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"Hmm! Getting lost can be interesting, but being found is much nicer… especially if it makes an engine feel really useful!"
― Oliver

Oliver's Find is the eighteenth episode of the fifth series. In the US, it aired with Something in the Air in an episode of Storytime with Thomas.


Oliver and Toad have been enjoying their work in the big yard but the former feels rather sad, because he is starting to miss the longer runs. Toad recommends talking to the Fat Controller, but Oliver decides to keep quiet. As time goes on, he stays unhappy and gets rough and angry with the trucks. His mood and the trucks' behaviour lead to an accident in the turntable when he pushes them into the well. A workman rebukes Oliver for damaging the turntable, as it will take a long time to be mended which will cause confusion and delay. After the incident, the Fat Controller is also disappointed with Oliver and transfers him to the nightly mail train route so that he can have his smokebox cleared. His driver soothes him by saying that the mail train is a grand run for an engine like him, which makes Oliver feel better, even though he still feels he let everyone down.

The new job cheers Oliver up as he makes good time on the mail route along the Coastal Run, until he stops to collect mail from Harold who is late due to mechanical problems with one of his arms. Frustrated, Oliver tries to make up speed when he sees a red signal. He does not know that the signalman has fallen asleep waiting for them and forgotten to change the points. Despite whistling several times, the signalman does not hear them, so Oliver and his crew decide to proceed with caution and find out what the problem is at the signal box. Unknowingly, they are switched down an old, dilapidated branch line. The fireman points out that they are running low on water and need to find a water tower. However, they run pass an old station and then crash into a shed.

A concerned Fat Controller sends out a search party the next morning. They find Oliver and his crew safe and sound. The Fat Controller knows the accident was not Oliver's fault. While chatting, the Fat Controller notices an abandoned house nearby. He goes to inspect it and when he returns to Oliver, he thanks him for finding the rundown building. He announces his plans for making it a tea house, where visitors can have refreshments.




  • According to a film slate:
    • The Knapford Yard set scenes was filmed on 11 and 12 September 1997.
    • The workman cross with Oliver was filmed on 15 September 1997.
    • The Kirk Ronan set was filmed on 15 October 1997, with the close-ups being filmed on 28 October.
    • The scenes on the Oliver's Shed set were filmed on 27 October 1997.
    • The scenes on the Callan Station set were filmed on 14 November 1997, with the close-up of Oliver's driver being filmed on 19 November.
    • The stock footage from the fifth series episode Put Upon Percy was filmed on 5 December 1997.
    • The daytime scenes at the Old Manor Station were filmed on 13 January 1998.
    • Harold against the sky, the nighttime scenes at the Old Manor Station and Oliver at the signal were filmed on 14 January 1998. Close-ups at these locations were filmed on 16 January.
    • The scenes of the signalman sleeping were filmed on 19 January 1998.
    • The Coastal Run shots where filmed on 28 January 1998.
    • The junction at night was filmed on 5 February 1998.
    • Close-ups around Oliver and of the red signal were filmed on 6 and 9 February 1998.
    • The aerial shot of Harold looking for Oliver is pre-filmed footage from the fifth series episode Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday. The scene as shown in both episodes actually reverses the footage from how it was shot. This scene was filmed on 9 March 1998. Sir Topham Hatt saying "There they are!" was filmed the next day.
  • Pre-filmed footage from Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday and stock footage from Put Upon Percy is used.
  • This marks Oliver's last episode with a leading role until the seventh series episode, Snow Engine.
  • When Oliver first passes the boats and barges with the post train, to the far left, Bulstrode's model without his face or eye mechanism can be seen.
  • The picture of Duke from the fourth series episode Bulldog is in the signal box.
  • The yard Oliver is in at the beginning of the episode is the Tidmouth Sheds set extensively redressed.
  • The old station building is the same one seen in the fifth series episode Toby's Discovery.
  • A deleted scene shows that Henry and James were intended to have larger roles where they were cross at Oliver for damaging the turntable. This scene was most likely cut due to time constraints. Another deleted scene implies that it was Toad who would make Oliver feel better about pulling the mail train but the role was given to his driver.
  • This is the second episode to use the phrase, "confusion and delay", after the fifth series episode Cranky Bugs. It is also the first episode where a character says it instead of the narrator.
  • This episode marks the last appearance of the Flying Kipper until the sixteenth series episode, Whiff's Wish, excluding two stock footage appearances in the seventh series.
  • The shed Oliver crashes into is really Toby's Shed.
  • The sense that the camera is zooming towards the shed has the slow motion that is the same as in the fifth series episode Bye George!, before Thomas derailed and crashed through the barn.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of Oliver and Toad's shocked faces.
  • The LT building, the three berth garage and some Shrimper boat models from TUGS appear during this episode.
  • This episode is titled Oliver's Great Adventure on The Roku Channel.
  • In the US, this episode was released before A Better View for Gordon, meaning the American audience may not have known about Gordon's View at Kirk Ronan unless they saw the episode on the Cranky Bugs and Other Thomas Stories VHS.
  • A map of the east of Sodor, which features Crovan's Gate and the Skarloey Railway, is seen inside the signal box. It is also seen in the fourth series episode Sleeping Beauty, as well as the fifth series episodes Bye George! (which that episode used pre-filmed footage from this) and Busy Going Backwards. The map was made in the fourth series and was used as geographical reference for the locations in concept arts.
  • The plot of this episode has some similarities to that of the magazine story Thomas and the Old House.


