This article is about the Slovenian VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the episode or the Malaysian VCD. |
Percy, James and the Fruitful Day (Slovenian: Poldi, Jakob in uspešen dan) is a Slovenian VHS/DVD release featuring ten third series episodes narrated by Vladimir Jurc.
Nove napete dogodivščine LOKOMOTIVČKA TOMAŽA:
English translation
New exciting adventures of THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE:
- Edvard, Brane in res koristna zabava (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
- Brenčanje (Buzz, Buzz)
- Gremo na obalo (All at Sea)
- En pošten obrat (One Good Turn)
- Lokomotive s prikolicami (Tender Engines)
- Sreča v nesreči (Escape)
- Oliver prizna svojo zmoto (Oliver Owns Up)
- Bucko (Bulgy)
- Junaki (Heroes)
- Poldi, Jakob in uspešen dan (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day)