Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

"Welcome to California, the golden state. My name is Natalie and I'll be your shunter today."
― Natalie[src]

Natalie is a small American diesel shunter who works in San Francisco


When Sir Topham Hatt arrived in San Francisco, he asked Natalie if she had seen Thomas, to which she claimed that she had not after being shown a picture of him.

She later greeted Thomas when he delivered his coffee and asked where Nia was. Natalie told him that Nia was heading for China. Thomas thanked her before leaving to ask Carter to load him onto a ship.


Natalie is a kind and helpful engine who is always friendly to passersby, and always asks if they need help with anything.

Technical Details[]


Natalie is based on 0-4-0 diesel-hydraulic shunter no. 3207 "Leys" built by W. G. Bagnall. It was the last locomotive built by Bagnall before the firm was taken over by English Electric. It is now preserved on the Foxfield Railway. Dart is another member of this class.

Unlike her basis, Natalie has three windows on the back of her cab rather than two, in an arrangement similar to other diesel locomotives produced by Bagnall.


Natalie is painted blue and red with yellow lining. She has yellow and black hazard stripes painted on her bufferbeams.


Voice Actors[]

Audio Files[]


Only used Sound Effect
Thomas & Friends: Adventures!


  • Natalie is the first new character to be voiced by Teresa Gallagher since Belle was introduced.
  • Natalie's 3D model is a retexture of Dart, albeit with a smaller bonnet and face. Her face is heavily altered from Carly's, resized and reshaped to fit Dart's model with different eyelashes.
  • In Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie Storybook, she is referred to as Amy. It is possible that this was originally going to be her name.
  • Smoke is shown coming out of sides instead of her black exhaust pipe mountated at the front of her cab.
  • Natalie's horn is only heard in Thomas & Friends: Adventures!, in which she reuses the same horn sound as Stafford.


Thomas & Friends[]

CGI Series[]

Promotional Material[]

Behind the Scenes[]


Promotional Art[]


International Characters

* RWS only | ** T&F only | ✦ Changed location