Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

My First Thomas with the Twin Engines is an Australian DVD release featuring three second series episodes narrated by Ringo Starr and three third series episodes, one sixth series episode and one seventh series episode narrated by Michael Angelis. It was originally released in Japan in 2009 under the title The Engine Twins (Japanese: いつもなかよし ふたごのきかんしゃ).


The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.



  • The front cover of the Japanese release features images from Twin Trouble and Dirty Work.
  • The back cover and Episode Selection menu of the Japanese release features an image from Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree.
  • The back cover and Episode Selection menu of the Australian DVD features an image from Gordon and the Engineer.
  • Buffer Bother is presented in 4:3 on the Australian DVD release.
  • The Australian iTunes release features restored footage and Buffer Bother in 16:9 widescreen.


  • On the Australian DVD front cover, there are three copies of Bill. On the Australian DVD Main menu, there are also four copies of him.
  • On the Australian DVD back cover and the DVD menu, "Buffer Bother" is titled "Buffer Brothers". Furthermore, "Bad Day at Castle Loch" is also mistitled "Bad Day and Castle Loch" on the back cover.



Japanese DVD Menu

Australian DVD Menu
