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Never, Never, Never Give Up, also referred to as Never, Never Give Up, is the third song from the sixth series (released as the sixth and final song in the US). A second version was later made using CGI footage as part of Thomas' YouTube World Tour on 22 April 2015.

An instrumental lullaby version was created for the digital album, Lullabies.


If you climb the highest mountain
Cross the river deep
Maybe you'll find it's never as easy
As it first appears — as it first appears
Just remember not to worry
Or get down at heart
Never lose faith in positive thinking
You'll be amazed when you achieve
All the things you start — all the things you start
So never, never, never give up even though the going's tough
Don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff
No never, never, never give up even though you're feeling rough
If at first you don't succeed — never, never, never give up
If at first you don't succeed
Then try and try again
Nothing in life is ever as easy
But you get there in the end — get there in the end
So blow your cares and woes behind you
Start a brand new day
Nothing can stop you reaching your goal
If you're determined — you can do it
You will find a way — you will find a way
So never, never, never give up even though the going's tough
Don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff
No never, never, never give up even though you're feeling rough
If at first you don't succeed — never, never, never give up
Some things seem impossible, answers hard to find
No matter how improbable, you won't know until you try
You can do — whatever you choose — it just takes a little luck
So remember never, never, never give up
Never, never, never give up even though the going's tough
Don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff
No never, never, never give up even though you're feeling rough
If at first you don't succeed — never, never, never give up
Never, never, never give up even though the going's tough
Don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff
No never, never, never give up even though you're feeling rough
If at first you don't succeed — never, never, never give up
Never, never, never give up



Footage Used

Deleted and Extended Scenes

  • Duck Takes Charge - A close-up deleted scene of Gordon at Knapford.
  • A Close Shave:
    • An extended ending of Duck swerving to miss James and his coaches.
    • A deleted scene of The Barber after he put shaving foam onto Duck's face.
  • Ghost Train - A close-up deleted scene of Toby at Tidmouth at the end of the episode.
  • Woolly Bear - A close-up deleted scene of Percy smiling when he and Thomas are arguing.
  • A Scarf for Percy:
    • An extended beginning of Percy approaching the trolley.
    • An extended shot of the crate spinning in the air.
    • A extended scene of the jam spilling on Percy.
  • The Trouble with Mud:
    • An extended ending of James slipping down the hill.
    • An extended shot of James starting to climb Gordon's Hill.
  • Trust Thomas:
  • Toby's Tightrope - An extended shot of Toby balancing on the tracks.
  • Something in the Air:
    • An extended shot of Henry and the vans heading to the flooded track.
    • A deleted shot of the vans in the sea with Henry's tender.
    • An extended shot of Henry in the sea before he stops in the water.
    • An edited and extended shot of Henry spitting out seawater.
  • A Surprise for Percy:
    • A deleted scene of Percy pulling the trucks up the hill.
    • A deleted close-up shot of Percy.
  • Twin Trouble:
    • An extended ending of Douglas pulling up alongside Donald after the crash.
    • An extended ending of Douglas' wheels spinning.
    • An extended scene of Douglas pulling Donald out of the ditch.
  • Gordon Takes a Tumble - A specially edited scene of the scarecrow's arms moving.


  • In the US, this song was not released until The Greatest Stories DVD set, making it the only sixth series song not to be released on a volume release in the US, and the last Classic Series song to be released in the US.
  • The scenes of James, Donald and Douglas at the end are mirrored.
  • The shot of James going down and then back up Gordon's Hill from The Trouble with Mud is partially reversed footage of the scene of him only coming up the hill, as steam is shown returning to James as he comes down the hill.
  • This is the last model era song where Thomas' lining on his coal bunker appears.
  • The CGI Series version of the song excludes the lyrics "Even though the going's tough don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff. No, never, never, never give up" three times, with the exception of the last verse - in which case, it is used once.
  • The album release is at a lower key, and the last recorded instance of "Never never never give up" is used only once.
  • This is the last song edited by John L. Wright.
  • A partial instrumental version of this song was heard on an upload by the official Drayton Manor YouTube channel, another partial instrumental can be heard on the Official Facebook page; a full instrumental version of this song can be found on The Railway Stories: Percy the Small Engine and other stories UK audiobook CD.
  • Both Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell provided the bass backup vocals for the song.
  • Oliver is the only engine with a number that is not included in the sixth series version of the song.
  • On the second chorus, the synth "chuffing" sounds from the Roland Jupiter 6 can be faintly heard.
    • This marks the last time that said synthesizer and Lin Drums are used in the series.


  • The number 10 goes to Donald's tender, even though he is number 9.
  • During the reprise of the instrumental at the end for one frame, Henry disappears.
    • Also during this section, Thomas, Edward and Henry are video clips as their eyes and the smoke in the background move, but the rest of the engines are still images.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Japanese だめだめあきらめちゃ
Korean 절대로 포기하지 마세요!

Home Media Releases


Music Videos
