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Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Malaysian DVD, the Buzz Book or the magazine story.
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“I was here first!"
"But you're in my way! You'll have to back up again!"
"I won't!"
"You will!"
"I won't!”
― Bill and Ben arguing

One Good Turn, originally lengthened to One Good Turn..., is the nineteenth episode of the third series. It is based on the magazine stories Head On and Pulling Together.


One morning, The Fat Controller sends Bill and Ben to help in Edward's yard. When they arrive, they meet BoCo, who is resting and tease him like usual and then start shunting. Soon, they finish and as a reward for their hard work, they are allowed to have a go on the turntable for the first time.

Bill goes first and stays on the table until the foreman orders him off. Unfortunately, he is accidentally sent onto the wrong track and Ben is puffing directly toward him and they end up buffer to buffer. They argue about who is in whose way until the Fat Controller finally breaks them up and warns them that if they do not behave, they will not be allowed back in the yard again.

Each twin blames the other for the incident and the next day, they decide to give each other the silent treatment and badmouth one another to BoCo and Edward. Eventually, Edward and BoCo, at the end of their rope, make a plan to get Bill and Ben back together, which is then carried on to the Fat Controller.

The Fat Controller tells the twins that BoCo is taking a special train to the harbour and that they are to take his heavy goods train. Ben claims to be able to pull the train by himself but discovers it is too heavy for him to move alone. Then the twins realise their mistake and laugh. They work together to pull the train, therefore making up for their quarrel.




  • According to a film slate:
    • The Sodor China Clay Company set was filmed on 7 January 1992.
    • This was originally going to be the twenty-third episode of the third series.
  • The episode's title is a shortened form of the idiom, "one good turn deserves another".
  • By Shining Time Station airing order, this is the last third series episode told by George Carlin.
  • When Bill and Ben reply, "Oh yes, Sir, of course," to the Fat Controller at the China Clay Works, there is a building in the background on the left hand side of the screen with the name "Steve" written on it. This could be a reference to crew member Steve Asquith.
  • The Fat Controller's line "I need you to help the other engines," was also used as a voice sample for the Thomas coin-operated rides by R.G. Mitchell.
  • A shrimper and a twin berth warehouse from Tugs appears.
  • A deleted scene features BoCo's rare sleeping face, which was the only time it was used.
  • This is the last episode in which Shinobu Satouchi voices BoCo in the Japanese dub. Naoki Kinoshita would take over in the fifth series.
  • In the restored version:
    • The first few seconds of the scene when one of the twins arrived at the hopper to play a trick on the workmen is cut compared to the original version.
    • The shot of Bill and Ben bumping each other on the turntable uses an alternate take.
  • This episode was shown alongside the second series episode The Diseasel in an airing of Storytime with Thomas.
    • Both episodes, coincidentally, feature Bill and Ben as spotlight characters.


  • Ben is meant to be surprised when he sees Bill puffing towards him on the same line but instead, he is wearing his cheeky face.
  • During the side-on shot of Bill and Ben, Ben suddenly rises for a moment and his face is also loose at the bottom.
  • It is clear during the side shot of Bill and Ben hitting into each other that they are being pushed. Their wheels also do not move.
  • When Ben is pulling the train, his back wheels seem to be derailed.
  • When Bill and Ben cross the bridge the second time, a sheep is tipped over.
  • In the restored version, Ben is not seen pulling up alongside BoCo because the beginning of the scene is extended.
  • When the narrator says, "Even kind Edward lost patience," one of the twins runs past Edward on a track right next to him but in the very next shot, when Edward says, "All this grumbling spreads bad atmosphere in the yard," Edward suddenly changes to the track that BoCo arrives on a few seconds later. Then when BoCo arrives, he moves back to the same track as before. Lastly, in the close-up of Edward smiling, he moves back to BoCo's track.
  • When Edward says "All this grumbling spreads bad atmosphere in the yard!" his brake pipe is crooked.
  • When Edward is talking to BoCo, his face is off centre.
  • When the Fat Controller says "If you don't behave, I shall not allow you here again," a faded smile is visible behind his scowl.
  • When the narrator says "The twins grumbled about each other all day," BoCo's eyes are misaligned.
  • In the UK dub, when Bill says "I don't think we'll take turns this time, Ben!", Michael Angelis actually says "terms" instead of "turns".
  • Throughout much of the episode, a smudge of blu tack can be seen above Bill's face.
  • In the side shot of Bill and Ben, the train of trucks on the foreground siding has disappeared.
  • At the end, Ben is still for a couple of seconds before he starts to move forward.
  • In the shot before the narrator says, "At last, the day's work was done," a piece of studio equipment can be seen and a truck also appears to be derailed.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Cara a cara
Chinese Mandarin 一个好的转折
Czech Záludná otočka
Danish Bill og Ben på drejeskiven
Dutch Alles komt goed
Finnish Napit vastakkain
German Auf der Drehscheibe geht's rund
Greek Τα δίδυμα τρένα
Hungarian A fordítókorong
Italian Bill e Ben fanno pace
Japanese ビルとベンのけんか
Korean 빌과 벤의 깨달음
Latin American Spanish Un giro del destino
Norwegian Bill og Ben på dreieskiva
Polish Zakręceni
Romanian O întoarcere bună
Russian Один хороший поворот
Serbian Jedno dobro skretanje
Slovenian En pošten obrat
Swedish Bill och Ben på vändskivan
Thai หัวรถจักรฝาแฝดเคืองกัน
Turkish İyi Bir Dönuş
Ukrainian Добрий поворот
Welsh Helpu



