Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the 2016 magazine story. You may be looking for the episode, the 2014 magazine story or the DVD.

"What lucky horseshoe?"
"Oh, no. I've lost it!"
― Bill and Ben and Percy

Percy's Lucky Day is a magazine story, it was illustrated by using images from the CGI television series.


Percy is busy doing his favourite job, pulling the mail, but things are not going well for him. First, he pulls away from Wellsworth station before the mail is properly loaded causing letters to fly everywhere. Next, Percy sees some pumpkins on the line which have fallen off Bill and Ben's trucks. Percy cannot stop in time and ploughs into them, which makes his wheels very sticky.

Later on, Percy delivers some mail to Ulfstead Castle and meets Stephen. Percy tells him he is the unluckiest engine on Sodor, so the old engine gives Percy his lucky horseshoe. As Percy puffs proudly away, the horseshoe falls off his bufferbeam and the little engine doesn't realise.

The next day, Percy's luck has completely changed; He is on time and doesn't have any incidents at all. Soon, he sees Bill and Ben. Ben has fallen off the track, so Percy offers to help because of his lucky horseshoe. But Bill and Ben cannot see a horseshoe, which leads to Percy realising he must have lost it. Percy knows he still has to help his friend and couples up to Bill. Together, Bill and Percy manage to haul Ben to safety. Percy is happy to have helped his friend, but feels bad about losing Stephen's horseshoe.

When he goes to tell Stephen at Ulfstead Castle, Stephen laughs and tells him he never had the horseshoe in the first place. Percy now knows that he doesn't need a lucky charm; he can make his own luck by working hard and believing he can be a really useful engine.



