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"Worry wheels!"
"Fussy funnel!"
― Gordon and James to Percy

Percy Gets It Right, retitled Percy Saves the Day on the front cover of one North American release, is the second episode of the seventh series.


One autumn, Percy is puffing along Toby's old line with a train of tomatoes to take to market when he suddenly crosses over a wobbly section of track. His driver inspects the line and sees that the earth under the track is crumbling, which Percy decides to tell the Fat Controller about.

Later, Percy steams into the yard and announces that the track on Toby's line is wobbly. Gordon grumbles and tells him that the track being wobbly just means it is old like Toby and claims it is not important news and leaves. This briefly annoys Percy, as he thinks that Gordon does not want to listen to him.

Next, Percy tries to tell the Fat Controller, but he does not listen to him either, as he is too busy talking to Thomas; he wants Thomas to go and collect the prize bull from the farm on Toby's line. This prompts Percy to warn the Fat Controller that the line is wobbly, but he dismisses this, thinking that it is fine. Percy is briefly annoyed again and begins to think that at this point, nobody cares to listen to him.

Thomas collects the bull and sets off on his way. It is raining and the tracks are wobblier than ever. Up ahead, a landslide occurs right in front of Thomas. He tries to stop, but it is too late as he runs into the soft dirt and gets stuck.

Later that night, Percy is worried that Thomas has not returned to the sheds yet. Gordon and James take no notice, but Percy's driver believes him and they set off to find Thomas. When they do, he finds Thomas buried under the dirt. The two friends are very happy to see each other and Percy pulls Thomas out and helps him to get back home.

When they arrive at the station during the daytime, the Fat Controller is waiting. Thomas announces that Percy saved him and even the bull agrees. The Fat Controller apologises to Percy for not realising what Percy's warning about Toby's line really meant in the first place, and promises that everyone will do a better job of listening to him in the future, which Percy is very pleased to hear.




  • Going by production order, this is the third episode of the seventh series.
  • Extended stock footage from the fifth series episode Thomas and the Rumours is used, as well as an edited deleted scene from the third series episode Thomas Gets Bumped, made to look stormy.
  • Due to the use of stock footage, this episode, Thomas and the Rumours, and the eighth series episode Thomas and the Firework Display all share the same opening shot.
  • After crashing into the landslide, Thomas' face appears to be different. This was the unused third series panicked face edited with a closed mouth; however, the unedited scene was used in promotional material. Additionally, this was the final episode to feature Thomas' panicked face.


  • Because stock footage is used, Annie and Clarabel appear in their old liveries.
  • In some scenes, Percy's eyes are misaligned.
  • There is an editing error in the first shot of Percy on Toby's Branch Line, as he is suddenly shooting out of the frame.
  • Percy stops after he has passed the loose rails, but his vans are still on them. When the guard puts warning flags out, they are out of the way.
  • At the yard:
    • Percy gains a truck and the vans in Percy's train appear to have changed colours.
    • The lower part of Percy's smokebox has a few scratches on it.
  • In the close-ups of Percy at Maithwaite, his cab roof is slightly lifted at the back.
  • The bull's model is out of scale.
  • The narrator says that Thomas' driver puts the brakes on, but his wheels are still moving in the shot of Thomas approaching the landslide.
  • After Thomas crashes, his eyes are misaligned.
  • During some of the shots of Percy worrying about Thomas at Tidmouth Sheds, his cab roof is raised.
  • When Percy leaves Tidmouth Sheds, a black box is attached to his cab to power his headlamp.
  • As Percy is pulling Thomas to Maithwaite, Thomas' wheels are moving at a slower pace than Percy's.
  • When Thomas and Percy arrive at Maithwaite, a camera shadow can be seen.


  • Percy: I've got important news - the tracks on Toby's line are wobbly!
  • Gordon: Huh! Old and wobbly just like Toby! That's not news! Can't stop to listen to your silly chatter! [leaves]
  • Percy: Gordon never listens to me.


In Other Languages

Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 培西是正确的
Czech Percy má pravdu
Danish Percy på sporet
Dutch Percy Had Gelijk
Hungarian Percynek Igaza Van
Italian Percy ha Ragione
Japanese パーシーのいったとおり
Korean 퍼시의 경고
Polish Słuchajcie Piotrusia
Romanian Percy Îndreaptă Lucrurile
Russian Перси понимает правильно
Serbian Persi je u pravu
Swedish Percy gör rätt
Turkish Percy Doğru Yapıyor
Welsh Persi yn Llygad ei el

Home Media Releases


DVD Boxsets




  • Percy Saves the Day and Other Adventures

DVD Boxsets


DVD Packs


DVD Boxsets






DVD Boxsets