TheMischievousTwins(BuzzBook) The Mischievous Twins (1995 Buzz Book)

Magazine Story

OneGoodTurn90 Turntable Trouble (2005 De Agostini magazine story)

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom UK

EscapeVHS Escape and Other Stories
ThomasGetsBumpedand17OtherStories Thomas Gets Bumped and 17 Other Stories
TheBiggestEverChristmasCollection The Biggest Ever Christmas Collection
TheCompleteThirdSeriesVHS The Complete Third Series

United Kingdom UK DVD Boxset

ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection

Wales WAL

Helpand15otherstoriescover Help and 15 Other Stories

Australia AUS

EscapeandotherstoriesAustraliancover Escape and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
TheBiggestEverChristmasCollectionAustraliancover The Biggest Ever Christmas Collection
RescuesOntheRailwayAustraliancover Rescues on the Railways
TheCompleteSeriesThreeAustralianDVD Series Three
MyFirstThomaswithTheTwinEngines My First Thomas with The Twin Engines

Australia AUS DVD Packs

AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
SeriesThreeandFourAustralianDoublePack Series Three and Series Four 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

EscapeandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Escape and Other Stories
TheBestEverChristmasCollectionNewZealand The Best Ever Christmas Collection


JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandOtherThomasStories1994VHScover James Goes Buzz Buzz and Other Thomas Stories
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume3 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 3

Canada CAN

JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandOtherThomasStories1994VHScover James Goes Buzz Buzz and Other Thomas Stories

USA Canada US/CAN DVD Packs

JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandThomasandtheSpecialLetterDoubleFeature2 James Goes Buzz Buzz/Thomas and the Special Letter Double Feature
TotallyThomasVolume7 Totally Thomas Volume 7
UltimateThomasCollection Ultimate Thomas Collection

South Africa ZA

India IND

TheTroublewithMudandOtherStories The Trouble with Mud and Other Stories

Malaysia MYS

Toby'sTightropeandotherThomasAdventures Toby's Tightrope and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 12) (VCD)
OneGoodTurnandotherAdventures One Good Turn and Other Adventures (DVD)

Italy ITA

LocomotiveinTrouble Engines in Messes

Netherlands NL

TrustThomasfrontcover Trust Thomas
Dubbeldik3frontcover Double Feature 3
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresOfEdwardAndTobyFrontCover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Edward and Toby

Germany GER

ItGoesAroundontheTurntableand4OtherAdventures It Goes Around on the Turntable and 4 Other Adventures (direct-to-VHS)
FullSteamAhead!VHSCover Full Steam Ahead!

Germany GER DVD Boxset

ThomasandhisFriendsGermanDVDBoxSet2 Thomas & Friends Boxset 2

Norway Finland NOR/FIN

Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartyNorwegianVHS Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartyFinnishVHScover Edward, Trevor and the Useful Party

Denmark DK

TheGreatEscapeandOtherStoriesDanishVHScover The Great Escape and Other Stories

Sweden SWE

Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartySwedishVHS Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (VHS)
ThomasandtheGuardandEdwardTrevorandtheUsefulParty2002SwedishDVDcover Thomas and the Guard and Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (DVD)

Slovenia SVN

PercyJamesandtheSuccessfulDayDVDCover Percy, James and the Fruitful Day

Serbia SRP

ThomastheTankEngine7SerbianDVD Thomas & Friends 7

Greece GRC

MischiefwithThomasGreekVHScover Mischief with Thomas (VHS)
TheTwinEnginesWereConfused!GreekDVDcover The Twin Engines Were Confused! (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset2 3 DVD Boxset 2

Turkey TUR

ThomasandtheHeroesTurkishVCDcover Thomas and the Heroes

Thailand THA

ThomasandFriendsVolume11ThaiDVDCover Thomas & Friends Volume 11

Japan JPN

ThomastheTankEngineVolume16Original1992JapaneseVHScover Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 16
The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Vol.1 2000 DVD The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Volume 1
TheEngineTwinsDVDcover The Engine Twins

Japan JPN DVD Boxset

ThomastheTankEngine(8DVDBoxSet)cover The Complete DVD Box 1

South Korea KOR

Thomas&FriendsVolume1(Korean) Thomas & Friends Volume 1

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

ThomasandFriendsVolume8HongKongVCDcover Thomas & Friends Volume 8 (VCD and DVD)


Other Languages

