Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the UK DVD, the US/Canadian VHS/DVD, the Norwegian/Danish/Swedish/Slovenian DVD, the UK book, the US/Canadian book or the German book.

"I get dirty! I need washdowns, Gordon only does it to feel important!"
"I am important, I'm an express engine."
"You're a pouty puffer, Percy."
"No I'm not!"
― Percy, Gordon and James

Percy's Chocolate Crunch, originally titled Puff Puff Pastry[1], is the eighteenth episode of the sixth series.


Percy is frequently working the dirty jobs involving trucks and longs for a washdown as much as any other engine. Unfortunately, when he goes to the washdown one day, the Fat Controller informs the engines that they can only have one wash per day because of a water shortage and that "usefulness comes before cleanliness". This angers Percy as he thinks that Gordon only needs a washdown to feel important. Gordon points out that he is important as he pulls the express and James teases Percy by calling him a pouty puffer. Percy, feeling insulted, angrily and truefully says that he is not a pouty puffer before going back to work.

Percy, still fuming, returns to work at the docks' coaling plant, determined not to get dirty. But the trucks are up to their old tricks and pull Percy right under the coal hopper, with coal pouring on top of him. On their way to Callan Station, the trucks tease Percy by singing a mean song to him. This makes Percy even angrier as he hates it when they make fun of him, so he snaps at them to be quiet as he puffs along the line towards Callan.

Once finally arriving at Callan Station, Percy shunts the coal trucks into a siding, right alongside Harold who is unloading medical supplies. Harold takes off, spreading cinders and ashes all over Percy, who demands for a washdown. His driver, however, reminds him of what The Fat Controller said earlier about usefulness coming before cleanliness. After Percy demands a clean job, his driver suggests taking vans of sugar to the chocolate factory, which Percy agrees to do, feeling happy.

Percy, thinking that he finally has a clean job, is unaware that a patch of oil had been caused by a leakage from a truck in the siding at the chocolate factory. Upon going down a hill near the factory, his brakes are applied but Percy slips on the oily rails, crashes through the wall right into the chocolate factory, goes through the factory and emerges out from the other end, covered in chocolate having never been more dirty than he is now.

When Duck brings Percy back to Tidmouth Sheds, James and Henry tease him about his accident, calling him "pudding Percy" and "choc-ice on wheels". The Fat Controller knows how much work Percy had done despite his problems and the accident; and as he proved that usefulness comes before cleanliness, Percy is rewarded with a washdown and a new coat of paint to boot which makes Percy very happy indeed.




  • As confirmed by Brian Trueman's writing credits, this episode was originally titled Puff Puff Pastry.[1]
  • When Percy comes to a stop once he has crashed through the other side of the factory, CGI smoke is used until real smoke appears.
  • In the US dub, Alec Baldwin gives Harold a Cockney accent.
  • In Days Out with Thomas events in the US, Percy tells the story of this episode with Christopher Ragland voicing Percy since his introduction in 2014. He tells the story word-for-word but it is altered to a first-person dub.
  • This episode marks the only appearance of Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory until the eighth series episode, Chickens to School.
  • The shot of Percy sliding down the hill shouting "Oh no!" is shot in a 4:3 aspect ratio, as opposed to the 16:9 aspect ratio the rest of the episode was shot in.
  • This episode marks the last of four things:
  • A behind the scenes picture shows that Mavis was the engine pushing the Breakdown Train in the yard when Duck brought Percy back to the sheds.
  • The logo of Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory shown in a picture of Percy after his accident is now in possession of Twitter and Instagram user ThomasTankMerch.
  • Percy's original wincing face from the first series may have been used in the shot of Percy crashing into Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory but is offscreen.
  • When Percy has his accident, the chocolate covering him looks fresh. In promotional images and rare pictures, the chocolate on him looks dry.
  • The LT Warehouse from Tugs can be seen when Percy is loading trucks at the Docks. The aforementioned warehouse also appeared in the fifth series episode, Cranky Bugs.
  • This episode aired exactly four years after the fifth series episode, Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday and exactly eighteen years after the television series premiered.
  • Percy's accident may have been inspired by an NJ Transit train crashing into a spaghetti factory in 1982. [1]


  • At the beginning, Oliver has Duck's whistle sound.
  • When Thomas and Duck pass at Tidmouth Beach, Clarabel is facing the wrong way and Duck also looks worried in that scene.
  • In many scenes in this episode Percy's lamp irons are crooked.
  • In a close up of Gordon at the washdown, two workmen's heads are on backwards, one of them has sticky tack under his feet and his buffers are also crooked.
  • The roofs of Percy's chocolate vans (except for one) and his brake van, are either lifted or crooked.
  • Harold's unhappy expression is visible behind his happy expression when he says "Hello, Percy!"
  • In the close-up of the sugar vans, a worm is seen under the second one from the brake van.
  • When Percy's driver applies the brakes, he shakes a little.
  • Percy's sugar vans and brake van disappear in the close-up of him sliding down the hill.
  • When Percy crashes into the factory, the sound effect is slightly off.
  • In the scene where the chocolate splats out of the factory's windows, Percy's train was not seen entering the factory.
  • When Percy is covered with chocolate, his coal dust weathering is completely gone.
  • The narrator says "Back at the sheds, everyone thought it was very funny," but Gordon does not seem amused in either his expression or dialogue.
  • In the first close-up of Percy covered in chocolate over the flatbed, the chocolate looks fresh. However, in the next close-up, it looks dry, the same as it was when Percy pulls out of the factory.
  • In the shot of Gordon at Tidmouth Sheds, his buffers and lamp irons are crooked and he also has stains around his smoke box and buffer beams.


Percy: [after all his dirty work] From now on, I am only doing work where I won't get dirty!

(Percy returns to the sheds, covered in chocolate)
Narrator: Back at the sheds, everyone thought it was very funny.
Thomas: You look good enough to eat!
James: Pudding Percy!
Henry: Choc-ice on wheels!
Gordon: Disgraceful!
The Fat Controller: Ahem! You have had a trying day, Percy.
Percy: (from beneath the chocolate) Yes, Sir.
The Fat Controller: But you showed us all that usefulness does come before cleanliness, so you shall have your washdown…
Percy: Oh, Sir!
The Fat Controller: …And a new coat of paint!
Narrator: Percy just beamed!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Çokollata e Persit
Chinese Mandarin 培西的巧克力危机
Czech Percyho Čokoládová krize
Danish Chokomotivet Percy
Dutch De chocola trein
Finnish Pekkan suklaatehdas
Hungarian Édes Percy
Italian La locomotiva e il cioccolato
Japanese パーシーのチョコクランチ
Korean 더러운 건 싫어
Norwegian Percys sjokoladekræsj
Polish Czekoladowa przekąska Piotrka
Romanian Accidentul cu ciocolată al lui Percy
Russian Перси и его шоколадная корочка
Slovenian Čokoladni Poldi
Swedish Percys chokladdopp
Welsh Persi Blasus Iawn


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Packs




  • Percy's Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas Adventures









DK DVD Boxset









