Nobuaki Kanemitsu (金光宣明, born on 22 November 1975) is a Japanese voice actor who was affiliated with 81 Produce and provides voices for the Japanese dub of Thomas & Friends.
He is well known for voicing in various animes and cartoons, such as "Digimon" and "Batman: The Brave and the Bold", but he is best known for voicing Milo from "Fish Hooks" and Nathan and Masaji Kato from the "Shadow Hearts" game series. He also took over the role of Oyajide from "Ojamajo Doremi" following Ginzo Matsuo's death.
- Stephen (King of the Railway Streaming version - twenty-first series)
- Glynn (The Adventure Begins only)
- Vinnie
- Norman (seventeenth series only)
- Duncan (twentieth series only)
- Troublesome Trucks (Emily Knows Best, Saving Edward, Hector the Horrid!, James Works it Out, Percy and the Bandstand, Ho Ho Snowman, King of the Railway, The Smelly Kipper, Tale of the Brave, Missing Gator, Who's Geoffrey?, Salty All At Sea, Henry Gets the Express, Diesel and the Ducklings, Bradford the Brake Van, Daisy's Perfect Christmas and Chucklesome Trucks)
- Thomas' Trucks
- James' Trucks
- Bradford
- Skarloey Railway Trucks (Wharf and Peace)
- Ol' Wheezy
- Hee-Haw
- The Fat Clergyman
- Farmer Trotter (fourteenth series only)
- Cyril the Fogman (eleventh series only)
- Lord Callan (twentieth series only)
- The Mayor of Sodor
- Mr. Bubbles (thirteenth - fifteenth series)
- The Photographer (sixteenth series)
- Headkeeper Jack (Steamie Stafford and Thomas' Animal Ark)
- The Grumpy Passenger (Cautious Connor and Free the Roads)
- Some Band Members (ninth series only)
- Thomas' driver (Day of the Diesels)
- Percy's driver (Percy and the Calliope)
- Bill's driver (No Steam Without Coal)
- Rex's driver (Tit for Tat and Useful Railway)
- Percy's fireman (Percy and the Calliope)
- The Peel Stationmaster (Molly's Special Special)
- The Abbey Stationmaster (Molly's Special Special)
- The Knapford Stationmaster (ninth - twenty-third series, excluding Big World! Big Adventures! and the twenty-second series)
- The Dryaw Stationmaster (Thomas and the Toy Shop and Thomas Tries His Best)
- The Maron Stationmaster (Gordon and the Engineer)
- The Wellsworth Stationmaster (Edward and the Mail and Salty All At Sea)
- The Maithwaite Stationmaster (thirteenth and fifteenth series)
- Signalmen (Thomas and the New Engine, Gordon and the Engineer, Edward and the Mail, Excellent Emily, Thomas and the Runaway Kite, Emily Saves the World, The Missing Breakdown Train and The Great Race)
- Guard (Toad's Adventure)
- A Porter (Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks and Confused Coaches)
- The First Dock Manager (ninth and eleventh series)
- The Second Dock Manager (Misty Island Rescue - Tale of the Brave, excluding the sixteenth series)
- The Railway Inspector
- The Railway Coal Inspector
- The Coaling Plant Manager (tenth series only)
- The Ice-Cream Factory Manager (ninth series only)
- The Dairy Manager (eleventh series only)
- "Dusty" Dave
- Some Tree Specialists (Day of the Diesels)
- The Bird Watcher (Henry's Good Deeds, The Perfect Gift and Who's Geoffrey?)
- The Fat Baker
- Sodor United Football Team (Pingy Pongy Pick Up)
- The Great Composer (Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor and P.A. Problems)
- A Barrow Football Player (Reds vs. Blues)
- The Great Railway Show Judge (Mike's Whistle)
- The Indian Actor
- The Fat Tiger Hunter
- One of Sir Topham Hatt's Assistants (Percy and the Calliope and The Adventure Begins)
- Workmen (Which Way Now?, Wharf and Peace, Toby's Triumph, No Snow for Thomas, Emily Saves the World, The Adventure Begins, Helping Hiro and The Missing Breakdown Train)
- Some Dock Workers (Thomas and the Runaway Car, Merry Winter Wish, Day of the Diesels, Henry's Hero, Too Many Fire Engines, Tale of the Brave, No Steam Without Coal, Emily Saves the World, Timothy and the Rainbow Truck, Who's Geoffrey?, Salty All at Sea and The Great Race)
- Some Rail Workers (Time for a Story, Santa's Little Engine and The Frozen Turntable)
- Some Steamworks Workers (Steamy Sodor and King of the Railway)
- Some Sodor Search and Rescue Centre Workers (Too Many Fire Engines)
- A Quarry Worker (P.A. Problems)
- Knapford Station Workers (The Lost Puff and The Adventure Begins)
- Vicarstown Station Workers (Rosie is Red)
- Wellsworth Station Workers (Percy's Lucky Day, Tale of the Brave and Rosie is Red)
- A Shunter (Tale of the Brave)
- Some Campers (Mighty Mac)
- Some Farmers (A Smooth Ride and Skarloey Storms Through)
- The Foreman (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
- The Fishermen (Which Way Now?)
- The Second Coaling Plant Manager (Hector the Horrid!)
- A Policeman (Cool Truckings)
- The Wharf Manager (Ding-a-Ling)
- The Knapford Yards Manager (Heave Ho Thomas!)
- The Farmhands (Wonky Whistle)
- The Man at the Fire (Race to the Rescue)
- Some Passengers (Express Coming Through, The Switch, The Adventure Begins, Henry Spots Trouble, Salty All at Sea, Henry Gets the Express, Ryan and Daisy, Cautious Connor, Mike's Whistle, Useful Railway, Free the Roads and Heart of Gold)
- The Knapford Station Speaker (Tale of the Brave and The Christmas Coffeepot)
- The Maron Station Speaker (Gordon Runs Dry)
- The Giant Panda (Thomas in the Wild)
- Will You Won't You (performed)