago!", Jack's rear wheel clips through his wheel well.
  • In the Latin American dub, Oliver's line "All right, all right." is left blank without being translated into Spanish.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Pregando peças
Czech Poflakování
Dutch Donderjagen
French Max et Monty
Hebrew עושה שטויות
Hungarian Bolondozás
Italian In vena di scherzi
Japanese マックスとモンティーはらんぼうもの
Korean 장난은 이제 그만
Latin American Spanish Perdiendo el tiempo
Polish Żartownisie
Romanian Aruncând Împrejur
Russian Глупые шалости
Serbian Nestašluci
Slovenian Zafrkavanje
Thai ไร้สาระ
Turkish Aylaklık Etmek

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