  • When Oliver bumps the trucks, they are facing him, but when they crash into the turntable, they are facing the other way. Additionally, Oliver is also missing his rear brake-pipe.
  • When Oliver goes along the coastal track, his last van bounces.
  • As Oliver is waiting for Harold, Henry passes with some vans. Then as Oliver is talking to Harold, James passes through with exactly the same line of vans Henry was pulling.
  • The track arrangements at Oliver's shed changes between the day and night sequences.
  • In one of the final shots, Harold's propellers are severely bent.
  • Due to the use of stock footage from the fifth series episode Put Upon Percy, neither Oliver nor the mail vans are seen as the debris falls as it is clearly the footage of the mine. Further adding to the problems, the truck with S.C. Ruffey's face can be seen in it.
  • On Roku Kids, the episode title has a question mark instead of an apostrophe.
  • Oliver's driver changes appearance when he is talking about something being wrong with the signal.
  • When Oliver gets sent down the wrong track, a battery pack can be seen on his left side.


Toad: Excuse me, Mr. Oliver. It seems to me that things are not well for you, if you forgive me for mentioning it.
Oliver: You're quite right, Toad. All I do is shunt these trucks onto the turntable. I long for a nice run. It's what an engine really needs.
Toad: Quite so, Mr. Oliver. May I suggest you speak to the Fat Controller about your problems?

[Oliver gets rough with the trucks]
Trucks: You're no good, Oliver. You're dangerous! We want Percy!
Oliver: Pah! Percy's far too busy to be bothered with the likes of you!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Zbulimi i Oliverit
Chinese Mandarin 奥利弗的发现
Czech Oliverův objev
Danish Olivers fund
Dutch Wat Oliver vond
Finnish Oliverin löytö
French La Découverte d'Olivier
German Olivers Entdeckung
Hungarian Oliver a felfedező
Italian La scoperta di Oliver
Japanese オリバーのはっけん
Korean 우울한 올리버
Norwegian Olivers oppdagelse
Polish Odkrycie Olivera (TVP3)
Odkrycie Olka (JimJam)
Romanian Oliver și Descoperirea Lui
Russian Находка Оливера
Slovenian Oliverjeva najdba
Swedish Olivers fynd
Welsh Rhywbeth Diddorol

Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxsets




  • Races, Rescues and Runaways and Other Thomas Adventures

DVD Boxsets


  • Happy Holidays
















