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This is a list of all the Thomas & Friends VHS tapes released in New Zealand.

Mainstream Releases

CEL Home Video

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
ThomasandGordonandOtherStories1989NewZealandVHScover Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories Thomas and Gordon
Edward and Gordon
The Sad Story of Henry
Edward, Gordon and Henry
Thomas' Train
Thomas and the Trucks
Thomas and the Breakdown Train
James and the Coaches
March 1989 CEL Home Video
It's full steam ahead for Thomas, the little blue engine with the short stumpy funnel, short stumpy boiler and short stumpy dome and his special friends Gordon, Henry, James, Percy, Edward, Toby, Annie and Clarabel the carriages and of course their Boss, the Fat Controller. Now Thomas has a new friend - storyteller Ringo Starr, who says "Thomas is a smashing little engine - he's cheeky and has a mind of his own. Thomas is Number One and never lets anyone forget it!".
JamesandtheExpressandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover James and the Express and Other Stories Troublesome Trucks
James and the Express
Thomas and the Guard
Thomas Goes Fishing
Thomas, Terence and the Snow
Thomas and Bertie
Tenders and Turntables
Trouble in the Shed
1989 CEL Home Video
It's full steam ahead again, for Thomas the little blue engine and his many friends. Their friend and storyteller, Ringo Starr, doesn't have time for even a whistle stop between each exciting adventure. What hardworking engines they are, but there is still time for fishing. Mind you, Thomas catches more than he bargains for. Thomas and his friends cope with the trials of troublesome trucks. They take part in races and a snow rescue. They meet new friends and help old ones. But it isn't all easy riding. There is trouble in the yard. The engines hold an "indignation meeting" and take a drastic step.
PercyRunsAwayandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Percy Runs Away and Other Stories Percy Runs Away
The Flying Kipper
Whistles and Sneezes
Toby and the Stout Gentleman
Thomas in Trouble
Dirty Objects
Off the Rails
1989 CEL Home Video
Hop aboard and follow Thomas the cheeky little blue engine and his friends through eight more exciting adventures. That is, if you and Ringo Starr, their friend and narrator, can keep up with a runaway engine. Don't worry, not all the engines are so fast on the track. Henry can't get going at all. What can be wrong with old slowcoach and what is the mystery cure? What can a poor train do when his branch line is closed? To make matters worse poor old Thomas is in trouble with the police. But Thomas isn't the only engine with wounded pride. Sometimes letting off steam has surprising results.
SavedfromScrapandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Saved from Scrap and Other Stories Down the Mine
Thomas' Christmas Party
Thomas, Percy and the Coal
Bertie's Chase
Saved from Scrap
Old Iron
Thomas and Trevor
1989 CEL Home Video
Blow the whistle and join Thomas the endearing little engine and his friends, on eight more exciting adventures. Their friend and storyteller Ringo Starr is on board ready to go. This time Thomas is cheeky once too often with dire results. But when the chips are down engines love a good party to cheer everyone up. Cows can be trouble and so can coal and if it wasn't for a good friend, Thomas would be in even more trouble still. But the old engine has the biggest problem of all. Will he be chucked on the scrap heap or stay to work another day?
PercyandHaroldandOtherStories1989NewZealandVHScover Percy and Harold and Other Stories Percy and the Signal
Duck Takes Charge
Percy and Harold
The Runaway
Percy Takes the Plunge
Pop Goes the Diesel
Dirty Work
A Close Shave
1989 CEL Home Video
Toot! Toot! Here comes Thomas the little blue engine and his friends, chuffing towards eight more exciting adventures with their storyteller friend Ringo Starr. One engine is up to his old tricks but a new one brings some novel pranks all of his own. Someone learns the hard way that it doesn't pay to insult an old engine. Faulty brakes make for a dramatic runaway rescue. Naughty trucks treat an engine to a dipping. But who is the new disdainful diesel who tells terrible tales with surprising results? And then, to top it all off, there is a disastrous visit to the barber.
TheDeputationandOtherStories1989NewZealandVHScover The Deputation and Other Stories Better Late than Never
Break Van
The Deputation
Thomas Comes to Breakfast
Percy's Predicament
The Diseasel
Wrong Road
1989 CEL Home Video
Watch out! They are coming through. Thomas, the little blue engine and his friends are off on eight more exciting adventures with their friend and storyteller Ringo Starr. For an engine, being late can leads to lots of trouble. A broken break van causes a bit of bother and it takes a "Deputation" to save the day. Thomas discovers that doing away with his driver can have disastrous results. A change can sometimes be worse than a holiday and there is nothing more annoying than a certain fuss pot diesel who won't do her fair share of the work. Some engines can always keep on the rails but what happens when the rails are the wrong ones?

