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"You're a very reliable engine!"
― Dowager Hatt to Percy

Percy and the Left Luggage, retitled Percy and the Baggage in American releases, is the twentieth episode of the eleventh series.


It is summertime on the Island of Sodor, which Percy enjoys. One day, the Fat Controller gives Percy four jobs: to deliver the holiday mail, deliver the lights for the town hall, take the children to their summer party and take Dowager Hatt's luggage to the airport before her flight leaves. Percy puffs out of the sheds excitedly.

Percy puffs to a junction, where he is tasked to make a decision: go left to Maithwaite and pick up Dowager Hatt's luggage, or go straight to collect his train at the postal depot. Percy assumes collecting the luggage will be easy and he can do it later, so he continues straight to collect his post train.

Percy makes several stops and uncouples trucks to be unloaded. Afterward, he comes to a junction, where he must once again make a decision: go left to Brendam Docks, or go straight to Maithwaite. Assuming it will be a simple job, Percy ignores Dowager Hatt's luggage again in favour of collecting lights at Brendam Docks.

After finishing his previous job, Percy goes to collect the children and take them to the party, as he has completely forgotten about Dowager Hatt's luggage. Percy collects the children and, later on, stops to take on water. Whilst at the water tower, Percy sees the Fat Controller's car driving to the airport. He then realises that he is late to collect the luggage and he cannot take the children to the party. Percy finds Edward in a siding and tells him everything. Edward is happy to help take the children to the party and Percy races to Maithwaite.

Percy goes as fast as he can to get to the airport before the Fat Controller arrives and is successfully able to make it. Percy and the Fat Controller watch as Jeremy flies with Dowager Hatt and Percy learns to never leave things until the last minute.





  • Because stock footage of Gordon and the Engineer is used, although one is not seen, a shadow at the top of the screen reveals that there are three signals in the shot of Gordon with the express. However, there are only two tracks, so the third signal is redundant. Also, they are all up, so Gordon is technically passing a signal at danger.
  • When Percy sees the Fat Controller's car for the first time driving past him as he takes on water, the car begins to stop at the end of the scene as it goes round the bend.
  • In the Polish dub, Dowager Hatt is referred as male.
  • In the close-up shot of Jeremy with Dowager Hatt, a bit of Jeremy's close-up model can be seen missing, due to the model not being completed.
  • Some of the same people are at both Maron and Peel.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 培西和行李寄存
Croatian Pero i ostavljena prtljaga
Czech Percy a zapomenutá zavazadla
Danish Percy og den Glemte Bagage
Finnish Pekka ja Unohtuneet matkatavarat
German Percy und das vergessene Gepäck
Hungarian Percy és a poggyász
Indonesian Percy Dan Barang bawaan yang Tertinggal
Japanese パーシーとにもつ
Korean 할 일은 그 때 그 때
Latin American Spanish Percy y el Equipaje
Norwegian Percy og bagasjen
Polish Piotruś i Zagubiony Bagaż
Portuguese Percy e a bagagem
Romanian Percy și Bagajul Uitat
Russian Перси и оставленный багаж
Spanish Percy y el Equipaje Olvidado

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