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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the magazine story or the Chinese DVD.

"Right, that's it; no more Mr. Nice Engine. I am Master of the Railway!"
― Hiro

No More Mr. Nice Engine is the twenty-fifth episode of the seventeenth series.


One day, Diesel is shunting trucks full of dairy products for Hiro in the yard. To keep them from acting up, he is biffing them as hard as he can, spilling the milk churns. Edward tells Diesel to be gentle, but Diesel retorts that Edward should mind his own business. Soon, Hiro arrives and collects his train. Hiro, unlike Diesel, is nice to the trucks as a means of getting them to behave. He delivers his trucks to Knapford Station, but when the truck door is opened, the milk churns tip over and spill onto the Fat Controller's trousers, much to his dismay.

Hiro goes to the docks to pick up another shipment of cream. Diesel is there as well and still wants to convince him that the only way to make the trucks behave is with brute force. To attempt to prove this, he is coupled up to the back of Hiro's train instead of adding a brake van. Hiro sets off, unaware of this.

As the trucks biff and bash Hiro, he stays as patient as possible. Diesel gives them an extra hard shove to get them to biff Hiro harder; Hiro is still patient, much to Diesel's annoyance. When they reach Gordon's Hill, Diesel applies his brakes to help the trucks hold back. Hiro stays as gentle as possible until Diesel helps the trucks push him down the hill. Hiro is beginning to get cross at this point, and the trucks are now out of control.

The train speeds through Wellsworth, where Thomas is picking up passengers and sees what is going on. Hiro keeps trying to keep the trucks behaving nicely and remain calm himself, but Diesel keeps biffing and bashing Hiro and the trucks. At last, Hiro loses all of his patience and begins bumping the trucks as they reach Knapford, declaring "No more Mr. Nice Engine. I am Master of the Railway."

When the train finally reaches Knapford, Hiro applies his brakes as hard as he can in order to stop the trucks. Taken by surprise, Diesel hits the last truck so hard, that three big barrels of cream fly up into the air, and splatter all over the Fat Controller, Edward, and Hiro. The Fat Controller is very cross with Hiro for staining his trousers twice in one day. Diesel tries to sneak away, but Thomas, who arrives on the same line, prevents him from escaping. Thomas asks Hiro why Diesel was at the back of his train.

Hiro is both surprised and angry that Diesel was the one biffing and bashing him throughout his journey. Edward then explains to Hiro and the Fat Controller that Diesel had spilt the milk from Hiro's earlier train, shortly before he had collected it from the yards. Everyone is extremely cross with Diesel, especially Hiro and the Fat Controller.

The Fat Controller decides to have Diesel learn the proper way to handle trucks as punishment and decides that the best engine to teach him is Hiro. While Diesel is pulling trucks on the main line, he began to pay them back, but Hiro taught him to be polite and kind with the trucks.






  • Martin Sherman as Thomas and Diesel
  • William Hope as Edward
  • Togo Igawa as Hiro
  • Kerry Shale as Sir Topham Hatt
  • Ben Small as the Troublesome Trucks


  • Going by production order, this is the ninth episode of the seventeenth series.
  • Digiguide lists this episode as episode 1 of Thomas & Friends: Thrills and Spills.
  • Going by the original production order, this episode marks two things for Hiro:
  • The title of this episode is a play on the phrase "No More Mr. Nice Guy," a saying also referenced in other mediums.
  • The narrator saying "Hiro is a very strong engine, but Diesel is strong too." could possibly be a reference to the sixth series episode, The World's Strongest Engine, which Paul Larson also wrote.
  • A reference would later be mentioned by Salty and a scene would be later used for a flashback in the nineteenth series episode, Diesel's Ghostly Christmas.
  • In the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic Russian and one of the Vietnamese dubs, the UK dub can be heard in the background as a dubbing track was not used.


  • In the first shot of shunting yards, a red plank truck is on the ground.
  • When Hiro arrives to collect Edward's trucks, they are coupled together, but in the next shot, they are not.
  • Edward's trucks are only a few feet away from Hiro's trucks when he collects them, but when Diesel bumps them into place, he pushes them several feet ahead and looks as if he should have pushed Hiro forwards, but in the next shot, Hiro is still in the same place as he was when he arrived.
  • When Hiro arrives at Knapford by the morning, the trucks' faces are missing.
  • When Diesel pushes Hiro's train the second time, the chain between the penultimate truck and the previous one becomes longer than usual.
  • In one scene, Hiro, the trucks and Diesel were going up the hill and they have reached the top but in the next scene, in the close-up of Diesel and Hiro they are going up the hill again.
  • In the close-up of Hiro when he first arrives at Knapford, he is at the end of the platform. But when he apologises to the Fat Controller, he has moved backwards.
  • When Diesel is first coupled to Hiro's train, he is coupled up to the last truck with his coupling chain, but in one of the shots of Diesel pushing the trucks, the last truck is coupled to him, via the means of its coupling chain.
  • When Hiro and Diesel are going down the hill, Diesel's wheels do not turn.
  • When Diesel bumps the trucks during his trip with Hiro they clip into each other.
  • When Hiro arrives at Knapford station the second time, Edward is at the end of platform 2, but in the shot of the cream barrels flying towards the Fat Controller, he is not at the platform. In the next few shots, he is back in his original place.
    • On top of this, in the shot where he is missing, he is also seen at platform 3 facing the station, with no tender and not on the rails.
  • In the first shot of Knapford station, Rosie is missing her headlamp.
  • In the Hebrew dub, the Troublesome Trucks are incorrectly referred to as the "Troublesome Engines." This error also occurs in the previous episode.
  • Diesel clips into the trucks when going up the hill before he starts to brake.


  • The Fat Controller: (as the cream barrels fall down) Not again!
  • Thomas: Diesel, where are you going? Hiro, why was Diesel pushing you and your Troublesome Trucks?
  • Hiro: Diesel! Was it you? Were you the one biffing and bashing me?
  • Edward: And he spilt your milk this morning, Hiro!
  • Hiro: Diesel!
  • Diesel: Umm... Sorry.
  • The Fat Controller: I am very disappointed in you, Diesel. You must learn the proper way to look after Troublesome Trucks!


In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Chega de Ser Bonzinho
Chinese Mandarin 不再当小火车好好先生
Czech Uz zadny Pan Roztomila lokomotiva
Dutch De Maat is Vol
Estonian Lõpp härra Viisakale Vedurile
French Hiro se met en colère
Galician Vou Deixar de ser Amable
German Hiro und die widerspenstigen Waggons
Greek Τέρμα το καλό τρενάκι
Hebrew כבר לא קטר נחמד
Hungarian Kedves mozdony úrból elég
Italian I Vagoni Indisciplinati
Japanese ヒロといたずらかしゃたち
Korean 철길 위의 고수, 히로
Latin American Spanish Se Acabó la Locomotora Amable
Lithuanian Ne daugiau p Nica garvežys
Norwegian Slutt på herr hyggelok!
Polish Nie będę już miły
Romanian Gata cu Domnul Locomotivă Drăguță
Russian Хиро теряет терпение (Original)
Хватит быть добродушным (Alternate)

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