Endeavour/Roadshow Entertainment

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
ThomasandGordonNZfrontcover Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories (Volume 1) Thomas and Gordon
Edward and Gordon
The Sad Story of Henry
Edward, Gordon and Henry
Thomas' Train
Thomas and the Trucks
Thomas and the Breakdown Train
James and the Coaches
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
TroublesomeTrucksNZfrontcover Troublesome Trucks and Other Stories (Volume 2) Troublesome Trucks
James and the Express
Thomas and the Guard
Thomas Goes Fishing
Thomas, Terence and the Snow
Thomas and Bertie
Tenders and Turntables
Trouble in the Shed
Percy Runs Away
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
CoalNZCover Coal and Other Stories
(Volume 3)
The Flying Kipper
Whistles and Sneezes
Toby and the Stout Gentleman
Thomas in Trouble
Dirty Objects
Off the Rails
Down the Mine
Thomas' Christmas Party
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
Thomas,PercyandtheCoalNZcover Thomas, Percy and the Coal and Other Stories (Volume 4) Thomas, Percy and the Coal
Bertie's Chase
Saved from Scrap
Old Iron
Thomas and Trevor
Percy and the Signal
Duck Takes Charge
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
PercyandHaroldandOtherStoriesNewZealandcover Percy and Harold and Other Stories (Volume 5) Percy and Harold
The Runaway
Percy Takes the Plunge
Pop Goes the Diesel
Dirty Work
A Close Shave
Better Late than Never
Break Van
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
TheDeputationandotherStoriesNewZealandcover The Deputation and Other Stories (Volume 6) The Deputation
Thomas Comes to Breakfast
Percy's Predicament
The Diseasel
Wrong Road
Edward's Exploit
Ghost Train
Woolly Bear
Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree
1992 Endeavour Entertainment
TrustThomasNZcover Trust Thomas and Other Stories (Volume 7) Henry's Forest
The Trouble with Mud
No Joke for James
Thomas, Percy and the Post Train
Trust Thomas
Toby's Tightrope
Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
1994 Endeavour Entertainment
TimeforTroubleNewZealandCover Time for Trouble and Other Stories (Volume 8) A Scarf for Percy
Percy's Promise
Time for Trouble
Gordon and the Famous Visitor
Donald's Duck
Thomas Gets Bumped
Thomas, Percy and the Dragon
Diesel Does It Again
1994 Endeavour Entertainment
EscapeandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Escape and Other Stories (Volume 9) Buzz, Buzz
All at Sea
One Good Turn
Tender Engines
Oliver Owns Up
Percy, James and the Fruitful Day
Thomas and Percy's Mountain Adventure
1994 Endeavour Entertainment
RockNRollNZCover Rock 'n' Roll and Other Stories (Volume 10) Granpuff
Sleeping Beauty
A Bad Day for Sir Handel
Home at Last
Rock 'n' Roll
Special Funnel
March 1997 Endeavour Entertainment
ThomasandtheSpecialLetterandOtherStoriesNewZealandCover Thomas and the Special Letter and Other Stories (Volume 11) Four Little Engines
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady
Gallant Old Engine
Bowled Out
Train Stops Play
Henry and the Elephant
Thomas and the Special Letter
Bulls Eyes
Mind that Bike
March 1997 Endeavour Entertainment
ThomasandStepneyNZcover Thomas and Stepney and Other Stories (Volume 12) You Can't Win
Steam Roller
Passengers and Polish
Rusty to the Rescue
Thomas and Stepney
Paint Pots and Queens
Toad Stands By
Special Attraction
March 1997 Endeavour Entertainment
StoryandSongCollectionNewZealandcover Story and Song Collection (Volume 13) ♪ Thomas' Anthem ♪
Gallant Old Engine
♪ Don't Judge a Book by its Cover ♪
Henry and the Elephant
♪ The Island Song ♪
Thomas and the Special Letter
♪ Let's Have a Race ♪
Bulls Eyes
♪ Toby ♪
Mind that Bike
11 August 1997 Endeavour Entertainment
Playtime (Stories, Sing-along Songs and Things to Make and Do) Playtime (Volume 14) List of episodes and songs 9 March 1998 Endeavour Entertainment
SpooksandSurprisesNewZealandCover Spooks and Surprises
(Volume 15)
Gordon and the Gremlin
Haunted Henry
Toby's Discovery
Thomas and the Rumours
A Surprise for Percy
Duncan Gets Spooked
Rusty and the Boulder
1999 Roadshow Entertainment
TheBestEverChristmasCollectionNewZealand The Best Ever Christmas Collection List of episodes 2000 Roadshow Entertainment
This special presentation features one and a half hours of Thomas' favourite Christmas stories. Narrated by Ringo Starr and Michael Angelis, this festive video is packed with loads of exciting adventures about Thomas and his friends.
HappyEverAfterNewZealandVHSfrontcover Happy Ever After Happy Ever After
Cranky Bugs
Horrid Lorry
A Better View for Gordon
Lady Hatt's Birthday Party
James and the Trouble with Trees
Put Upon Percy
Toby and the Flood
Double Teething Troubles
2001 Roadshow Entertainment
Join Thomas and his friends for 10 more adventures
HappyHolidaysNewZealandFrontCover Happy Holidays Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
♪ Percy's Seaside Trip ♪
Make Someone Happy
Stepney Gets Lost
♪ Come for the Ride ♪
Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach
Oliver's Find
♪ Harold the Helicopter ♪
Busy Going Backwards
2002 Roadshow Entertainment
It's a peep peep and a chuff chuff for all the Thomas the Tank Engine fans out there with 6 more adventures with Thomas and his friends plus 3 special holiday songs for you to learn!

