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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the German VHS or the Malaysian VCD.
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“No passengers means no polish."
"No polish means no passengers.”
― The Fat Controller and Duncan

Passengers and Polish is the thirteenth episode of the fourth series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book, Gallant Old Engine.


One day, a guard's daughter named Nancy is polishing Skarloey. He thinks she is just fussing over him unnecessarily and idly snoozes, dreaming of Rheneas and all the times they had shared together before he went away to be mended. Interrupting his dream, Nancy tells him that Rheneas is coming home soon. The news of Rheneas' return immediately changes his mind and he asks Nancy to polish him again (which she does). Duncan, then, arrives and asks to be polished too but Nancy does not have time because she has promised to help the Refreshment Lady to serve ices to the passengers. Envious, Duncan complains about Peter Sam getting a special funnel, Sir Handel getting special wheels and passengers getting refreshments while he does not even get polished. This is untrue but Duncan, who enjoys complaining, has an increasingly sulky mood.

Later, that afternoon, Duncan's driver tells him that one of Skarloey's coaches has derailed and they will have to take workmen there right away. Duncan, however, is sulky about having to work extra. Because the derailed coach is in the middle of Skarloey's train, Skarloey continued on with the two front ones. Duncan brings workmen to get the derailed coach back on the rails and then takes the passengers in the rear coaches home. Duncan makes the journey very difficult, complaining that he gets no rest. So his driver, worried that they will keep the passengers waiting, decides to stop to build up steam. Duncan stubbornly refuses to try to build up steam and blames his driver for not caring enough about him. Soon, however, they start off again but Duncan still grumpily remarks that he is overworked and will not stand it. Before they reach the last station, his driver attempts to encourage him by saying he will get a rest and a drink at the station but Duncan becomes extremely rude and comes to a complete stop on the Viaduct. Since he refuses to budge, Skarloey is called on to pull him to the last station. The passengers are infuriated and tell everyone what a bad railway it is.

That night, the Fat Controller scolds Duncan for his bad behaviour, reminding him that "no passengers means no polish." Duncan retorts under his breath that "no polish means no passengers," making it clear that he still has a lot to learn.




  • Stock footage from A Bad Day for Sir Handel is used.
  • Nancy's rags are pieces of Blu Tack.
  • This episode marks a few of things for Nancy:
    • Her only speaking role.
    • The only time in the television series that she is referred to by name.
    • Her only main appearance as she had cameos in the next few series.
  • When the passengers are complaining, one of them can be heard saying, "We're losing money!"
  • This is the only time to have Sakura Tange as part of the Japanese voice cast.
  • The Refreshment Lady has Mrs. Kyndley's first series body.
  • This marks the last time the passengers make remarks about a "bad railway" until the eighteenth series episode, Duck and the Slip Coaches.
  • The last episode in the Finnish dub where Sir Handel's original English name is used. From the tenth series onwards, he's called "Sir Hanski."


  • In Skarloey's dream, he has Sir Handel's original whistle sound while Rheneas has Duncan's.
  • In the close-up of Duncan complaining about not being polished at the beginning, his face moves. In the same shot, a hair or piece of wire can be seen behind Skarloey.
  • In the Norwegian dub, Skarloey is incorrectly referred to as Duncan when the narrator says "The derailed coach was in the middle of Skarloey's train.".
  • When Duncan passes through Crovan's Gate, he has Duke's original whistle.
  • After Duncan takes away the rest of Skarloey's train, the brake van moves from the front of the train to the back.
  • Despite the episodes stating that Rheneas was away for repairs, he can be seen next to Skarloey at the end.
  • When the Fat Controller scolds Duncan, the battery for Duncan's eye mechanism can be seen behind him.


Duncan: Aren't you gonna polish me too?
Nancy: Sorry. Not today. I'm going now. I'm helping the Refreshment Lady this afternoon. We must get the ices ready for the passengers. Never mind, Duncan.
Narrator: But Duncan did mind.
Duncan: It isn't fair! Peter Sam gets a special funnel, Sir Handel gets special wheels, passengers get ices, but I'm not even polished!

Driver: [after an emergency phone call] One of Skarloey's coaches has come off the rails. We'll have to take workmen there right away.
Duncan: All this extra work. It wears an engine out!
Driver: Rubbish! Come on!

The Fat Controller: No passengers means no polish.
Duncan [to himself]: And no polish means no passengers.
Narrator: He still has a lot to learn, doesn't he?

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Pasagjerët dhe llustra
Brazilian Portuguese O invejoso
Chinese Mandarin 乘客和擦光油
Czech Cestující a leštěnka
Danish Passagerer og polering
Dutch Passagiers en poetsen
Finnish Matkustajat ja kiillotukset
German Auf Hochglanz für die Passagiere
Greek Ο Ντάνκαν ζηλεύει
Hungarian Duncan duzzog
Italian Niente lucidatura per Duncan
Japanese ボディーをみがいて
Korean 심통 대장, 덩컨
Latin American Spanish Pasajeros y lustres
Norwegian Pomp og prakt
Polish Pasażerowie i pucowanie (Original)
Pasażerowie i polerowanie (Alternate)
Romanian Pasageri și lustruiri
Russian Пассажиры и полировка
Slovenian Potniki in loščilo
Swedish Passagerare och polityr
Ukrainian Пасажири i начищання
Welsh Dim Teithiwr, Dim Polish


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset





  • The Gallant Old Engine and Other Thomas Stories/Henry and the Elephant (Direct-to Home-Video)


  • Thomas and Stepney and Other Stories













GRC DVD Boxset