Compilation Releases

Image Title Releases Included Released Original distributor
BumperVideoCollectionVolume1Cover Bumper Video Collection Volume 1 Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories
Troublesome Trucks and Other Stories
1999 Roadshow Entertainment
BumperVideoCollectionVolume2Cover Bumper Video Collection Volume 2 Coal and Other Stories
Thomas, Percy and the Coal and Other Stories
1999 Roadshow Entertainment
BumperVideoCollectionVol3VHSCover Bumper Video Collection Volume 3 Percy and Harold and Other Stories
The Deputation and Other Stories
2000 Roadshow Entertainment
New Zealand Bumper Video Collection 4 Bumper Video Collection Volume 4 Time for Trouble and Other Stories
Trust Thomas and Other Stories
2001 Roadshow Entertainment

Sampler Tapes

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
TrainSetCompilation1Cover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Thomas in Trouble
Bertie's Chase
Percy Takes the Plunge
Thomas Comes to Breakfast
No Joke for James
Diesel Does It Again
1998 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse
TrainSetCompilationVolume2Cover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 2 Off the Rails
The Runaway
Thomas Goes Fishing
Percy's Promise
The Trouble with Mud
1999 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse
ThomasTrainSetCompilationVolume3FrontCover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 3 James and the Coaches
Percy and the Signal
A Close Shave
Thomas Gets Bumped
Wrong Road
2000 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse
Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 4 Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 4 James and the Express
Percy Runs Away
The Sad Story of Henry
Thomas and Gordon
Thomas and the Trucks
2001 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse
TrainSetCompilation5tcover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 5 Thomas, Percy and the Coal
Thomas and the Breakdown Train
Whistles and Sneezes
Percy and Harold
The Deputation
2002 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse
ThomasTrainSetCompilationVolume6FrontCover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 6 Troublesome Trucks
Trust Thomas
Thomas' Train
Pop Goes the Diesel
2003 Roadshow Entertainment
The Warehouse